This is the main transaction of the module.

To access Meter Reading screen, go to Meter Billing > Meter Reading and click New or open existing record.


Transaction No : Transaction ID that will be generated once the transaction is saved.

Customer : Select customer from combo box that has Meter Account setup

Location : Will get populated once a customer of a specific location is selected

Company Location : Will get populated once a customer of a specific location is selected based on Meter Account setup

Transaction Date : Enter valid date or select date from date picker

Invoice Comment : Enter any comments that will show on createsd Invoice > Comments field once the transaction is posted

Grid Details:

Key/Meter No. : Will get populated based on the Customer Meter Account selected > Key/Meter No.

Item : Will get populated based on the Customer Meter Account selected > Item

Gross Price : Will pull the Item's Retail Price (will be recomputed when transaction is taxable once saved)

Net Price : Will pull the Item's Retail Price (will be recomputed when transaction is taxable once saved)

Last Reading : Will get populated based on the Customer Meter Account selected > Last Meter Reading

Current Reading : Enter numeric value for the current reading

Qty Sold : Current reading - Last Reading

Last Dollars : Will get populated based on the Customer Meter Account selected > Last Total Sales Dollars

Dollars Owed : Gross Price * Qty Sold

Current Dollars : Enter numeric value for the current dollars

Dollars Sold : Current Dollars - Last Dollars

Dollars Difference : Dollars Owed - Current Dollars

