Voucher Header Fields
Field NameDescription
Company ID

Company ID is automatically assigned based on System Manager > company configuration.

Post Date

The date the Journal was (will be) Posted to the General Ledger.

In 17.3 it is automatically filled by the last day of the open period after the latest close period.


Currency used in the transaction.

By default is set to the functional currency.

Reverse Date

Reverse date is the date where the GJ will be reserve.

Posting with reverse date will automatically create reversed transaction posted on this date.

Recurring Template Checkbox

Option used to create a Recurring template. Recurring GJ can not be posted. They are a template for future postings.

Record Number

This is automatically assign by the system.

Will based on System Manager > Starting Number.

DescriptionThis will give short description about the transaction.
Account ID

The Account ID used is the transaction.

List has no AR, AP and Cash Accounts.

Account DescriptionDescription of the Account ID
Transaction DescriptionSame as the Description
Doc DateDocumented date of the transaction, not necessarily same as the post date.
DebitDebit Entry based on functional currency
Foreign DebitRequired if the Currency is non-functional currency
CreditCredit Entry based on functional currency
Foreign CreditRequired if the Currency is non-functional currency
Debit UnitDebit Unit Entry based on functional currency
Credit UnitCredit Unit Entry based on functional currency
Terms DiscountThis is the computed discount based on the terms used.
OverrideOption used to override the computed discount.
Out of BalanceWill show the difference of Total Debit and Total Credit, if it is not 0 this will disable posting function.
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