The Lease Billing Above Min Use Incentive screen can be used to configure the incentive program for a lease billing based on site capacity and minimum usage. There are instances when a discount or incentive is given to a customer that has consumed more than the defined minimum usage. For example, a 500 gal capacity is configured to have a Minimum Usage of 250 gals; if customer A with the same site capacity received more than 250 gals of delivery, then this customer will not be billed for leasing the tank. Otherwise, the same lease amount will be billed to the customer.

To further illustrate this,

The logic above will only apply to Leases with Billing Type set to Gallons.

Field Description

Enable Lease Billing Above Min Use Incentives - Check this if the you want to use the incentive program. If this option is deselected, the Bill Amount field on Lease Billing screen will always equal to the Lease Amount.

Site Capacity - Enter the consumption sites' Total Capacity.

Minimum Usage - Enter the minimum consumption before the customer can receive an incentive.
