The Receive Payments Detail screen can be used to enter advanced deposits received from your customer. Below are the steps in doing this.

  1. Go to Sales | Receive Payment Details menu.
  2. Some of the fields, like Date Paid, LocationDeposit Account, and Currency, are populated by default. You can still change the value of these fields if necessary. Refer to Receive Payments Detail | Field Description to help you in filling out the fields.
  3. Select the Customer the prepayment belongs to.
  4. In the Amount Paid field, enter the prepayment amount from the customer. 
  5. Select a Payment Method.
  6. Fill out other fields as needed.
  7. Post the transaction.

    When you create another Receive Payments Detail for the customer, the prepayment will be displayed in the grid as a negative amount. You can then use it to offset or pay customer invoices.