Objective: To be able to manage the hours and schedule of the resources 


  1. Go to Help Desk> Tickets> Time Tracking Tab
  2. Click +Add Estimated Hours
  3. Add the details on the Agent, Estimated Hours, Date and Item Number field
  4. To add more resources, click on the next line or click on '+Add Estimated hours' again.
  5. Once done, click Save.

You may also add Estimated hours for a resource on the Time Entry Screen.

  1. Go to Help Desk> Time Entry
  2. Choose the agent, Fiscal year, Period and Date
  3. Add the required fields when entering estimated hours for an agent: Date, Ticket, Item, Estimated Hours

      4. Once done, click Save 

Once you've logged all the Estimated hours, you may view the report on the rough cut capacity screen