
Create new menu for Logistic Insurer,
Rename Dispatch Loads to 'Mass Dispatch Loads' in Logistics module
Execute uspGLImportRecurring before SM Data migration of recurring transactions
Update User Profile
Terminal to Customer Freight needs to use Zip Code and not Supply Point
Additional field in vyuARCustomerSearch
Request for optional parameter that will by pass the validation for non existing record
Additional searchconfig in Search Grid that will disable double click cell event
Audit Log for Edit Account screen
EditCOAFields should enherit BaseEntity
Link the help button to the Help documentation URL
Impact changes for intContractNumber renamed to strContractNumber.
Additional field in vyuICGetItemStock
Impact changes for intContractNumber renamed to strContractNumber.
G/L posting of taxes in Inventory Receipt
Impact changes for intContractNumber renamed to strContractNumber.
Update Tax Table component to latest version 2015.12
Add an Expense Account field in the Deduction screen
Impact changes for intContractNumber renamed to strContractNumber.
Impact changes for intContractNumber renamed to strContractNumber.
AR: Create sql view of unposted transactions
Provide values for the new parameters added to uspCTUpdateScheduleQuantity SP
Need to handle creating and updating Invocie
Impact changes for intContractNumber renamed to strContractNumber.
Provide values for the new parameters added to uspCTUpdateScheduleQuantity SP
Impact changes for intContractNumber renamed to strContractNumber.

New Feature

Add Cards from the Accounts Grid
Update Account List to Include Cards Detail

Company Registration
Entity - Contracts Tab - Delta
Add Customer Entity Location to Pricing Tab
Do not continue opening the screen when no record.
GL - Do not continue opening the screen when no record.
Inv Shipment - Add "Quality" button on Shipment Detail grid
PO - update fields when selecting a contract.



Index Maintenance Update
Add option to make connection visible in Dashboard selection
Tariff Tab Clean up
Label tax grids on customer
Delta - Entity Customer Pricing Changes
Comments - when you add a comment to Purchasing and hit send I see no action.
File Name of exported file



Add Refresh Button to HelpDesk Ticket Screen
Ticket Number on Reminder List should be a link and can drilldown back to ticket.
Item > GL Accounts tab - Kit and Bundle type should not require account setup
Inventory Receipt > Charge & Invoice - Cost Method = Amount but it required Rate
Need to update Gross and Net from Transport Load in to Inventory Receipt
Creating IR sp should handle create and updating existing records
Item -> Pricing -> Special Pricing - Rename Special Pricing tab to Promotional Pricing
Inv Receipt -> Other Charges - Drop Cost Billed By, Add Accrue and Price check boxes
Driver Update on Direct Shipments
Add Dispatched Indicator and Date to the Load Schedule Grid
Load Schedule - Ability to Jump from Inbound Record to Outbound on Direct Shipments
Generate Loads - Defaults on Direct Shipments
Update Unit Cost on Bill from contract.
Update available/scheduled quantity in contract on a Purchase Order
Back up data of origin bill details (apeglmst) when importing.
Allow to import origin bills with the same vendor order number.
On-going import of bills should not stop if there are validations that can be change on the screen.
Create Splits for Invoices
Cannot use existing batch posting invoice SP from transport posting
Create procedure to update scheduled quantity on sales contracts when attached to a Sales Order
Invoice Search Grid to Show Entered By
Need sales data incorporated into tax reporting

Data Fix

Item - Sales tax data entered in 15.2 is not available in 15.3
HDTN-168556 - Imported Invoice from Origin are coming in without detail when apeglmst and tblAPaptrxmst has detail


Incorrect amount sign displayed in Print Checks screen
Sort ascending and sort descending does not work in Bank Account Register screen
Resizing the screen smaller than default screen size in Bank Recon should not be allowed
ACH bank file generation
Changing of Bank Account in Print Checks should not be limited
Clear All Print Check option removes records
To Print of Print Checks screen is not displaying full label
New record bank create another new record from New toolbar button
Bank File Export (NACHA ACH) Does Nothing when I Click Generate
Not able to save record in "Bank Accounts" in a DB without origin tables
User can modify restricted Company Location when received through Email
Terms screen display issue
Add a validation on Rate field column on Tax Code screen
Terms: Clicking another tab changes the status of the screen to Edited
Some transactions are being posted even if not selected Batch Posting Details screen
Cannot drill into Bill Template record from History screen
Error occured on companylocation store.
Recap Transaction screen becomes blank after minimizing>closing>reopening
Favorites are not displaying after Origin Integration is turned OFF
Remove extra Container Menus in Warehouse module.
Payroll module is missing in the Company Preferences
Allow negative and zero value for adjustment in contract sequence
Scheduled Quantity not getting updated when using contract in scale
Records are misaligned on drill down panel
Records are not being exported when panel has multiple filtering.
Internal Server error after removing field on query and column settings
Panel pulling from origin table is not displaying records
Conditional Format is not working on Date using between condition
Conditional format is not working on string fields using Between condition when Apply to is Cell
irelydashboard sql user fails connection
Duplicate match found even with no entered details
Error on Export if the returned record is too many?
Exporting seems freezes the process
Error on Export when 0 record
New button on search screen is disabled when Detail tab is active
Unable to export on search screens
Export bar did vanish on lost focus
Column Bindings are not using grid for hierarchy purposes
Contract Combo box of Load Schedule screen is not available in the Add Control Permissions
Allow user to enter negative decimal value
Error exporting on SM screens
Drop down stays open
Error appears when exporting with filter
Remove double line border on tab control of General Journal screen
cannot change time on Date Time control if its in grid
Layout button does not have an item id
All numeric fields are not displaying it's default value '0.00' upon opening of screen and upon editing the numeric field, when click NEW button the value stays.
BRANCH NET INCOME is not matching
Hidden accounts are imported with blank balance side
Foreigh Amount are not posting to the GLDetail
Cannot create new accounts
GL Account Detail filter does not option for Account Id
Account Group - Editing should not be allowed on the system account groups and account type
Not able to create GL accounts
Record is unposted/posted when unpost/post in Recap
Unpost button should be changed to Reverse
Overlap message is incorrectly displaying
Editing Account is throwing out an error
Account ranges is not checked if Integration is OFF in Account Templates
Cannot import Location or Business segments
Error closing FY
GL out of balance on units on detailed trial balance report
Units are removed when no criteria is selected
CLONE - GL out of balance on units on detailed trial balance report
In Scale screen, getting invalid message when Ship Via is space
Manual distribution is having an issue with the Storage Schedule
Manual Distribution screen should be Modal.
Save message is popping up after hitting on the Auto Assign button in the Manually Distribute Tickets screen.
In the Manually Distribute Tickets screen, Remaining field has a display issue
Customer Contact photo is cut.
Messed up reply area.
Unable to add ticket reminder.
15.3.0803.335 Patch Update Failed
Modify message when ap account is missing
Item>Setup>Cost tab - Cost Type combo box header
Inventory Receipt > Charges & Invoice tab - rename combo box header to Allocate Cost By
Inventory Receipt - Contract No. to show in Order No. field when Inbound Shipment is selected
SP uspICInventoryAdjustment_CreatePostLotMerge is not calculating dblQty and dblWeight in source lot consumed and new lot created.
Inventory Receipt - Received field not filled in and Container is gone after Receiving
Inventory Receipt - Unit Cost does is not shown when Receipt UOM is selected
Inventory Receipt - Sub Location and Storage Location are not defaulted from Item Location
Inventory Shipment - Unit Price and Line total showing in whole numbers
Item > Setup tab > GL Accounts - required account categories for Other Charge type of items
Inventory Receipt > Charges & Invoice tab- default for Allocate Cost By and making it a required field
Disable the Order No. drop-down until Vendor ID is selected.
Inventory Receipt - Storage Location in the Lot Tracking grid is not populated by what is on Item grid
Inventory Receipt\Details\First Grid\Order number gets reset to source number
Inventory Receipt\Details Tab\First Grid\System populates information even after they are selected
Inventory Receipt\Details Tab\Container Number in lot tracking grid should auto populate if available in the first grid
Inventory Receipt\Charges & Invoice Tab\ Duplication of Charges
Inv Adjustment - GL posting wrong values, last cost in pricing tab wrong
Inventory Adjustment - placing cursor on UOM field resulted to Console error
Inventory Adjustment - Unit Cost did not update based on UOM used by the Lot Id selected
Inventory Adjustment - Cost did not compute based on UOM set for the lot selected
Storage Location - Does not allow same Storage Name for different Company Location
Inv Receipt - Gross/Net UOM is required for entering Gross and Net values
Inventory Receipt - Inventory Receipt Taxes screen does not show Tax Details
When Generating a Load for a Direct Shipment the Type Shows as Direct Shipment instead of Inbound/Outbound
Generate Loads, after clicking the grid to sort data entry has problems.
Link from Contract Screen to Load Schedule has problems.
Generate Loads Date Formatting
Load Schedule Grid has invalid Column Label
Shipment Scheduled Date does not populate for outbound loads on a direct shipment
Unallocated Open Contract – Sales side Alloc Qty and Unalloc Qty is showing wrong: -
Load schedule – application hanged if we click on outbound button after clicking on ‘yes’ on the confirmation message before saving: -
Employees with higher rank shows up in the Process Pay Groups
Earning and Deduction Taxes Calculation Type displays undefined in the Employee screen
Overtime and Rate Factor calculation type is not applied in the Employee Template screen
Save message confirmation is displaying when you click the Close button in Batch Posting Details
It allows to approve the incomplete Employee Time Entries
Unable to associate other Earnings if the Calculation type is Overtime or Rate Factor
Employee No in Timecard screen is not in alphabetical order
Pay groups does not allow selection/saving of Bank Account
Bank Account fields does not display the correct data if the Origin Integration is On
Incorrect displaying of Amounts in Paycheck Recap after deleting any in paycheck details
Timesheet toolbar button from Paycheck screen is not working
Taxes, Earnings and Deductions Default checkbox does not get the default value from the Employee Template
Error message displayed when Recap the posted Paycheck
Pay Group Description is editable in Process Pay Groups screen
Deduction Expense Account should be required if the selected Paid By is Company
Cannot post bill batch entry
On-going import bills caused the posted bills to add details when they are the same transactions.
Duplicate toolbar button of Bills screen is truncated
Failed to save PO
Hide the recurring checkbox on the bill entry screen.
Imported bills should have a default ship from and ship to.
tblAPAppliedPrepaidAndDebit - change intContractNumber to strContractNumber
Software type item is looking for available stock
PO Required is enabled but can save transaction with blank PO number
Sales Analysis: Blank screen opened
Sales Analysis: Export generate multiple files
Sales Analysis: Remove New and View buttons
Sales Analysis: Issues on sales analysis report
Change on screen title
Cannot create a new email template
Incorrect email format when customer has no email template
CLONE - Rounding off caused Unbalanced debit/credit on invoice
Customer Aging: Transactions that fall on 61-90 bracket are being added to 31-60 bracket
View button not functioning on Credit Memo
SO Invoice pop up
Tax Report: Includes tax from transactions that are not yet posted
Unapplied Credits: Blank Date
Credits amount due is displayed as positive amount
Prevent Contract dropdown on a Sales Order without Customer selected.
Service Charge account is used when item has no General account setup
Sales Invoice - Price with 3 decimals or more does not extend properly
Sales Invoice - Price clears out when changing quantity
Type field is blank when Quote is processed to SO
Invoice History: payment sorting
Payment History: Total Records
Invoice History: Total Records
Need As of Date for Customer Aging Report
New invoice format
Blank Due Date
Application resetting vendor for all the item if user changes vendor for one Item
Multiple issues in Stores screen
Site Status is Edited After On Hold Expired
Invalid object vyuTMOriginOption
Price does not show full decimals.
Transport Load screen is not pulling receipt and distribution details when selecting a direct shipment load with only purchase contract