The following will guide you on how transfer of the same Quantity and Weight to the new lot.

  1. In the grid area,
    1. Select an item 
    2. Select Sub Location 
    3. Select Storage Location
    4. Select Lot ID
    5. In the New Quantity field enter 0. This is to transfer all of the item on the selected lot to another lot number.
    6. Leave:
      • New Split Lot UOM field
      • New Split Lot Qty field
    7. In the Wgt UOM field, it will show the original wgt uom when item was received
    8. In the Net Weight field, it will show the original wgt when item was received
    9. In the New Wgt UOM field, select the same UOM as that of the Wgt UOM field
    10. In the New Net Weight field enter the new weight (in this example, decrease the original weight)
  2. Save the record and post it later or you may directly post this transaction.
    1. Save the record. You can click Save or use the shortcut key Ctrl+S. In case you miss to save it and you click the Close or the x button at the top right corner of the screen or use the shortcut key Alt+X or Esc , i21 will prompt you if you would like to save it before closing the screen.
    2. Post Inventory Adjustment. See How to Unpost Inventory Adjustment.