Here are the steps on how to create a Load Schedule:

Direct Load Schedule Creation from Menu:

  1. Go to Logistics module> Load Schedule. If there's an existing allocation batch, Search Load Schedule screen will open. Otherwise, New Load Schedule screen will open automatically.
  2. Click on the New button of Load Schedule- search screen and a new fresh Load Schedule screen will open.

  3. The Load No. will be generated automatically while saving the record.
  4. Click on Save button to save the record.

  5. User can create a new load schedule by click on New button and find the list of saved schedules by click on search button.

    Load Schedule Creation from Generate Load:
    User can create load schedules from Generate  Load screen. Please refer help page on Generate Load Screen.

To edit an existing record.

  1. Open an existing record.
  2. Edit the required details and save.