1. Open a Consumption Sites screen wherein the Billing By is set to Tank.
  2. Navigate to Delivery History tab. Select a record in the grid, and then click the View Detail button. Note that the View Detail button is accessible only when the selected delivery history has multiple invoices.

    Here is a sample Delivery Detail screen.

  1. Open a Consumption Sites screen wherein the Billing By is set to Tank.
  2. Navigate to Delivery History tab. Select a record in the grid, and then click the View Detail button. Note that the View Detail button is accessible only when the selected delivery history has multiple invoices.

    Here is a sample Delivery Detail screen.
  1. Open a Consumption Sites screen wherein the Billing By is set to Tank.
  2. Navigate to Delivery History tab. Select a record in the grid, and then click the View Detail button. Note that the View Detail button is accessible only when the selected delivery history has multiple invoices.

    Here is a sample Delivery Detail screen.
  1. Open a Consumption Sites screen wherein the Billing By is set to Tank.
  2. Navigate to Delivery History tab. Select a record in the grid, and then click the View Detail button. Note that the View Detail button is accessible only when the selected delivery history has multiple invoices.

    Here is a sample Delivery Detail screen.


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