As Of:  This field is editable and it’s a date control. It will contain minimum date as current date. It’s a mandatory field.

Type: This field is non-editable but user has to select the Adjustment type from dropdown. User can perform two types of adjustment.

Amount: This is editable field. User has to enter amount how much he is willing do the adjustment.

Comment: This field is not mandatory. User can enter comments for the adjustment. It will accept maximum of 250 characters.


Use Account: This is used as the description for the adjustment transaction. It is a mandatory and non-editable but user has to select value from drop down. It contains following options.

Show As: Provided a way for Adjustments to be shown in different “transaction types” on various reports. User can select an entry from the dropdown, and that particular Adjustment will be shown under that selection but not as “Adjustment”.


Integration with General Ledger: when user makes the adjustment then two entries will be inserted into (Journal Entries) with an adjustment amount.