Incoming Documents is used to process documents such as vouchers.


  1. You must have a Custom Model created for the document you plan to process in the Incoming Documents screen.

How to Process Documents in Incoming Documents

  1. From the IDP module, click Incoming Documents.
  2. The Incoming Documents screen will appear.
  3. To upload documents click the Add Documents button.
  4. The Add Documents screen will appear.
  5. Click the Select Files button.
  6. Select the documents you want to use and click the Upload button to start uploading.
  7. The Uploaded documents will now be added to the Incoming Documents grid.
  8. Select the documents you want to process and click Process button.
  9. After clicking the Process button, the progress message will display the progress.
  10. After the documents finish processing, the Processed Results screen will be displayed.
  11. To open a created voucher, just click the Record No. hyperlink. It will redirect the user to Voucher screen.