
Junk data in the Vendor's location
Issue in Vendor Import from Origin in regard to the Vendor and Vendor Locations
HDTN-278587 Chart of accounts to Tag Company as the first segment
Match Derivatives - In the Search screen the column Matching Type is not displaying data
Download of Files not working
Dealer Commissions field showing in the End of Day/Checkout of a non-consigned Store
Outside Fuel Discounts not editable for a non-consigned Store
User Import from Feed - Throwing error when user id is blank
Virtual Meter question
[EFT/ACH Information - Customer] Entered details is not saving
HDTN-281871 - Texas Loading fee - Showing in Separate Lines in Tax details instead of total


[Project] Ticket templates and Generate tickets in project (new flow)
[Ticket] 'Template tickets' tab
HDTN-277788 - Add New state WY in Motor Fuel Tax Module
Account for Inside Fuel Discounts and Fuel Deposits
Adjust process flow for Consignment so that the Fuel Sales Reconciliation Report is not generated until after Posting.

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