Here are the steps on how to create manual checkout:

  1. From Store menu, click Mark Up/Down. 

2. Click New button

3. Enter Store, Valid Date, Enter shift no, this should not be greater than the number of shifts in a day setup in Store, Select Type: Item Level and Department Level. Select Adjustment type: Write Off

4. Fill out the Grid (Item Level):

    1. Item No (Required)
    2. Mark Up/down
    3. Quantity
    4. Retail per unitLink
    5. Total Retail 
    6. Total Cost (disabled if adjustment type is regular )
    7. Reason 

5. Fill out the Grid (Department Level):

    1. Category (Required)
    2. Mark Up/down 
    3. Quantity
    4. Retail per unit
    5. Total Retail 
    6. Total Cost disabled if adjustment type is regular )
    7. Reason

6. Click Save button to proceed.