Here are the steps on how to roll contracts:

  1. From the Contract Management >  select Roll Contracts.
  2. It will open Roll Contract Screen as below.
  3. The highlighted fields are mandatory to fetch contracts.
  4. Select Future Market from the Future Market drop down.
  5. Select desire month from the Month/Year drop down.
  6. Select UOM from the UOM drop down.
  7. Select currency from the Currency drop down.
  8. Select Contract type Purchase or sales from the drop down.
  9. Click on fetch button to get the existing contracts.
  10. To enter roll details, select Roll to market from the drop down.
  11. Select Roll to month to roll the exising contract month.
  12. Enter new basis at Spread Value field.
  13. To enter fees enter value in the Roll Fee field.
  14. Choose a new end date from the New end date calandar.
  15. Select the Contracts you want to roll.
  16. Click on Roll button.
  17. It willl roll the contract to the new makrket and month with new basis value.