This section displays the Selection summary details of a particular item as shown in the below screenshot:

Selected Demand QtyDisplays the Selected Demand Quantity
Mfg. CellDisplays the Manufacturing Cell
MachineDisplays the Machine number
Blender SizeDisplays the Blender Size
Est. No. of SheetsDisplays the automatically calculated Estimated number of Blend Sheets (Quantity/Blend Bin Size)
Requirement QtyDisplays the Requirement Quantity

NOTE: The fields Mfg.Cell, Machine and Est. No. Of Sheets can be edited. Changing the Machine may change the Blender Size based on which the Est. No. of Sheets are calculated. Request Qty is calculated based on Est.No. of Sheets and Blender Size.

For example, if the Blender Size of the selected machine is 2000 then the Est.No. of Sheets are 5 (10000/2000) . If the machine is changed and the Blender Size is 4000, then the Est. No. of Sheets are 2.5.

Following are some of the Demand Types which are sent by BPCS based on a few validations:

  1. M - Minimum Balance - If inventory in a specific location goes below the minimum balance configured for that item, BPCS sends this type of demand.
  2. S - Shop Order - Every Shop Order for an FG (Finished Goods) item will trigger this type of demand for a blend.
  3. C - Customer Order - Every Customer Order generated for a blend will trigger this type of demand.