1. Log in as Admin user
  2. On user’s menu panel, go to System Manager menu then click Company Configuration
  3. On System Manager panel, type the currency or select a value on the Functional Currency and Reporting Currency combo boxes
  4. Type the country on the Country combo box or select from the list
  5. Select an Environment Type to change the header color depending in the environment of app
    1. Environment type colors:


      Month End

  6. Select a Currency Decimals from 0 - 6. This will configure all decimals in the system. If the currency decimal value is 4 then all screen will show up to 4 decimals, unless this setup is overridden. 
  7. Select a default Terms, this will be the default term for vendor entities created from a different entity.
  8. Select the Report Date Format, all dates in the report viewer/screen will show on the selected format, unless overridden
    1. MM/dd/yyyy - this is the default value
    2. M/d/yyyy
    3. M/d/yy
    4. MM/dd/yy
    5. yy/MM/dd
    6. yyyy/MM/dd
    7. dd/MM/yyyy
  9. Select the Report Number Format, all numbers in the report viewer/screen will show on the selected format, unless overridden
    1. 1,234,567.89 - this is the default value
    2. 1.234.567,89
  10. Click Save button to implement the setup
  11. Or click the Done button to save and close the screen

Saved currency and country will be used as defaults on all modules.

  1. Log in as Admin user
  2. On user’s menu panel, go to System Manager folder then click Company Configuration
  3. On System Manager panel, type the currency or select a value on the Functional Currency and Reporting Currency combo boxes

  4. Type the country on the Country combo box or select from the list
  5. Select an Environment Type to change the header color depending in the environment of app

    Environment type colors:
    Production (Default)


    Month End

  6. Click Ok button to implement the setup
  1. Log in as Admin user
  2. On user’s menu panel, go to System Manager folder then click Company Configuration
  3. On System Manager panel, type the currency or select a value on the Functional Currency and Reporting Currency combo boxes

  4. Type the country on the Country combo box or select from the list
  5. Select an Environment Type to change the header color depending in the environment of app

    Environment type colors:
    Production (Default)


    Month End

  6. Click Ok button to implement the setup
  1. Log in as Admin user
  2. On user’s menu panel, go to System Manager folder then click Company Configuration
  3. On System Manager panel, type the currency or select a value on the Functional Currency and Reporting Currency combo boxes

  4. Type the country on the Country combo box or select from the list
  5. Select an Environment Type to change the header color depending in the environment of app

    Environment type colors:
    Production (Default)


    Month End

  6. Click Ok button to implement the setup
  1. Log in as Admin user
  2. On user’s menu panel, go to System Manager folder then click Company Preferences
  3. On System Manager panel, type the currency or select a value on the Functional Currency and Reporting Currency combo boxes

  4. Type the country on the Country combo box or select from the list
  5. Select an Environment Type to change the header color depending in the environment of app

    Environment type colors:


    Month End

  6. Click Ok toolbar button to implement the setup
  1. Log in as Admin user
  2. On user’s menu panel, go to System Manager folder then click Company Preferences
  3. On System Manager panel, type the currency on the Currency combo box or select from the list
  4. Type the country on the Country combo box or select from the list
  5. Click Ok toolbar button to save the setup
  1. From Admin folder, double click Company Preferences
  2. On Settings panel, select the Currency from Currency combo box
  3. Select the Country from Country combo box
  4. Click Ok toolbar button to save the setup