
HDTN-231754 - Negative Inventory need to show in the Mark to Market 
[Drill down] Unable to drill down origin screen
HDTN-231929 - Voucher Import Failed
POS: Batch Process status bar should not disappear if the process is still ongoing
POS: Continues loading is displayed after printing a return transaction
POS: Sales left out Pending after POS Batch Process
Customer Statement: Cannot do a Preview All
POS: Cannot login to POS when another user is running POS Batch Process
Importing > Support 'YYYY-MM-DDHH:MM:SS TT' date time format 
[Voucher] - Extra line created when quantity crossed two contracts.
IR Cost for Basis Contract is only getting the Settlement price from Risk 
[Delivery Sheet] - Changing Split Percentage does not re-calc storage
[Delivery Sheet] - Unable to Post 1001-18068
Re-distributing Scale Ticket after pricing the Basis Contract still checks Basis Entry from Risk
[Voucher] - Cannot pay voucher with voided payment