1. A Primary entity is required to merge entities
  2. There can only be one Primary
  3. When two entities are merged, the Primary entity is the one that the others will be merged into. 
  1. Open an entity search screen then click the New button
  2. Add values to fields with the duplicate values for the entities to be merged
  3. Click the Find Duplicates toolbar button

  4. On Duplicate Entities screen, select 1 Primary
  5. Select the entities to be merged
  6. Click Merge toolbar button

    1. Once merging is successful, this message will appear
    2. Entity screen will show after clicking OK button on message box


  1. On Duplicate Entities screen, select 1 Primary
  2. Select the entities to be merged
  3. Click Merge toolbar button
    1. Once merging is successful, this message will appear
    2. Entity screen will show after clicking OK button on message box
  1. A Primary entity is required to merge entities
  2. There can only be one Primary
  3. When two entities are merged, the Primary entity is the one that the others will be merged into. 
  4. Merging of 2 entities of the same type is not allowed
  1. On Duplicate Entities screen, select 1 Primary
  2. Select the entities to be merged
  3. Click Merge toolbar button
    1. Once merging is successful, this message will appear
    2. Entity screen will show after clicking OK button on message box