A Column Chart , also known as a bar chart, is a chart with rectangular bars of lengths usually proportional to the magnitudes or frequencies of what they represent. The bars can be horizontally or vertically oriented.

Configuration Option:

LegendbooleanfalseTitle of the axis
Heightnumber250The height of the chart in pixels
Colorboolean/numberbaseGraph coloring
Label Positionnumber0Labeling graphs
Axis X: Column Namestring
The Column Name of where we get the data.
Axis X: Title/Legendstring
Title to be set on the chart
Axis X: Display Titlebooleanfalse
Axis X: Formatstringnumber
Axis Y: Column Namestring
The Column Name of where we get the data.
Axis Y: Title/Legendstring
Title to be set on the chart
Axis Y: Display Titlebooleanfalse
Axis Y: Formatstringnumber

Sample Panel Settings:

Difference on Bar and Bar Stacked can be traced on chart panel using 2 series. Please see below for an example:

Column Chart 2 Series Setup:

Sample Result:

Column Stacked Chart 2 Series Setup:

Sample Result: