Here are the steps on adding meter account record:

  1. Go to Meter Billing > Meter Account and click New button.
  2. Select Customer from Customer combo box.
  3. Select Customer Location from Location combo box.
  4. Select Terms from Terms combo box.
  5. Select Price either Gross or Net.
    > When Gross is selected, Net will be recomputed based on the entered value on Gross field of Meter Reading.
    > When Net is selected, Gross will be recomputed based on the entered value on Net field of Meter Reading.
  6. Select Consignment Group from Consignment Group combo box.
  7. Select Company Location from Company Location combo box.
  8. Enter the grid details. Refer to Meter Account |  Field Description | Grid Details to help you in filling out the fields.
  9. Click Save button.