1. On the user’s menu panel go to Common Info folder then click Report Messages
  2. Click the New button to open a new blank screen
  3. Enter details on the header fields

    TitleDescriptive title of the report message
    CodeCreated upon saving
    LocationCan select from a list of company locations
    Line of BusinessCan select from a list of lines of business
    CustomerCan select from a list of customer entities
    SourcePulls from source on Invoice, SO and Quote.
    TypeStandard | Software | Tank Delivery | Service Charge | Provisional Invoice
    Copy AllThe message will be copied on all documents based on whichever field you are currently in. 
  4. Enter details on the grid panel

    Header / FooterThis will determine which field the message will go into.
    Character LimitLimit of the message
    MessageMessage that will show in the Header or Footer
    Check boxesReports where the messages will be printed
  5. Click Save