Update Work Order Status after Inventory Shipment is saved.

Issue No: IC-12367
Created 09/15/2023 08:35 AM
Type Feature
Priority Critical
Status Ready to Test
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 24.1

This issue relates to i21 Help Desk ticket: HDTN-312875 - Agronomy for i21 Epic - Continuation


1. Create items

2. Add stocks to items via Inventory Receipt

3. Create and save work order for items

4. Create Inventory Shipment

5. Process the created work order to Inventory Shipment via Add Orders screen



Work order status needs to be updated after processing to inventory shipment and saving.

A stored procedure is created to be called after IS is saved.

See AGR-27 


Requirement for Shipment After Save:

Please add uspAGWOUpdateOrderShipmentStatus in uspICInventoryShipmentAfterSave. 

It will update the 'status' of the work order and how much of the order was already converted to shipment.