OverviewLot Move screen can be used to move a lot completely or partially from its existing location to a different storage location. If user specified entire lot quantity then lot will be moved to new storage location. If user specifies partial quantity a new lot will be created with the same lot id in destination location. 

The source and destination location could be in the same or different factory warehouses

When there is partial quantity to be moved to different location, the system creates new lot but with same lot ID which will make it clear that the same lot is stored in different locations partially

This process creates MOVE and MOVE_CREATE transactions in the current and the new lots respectively

This transaction can be undone from both the lots

"Move Lot" window can be opened by clicking on the menu option  "Move Lot" 

Field descriptions:




Lot ID

Lot ID of the selected Lot

Item No

Item associated with Lot

DescriptionDescription of the item

Source Sub Location

Current sub location of Lot

Source Storage LocationCurrent storage location
QuantityTotal quantity of the Lot


Unit of measure for available quantity

No of Packs

Displays the physical number of lot

Pack UOM

Unit of measure for packs

New Sub LocationSub location where lot will be move
New Storage LocationStorage location where lot will be moved

Quantity to Move

Quantity to be moved
UOMUnit of measure for quantity 


To move a lot from one location to another location: