Delete Transaction via Transaction Search Screen

  1. From Card Fueling module, click Transaction menu. The Transaction search screen will be displayed. 
    The default tab on Transaction screen is the Unposted Transaction tab.

  2. Click Delete All toolbar button to delete all existing Unposted Transaction.

  3.  Enter/Select the following required fields: 
    Location Portion: Network, Transaction Date, Site, Site Group, Transaction Type
    Customer Portion: Card
    Item Portion: Item, Quantity
    Pricing Portion: Transfer/Inv Cost *
    In case of Price Method is equal to Remote and Ext Remote Price Profile (except for Basis = Remote Pricing Index)

  4. Click Save toolbar button. The Transaction Number will append on the screen title. 
    Pricing information will be autopopulated. 

  5. Click the Close toolbar button or X button.
    In the Transaction search screen, the created transaction will be listed.