Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titlei21 Inventory
Inconsistent naming on field label

Data Fix




titlei21 Common Info
Add Prefix for Starting number - Dividend Number
Changed Bill to Voucher in Reminder List.


titlei21 Sales
Data fix for Undeposited payments from old process



titlei21 Card Fueling
Remote and Ext Remote Price Profile IDs are not required if Network Type of PacPride exists
Saved Remote A/R Location and Sub Distributor Site field values are not displayed when Network > Details screen is retrieved
Transaction screen - Incorrect format for Price
Fee Profile screen displays incorrect column headings (Last Used Date)
Origin Convertion Screen
Site Group screen - Type field should be required and with drop-down options
User cannot view multiple CF accounts in Account screen
Required block of codes missing in Card Fueling web.config
Site screen - Site Type should be a required field
Capability to set Import Mapping to a Network (for local network importing)
User cannot add a Site Item, error message displays on saving


titlei21 Common Info
Company Locations: Internal Server Error appears when editing a certain record
Tax Code: Can only select 1 tax from Taxable by Other Taxes field using combo box filter
User can modify restricted Company Location when received through Email
Terms screen display issue
Add a validation on Rate field column on Tax Code screen
Terms: Clicking another tab changes the status of the screen to Edited
Some transactions are being posted even if not selected Batch Posting Details screen
Cannot drill into Bill Template record from History screen
Error occured on companylocation store.
Recap Transaction screen becomes blank after minimizing>closing>reopening
Favorites are not displaying after Origin Integration is turned OFF
Payroll module is missing in the Company Preferences
Add Tax Form 15.4
Tabbing on Create New User screen does not work
Company Locations: Cannot tab to External check box field from Classification combo box
Display exception message on Result Screen when General Ledger encounter error in Batch Posting.
Error message displayed "This record no longer exists" when navigating modules from the Company Preferences
Should show progress bar
System Manager Company Preference > Origin Integration Option should be readonly if no origin schema
Cannot save terms without origin integration
Default value of Default Currency on company pref should be null
Profile is displaying as "SECURITY" when login with user "TESTPT"
Failed to load resources on Search Tax Code when saved layout is selected
Batch Posting should open the transactions specific to the module
GJ Transactions are not appearing on Racap Transactions screen when using Select All
Change error message when logging in with invalid company
Tax Code: Time slider is not shown on date picker of Effective date
Filter on Recap Transaction screen is not working
Tax Code G/L Selection
Remove Always Option from Use Locoation Addres on the Company Location Screen
User Role screen did not close after closing Create New User Role screen via X button
Missing filter conditions for Active criteria
Reminders should not pop-up if there are none
Company Locations record error
Slow role dropdown on Import Users
Search User Roles: Failed to load resources appear after removing layout filter
Blank Recap on Batch Posting
Error upgrading into 15.4.0904.65
Admin user role is not checked on Users screen
Can save duplicate Currency Exchange Rate
Company Location wise preferences: After setting all the default values in Manufacturing tab, clicking on save system is displayed conversion
Adjust the width of terms to make it readable by default
Remove Announcements' menus duplicates.
Internet 11 browser opens i21
No Menus Displaying Upon Login in Dev Build
Add 's' on Terms message box
removeBodyCls Error in Console After Login
Tax Code: Clicking on Save system is displayed error message
Internal Server error appears when saving company locations
Zip/Postal combo box on Company Locations only display few zip codes
Unable to filter Company Location comboboxes.
Company Location > Type combo box
Unable to select Origin Integration checkbox in Company Preference when Installer Mode.
No successful message appears after changing password
Error creating new company
Recurring transaction screen only displays a limited number of recurring transactions
Update the Version Correctly in the tblSMBuild number
Update help documentations link
Error on Console loading
Remove other filter conditions for Region, Port and Arbitration
Clicking column header on Batch Posting Details screen displays transactions that were not selected
Unable to get the current user EntityId from common API.
Save message box appears at the back of the User Roles screen
Include debit memo on batch posting.
Can not create a bill as a portal user under AP
Convert to grid type combo box
Add item id on Active check box column on Payment Methods screen
Add separate item id's on Tabs of Terms screen
Error on password recovery
Clearing filter on Terms screen shows all records on 3 tabs on the active tab
Announcements folder icon is displayed as screen in Common Info menu
Cannot select Default Location on newly created user
Cannot open screens under Security login
View button on Batch Posting Details screen not functioning
Change message on lock screen 'You' to 'Your'
Lock screen not fittting properly on screen after maximizing
Browse button is not disabled when menu background is not Custom
Can Unlock screen without entering password
Unable to proceed to main menu when 2FA is enabled
Change Comma to Period on Screen Lock Warning message
Add item id
Audit Log on Users screen is not updating real time
Unable to select user role for importing origin users
Company Location - Manufacturing tab - Typo error in one option
Unable to save company location preferences
Saving Company Location - Internal Server Error
'SystemManagerContext' is displayed on company dropdown
Screen is not locking after clicking Stay Online on Screen Lock Warning
Login credentials error message shows when selecting company on combo box
'Origin Integration' label is too close to the border on Company Configuration
Menu for vendor contact login is not showing.
Imported User Not Displaying in User Entity Form
Global Search: Change loading word to loading mask
No validation when required fields has no values when generating license key
Login screen appears when closing Company Registration screen on menu
Company Name on menu header is displayed twice
Classification combobox not expanding in Company Location
About and License and Registration screen is not updated with new license
User Roles: 2 parent menus without sub menus are displaying on top of System Manager folder
No Menus When Login Using Security
Unable to set existing Terms to inaactive
Cannot save change in Approve in Order on Approval screen
Change Import Invoices CSV config in menu item
Ultra easy - change print checks menu item to process payments
Not able added menu name more than 100 characters
Remove Bank File Export menu on CM
Missing menus on new user
Error upgrading db to i21_15.4.1109.265
Blank space appears on top of the menus when clicking the lower part of the scroll bar
Change Transaction Type on Recurring Transaction to gridcombobox
Adjust loading message on Import Origin Menus screen
Error when clicking Layout button on Custom Fields screen
Multiple Sales Analysis Reports menu
'2014RQC1540WM.dbo.tblSMRecurringTransaction'; column does not allow nulls
Admin user was not recognized as admin on login
Cannot rename Company Name even with Origin Integration set as OFF
Unable to login imported origin user
Can save duplicate Role of the same location
Environment Type not shown properly.
Tree Menu Filter should be case insensitive
Keep the menu panel scroll bar visible
No generated transactions during recurring process
Cannot access SM screens
Bugs on Letters
Imported Origin user's status is not set to disabled even if maximum limit for users has been reached
Error on Migrate Users option in Origin Conversion.
No records appear in Recurring Transaction even if thee are records in the database
Sales reports displayed outside Reports folder
Redactor reduces size after pasting images or text
Invalid Object Name tblSMConnectedUser


titlei21 Contract Management
Allow negative and zero value for adjustment in contract sequence
Tab through contracts
Cannot select a Contract Plan
Invoice is not showing contract created with alphanumeric contract Number
Getting Arithmetic overflow error in Contract when Cash Price =100
Pay Terms, Sales Person and Vendor disappear.
Need 4 additional fields from Contract Detail store
Console error on Homepage
Could not completely receive item from contract, error is shown
Contract Manager - Error in Console when opening Manager screen or refreshing it
Contract Editor - Error message when trying to select an origin destination under Rail tab
Contract Editor - Item Grid - Unless one item is added in the sequence, Open/Copy/Relicate buttons should remain disabled
Date formats are different.
Currency Pair textbox does not show pair
Index list dropdown not removing indexes that have been deleted.
Pricing Contract: Hedge Month should be defaulted from contract.
Pricing Contract: Pricing UOM is not showing in the grid
Pricing Contract: It is allowing to change the sequence quantity when it is partially priced.
Pricing Contract: Contract Basis is not showing proper value when Price UOM changed from LB to MT
Pricing Contract: Save changes validation message is displayed even if there is no changes in the screen.
Pricing Contract: At the time of Spread/Arbitrage, New Future Market and month list should not show contracts market and month.
Pricing Contract: Spread/Arbitrage should not allow to change Lot no for Simultaneous fixation.
Pricing Contract: At spread/Arbitrage, Buy/Sell future month is not showing properly value at the grid after inserting.
System is asking to save the sequence when reopened, even if nothing is changed in it
Pricing Contract: Fixed tab does not show Account no.
Pricing Contract: Additional Cost does not need Insert button.
Pricing Contract: Contract currency should be defaulted to Future market currency for Price, Basis,HTA contract.
Pricing Contract: Search Grid Columns should show decimal values in Price Contract/Fixed tab .
Pricing Contract: It should not allow to modify contract qty if it is associated with Simultaneous price fixation.
Pricing Contract: Hedge Month is not showing defaulted hedge month.
Remove Total cost from contract header and add Total cost at sequence level.
In Contract sequence, Net weight field does not show weight.
Sequence Detail - When contract item is selected, the associated origin, Farm ID does not load automatically
Tea Contract Print- Changes need to be done.
Contract Sequence -> Items Displayed
Inventory Shipment > Purchase Contract > Inbound Shipment Source Type
Bag mark: atleast one bag mark should have default


titlei21 Entity Management
Rename field to Exemption No
Do not require an expense account on the vendor maintenance screen
Origin to i21 Vendor Conversion Issues--Zip Codes and Contact Info
ACH information on entity
Duplicate match found even with no entered details
No Integration: Console error when viewing salesperson record
Entity record details takes time to load when opened from email link
Cost to Use combo box list when tab is used to move into the field
Tax State selection is using Zip code list on Custom Entity > Taxing Tab
Error encountered when opening a special pricing > customer location on first page load
This record no longer exists appear when adding EFT information
Zip code are not showing on Create New Entity Screen
Cannot remove certain fields once they have been saved.
Add Help Topic on User Profile screen
Entity Customer Transport - Customer location is showing all Entity locations and not just for the selected customer.
Customer Entity = User Role > Screen Control Permissions is not working on some tabs
Portal Access checkbox on Contacts tab is editable
Capitalization issue on duplicate message
Inconsistent field name on Mileage tab
Notes: Entered characters do not appear in Notes field
Account number on EFT Information should be mandatory on Vendor
Item Category not filtered by Item
Item No is not filtered by Item Category
Make Start Date a required field
Validation on Location Name does not disappear
Contacts/Location reverts to default after changing then drilling into screen
Phone field on Create New Entity screen should only accept numeric chars
Make Cost to Use required for price basis A and C
Item No and Category on Special Pricing grid
Cannot clear combo box field data on Pricing and Taxing tab
Customer Contact List is not showing all of the contacts
Contact: Notes and Email Options overlap when screen is resized
Show Consumption Site as non-modal from Entity Screen
Need to show existing Supply Point for selection in Customer Quotes Tab
Tax group is not getting saved in Distribution detail grid of Transport load
Customer, Vendor, Ship Via tabs disappear when screen is set to View Only
Entity Farm is displaying Customer No instead of Entity No
Entity Farm screen should be a modal screen
Error when sending Email Login without origin integration
Importing of entities does not check duplicate vendors
Update Entity tab configuration to GCE standard
Insert and View button does not function on Notes tab
Do not allow deleting vendors imported from origin. Just set to inactive.
Enlightenment button is not working on Create New Entity screen.
Error loading Profile
Number of duplicate entities on the message is incorrect.
Entity Location > Typo on Field Freight Terms
Change is not detected when removing photo on Entity Contacts screen
Missing period on warning message
Missing period on Split Percent validation
Native combo box should be grid combo box
No notification when adding Contact with portal access without Approval List
Record on Contact tab grid changes when changing default contact
Spelling Error on Vendor Tab in Entity
Entity No: should be CAPs, if not origin programs will not allow use of entity code
Entity Customer > Freight - Database Schema is not correct.
Error when entering Duration on Notes tab
Vendor/Customer entity – application is hanging while clicked on save and VAT No field in Customer entity is not properly left aligned: -
Duplicate Key Encountered in User Security
Wrong default type and currency
Failed deployment in QC Server for 15.4.1021.201
Incorrect Status on entity screen
Re-word merging messages
Error updating demo ag db
Error deploying 15.4.1025.209 in 01
Error on Predeployment
Create New Entity screen opens twice when clicking on New in Employee Entity
Allows to save the Employee w/o selecting pay period
Invalid column name 'strTheme' when saving an Entity
Default Earning Expense Account does not carry over onto Employee Earning GL Distribution
Error ugrading from 14.4 to 15.3 Harvey Commodity
Cannot save new Entity record when reporting currency is blank
Unable to save the modified Entity if Vendor entity type is added
Federal Taxes are not computing when the Employee Template is used in the Employee screen
Federal Taxes are not computing when the manually adding Earnings in the Employee screen
Remove the User Name field
No Earning ID's displayed on Linked Earning combobox field
Deduction Accounts are not loading after adding on Employee > Deductions tab
Customer Entity > Transport > Freight > Unable to Check Freight in Price
User Entity issues
Failed to load the data when adding Employee Earning Tax Types
Add grid button to add Employee Deduction Taxes is not working
Paid By field in Employee Deduction is editable
Employee Title is missing in the Supervisors combobox drop down
Maximum number of allowed users message displayed when saving an Entity record
User Role for a user does not apply the permission
Cannot clear Fixed Ship Via
No help url attached on Territory | Help button
No linked url on Help button
Cannot manually filter Customer Type and Currency
Find Duplicates for Employee is not working
Email Addresses of Users from SMUserSecurity where not migrated to UserEntity
Employee Earning Taxes are not loading after adding the Earnings
Employee username messed up when navigating multiple records
Entity search screen is not showing the correct count of records
Contacts > Active option is checked by default on screen but not on grid
Can create new users even with origin integration = ON
User option is automatically added on new user after closing the record
Issues on Customer | Freight tab
Administrator User option is not updating on existing users
After importing of vendor, progress bar doesn't close
New Entity Location is inactive by default
Inactive Customer Location displayed on combo list box (Customer screen)
Issue on Salesperson and Print 1099 fields
Incorrect country displayed for imported vendors
Location Name is not displayed in the Entity Contact screen
Internal server error when deleting Employee Details (Taxes, Earnings, or Deductions)
Change 'Bill' to 'Voucher'
Employee Time Off Rate Factor does not save and display more than 2 decimal
Deduct Time Off combo box control is disabled
Inactive location can still be set as default Location
Console error displayed when the Employee record w/o user password is opened
Maximum Number of Origin Screens Allowed should have default value of 3
Password was removed after saving changes on Entity User
Help Desk menus should be checked by default when contact is given portal access
Rate Factor not pulling in Dollar amount
Entered entity info was not added on Entity screen
Location Type of Locations are not showing
Entity screen is not loading when there is no default Country set
Security user was not able to create new user
Transport Quote link not opening screen
Entity Name got messed after creating multiple Employee Entity
Default Role should be required if no locations were added
Employee Default Location was removed when navigating records
User with no admin rights is allowed to create Employee Entity
Removing the Employee Tax Accounts resulted to "reference violation" error message
titlei21 Framework
Master Menu: Cannot add menu/s in a folder 
Sorting changed after filtering then editing the Hidden row column 
Search without new button auto create new record 
Filters are not restoring when using single grid after saving
 Layout Issues
 Issues exporting from search grid.
 Search screen becomes blank after cancelling save from Close or X button 
Error on Export if the returned record is too many?
 Exporting seems freezes the process 
Adjust the date width 
Error on Export when 0 record 
New button on search screen is disabled when Detail tab is active
 Unable to export on search screens
 Export bar did vanish on lost focus
 Column Bindings are not using grid for hierarchy purposes 
Contract Combo box of Load Schedule screen is not available in the Add Control Permissions
 Incorrect date range on search grid 
Allow user to enter negative decimal value 
Error exporting on SM screens 
Drop down stays open
 Error appears when exporting with filter 
No error message when sending Email URL link with Email Settings not properly set up 
Remove double line border on tab control of General Journal screen 
cannot change time on Date Time control if its in grid 
Layout button does not have an item id 
Tax Class: Console error appears after editing a filtered record 
CLONE - Number picked does not retain 
All numeric fields are not displaying it's default value '0.00' upon opening of screen and upon editing the numeric field, when click NEW button the value stays. 
Error in exporting (Excel, PDF, Text) grid.
 Not able to save transport load entry
 Typing 0 in numericfield changing it into -0
 Not able to save the records when entering date through keyboard 
Loading of old grid layout is breaking new column bindings
 Console error appears when menu with search screen is clicked twice 
Add Help documentation on Email URL screen 
If same search screen is called using two different menu items, then the layout saved in menu 1 is overriding menu 2. Both should be saved uniquely 
Group By is not working in Search Screens 
Not able to do Rack Price filtering with Date and time
 Filter: For Blank and Non Blank operators one record is disappeared
 Export Button Console Error 
Switching between grid Layout Default and saved Layout append the filters to the existing
 Dates not bringing up proper month in date filter box 
No data is rendered when advancefiltergrid converted to frmadvancesearchgrid 
Search screen filtering is not working properly in Contract 
Tab Pages are not listing in control permission
 Add a configuration in the grid to restrict the filter count.
 Combo box value was not saved when using shortcut key
 Improper namespacing in ModuleMgr and failed loading of ModuleMgr
 Save Gridlayout issues 
Add Screen Name on title bar of Custom Fields
 Default cursor to Sent to (Email) field upon clicking on email button 
A way to customize Delete message 
Error while saving the sequence order 
Picture is not displaying after filtering
 Link should open in new tab 
Saved Grid Layout Issues 
[Suggestion] Add delete layout validation after clicking delete 
Error on Export 
Uncaught TypeError: c is not a function 
Numeric Field Does Not Automatically Accepts Decimal Value 
Unable to change permissions on all buttons. 
Cannot change filter conditions selected from column on Search screen 
GET 404 (Not Found)
 Grid column render is not applied in grid layout settings
 Numeric field display 0 for null values 
GL Account Detail should not auto show
 Error in exporting (Excel, PDF, Text) grid. 
Open Options is displaying incorrectly 
Screen gets messed up when downloading from Attachments screen 
Contract Management: Contract is having document attached, opening that contract system is opening another screen with attachment. on closing contract screen it should close this also 
Console error appears when clicking Mention button
 Document added is not opening when clicked on Open button
 Error message displaying when opening a Contract with an attachment
 Saving Grid Layout message is stuck on search screen after saving Quick Filter 
Quick Filter tab does not display the name of the saved grid layout
 Multiple filters does not filter records for local store. 
Error occurred in export to file from search. 
Grid Links disappear after selecting Default layout on Search screen 
Cannot paste copied cell from Search
 Grammar error on duplicate Layout message
 Routing - add currently active tab of main tab only
 Unable to open Search Panel List after closing main dashboard twice 
Custom Field enabled screens that has no configuration set is producing error on saving
 Changes in company default layout only applies when Company Default is clicked 
Set Active Tab Issue 
Saving hangs when deleting detail on Paycheck 
Delete button on Company Default seems to appear on non-admin login
 Integrated search buttons seems not converted yet into new menu toolbar 
Export buttons not in floating Search screen 
Datepicker issue with null value. 
Uploaded file does not show 
Support Nested Tab in Routing 
Error in Global Search Upon Login 
Label in the Buttons could hardly be seen 
Unable to open Floating Search. 
Cannot open old search screen
 Global Search Result screen is not opening when Recently Viewed screen is active (vice versa)
 Cannot delete Company Default layout as admin
 Preview screen is not displaying properly 
Missing Day label on Recently Viewed screen
 Global Search result drop down always show when moving Recently Viewed screen 
Unable to preview attachment when 2 screens are open with preview 
Grid Layout - 'Save As Default' option is unavailable in transaction screens. 
Default filters not working on dock search screens 
Routing - URL does not change after closing window
 Some users are displayed twice on Mention screen
 Aggregate sum is not displaying 
Filter is Not Working in TM > Lease Billing Form
 Search screen is not updated with the new record 
OK Button in Message Box 
Unable to show another message on the response on iRely.Msg.showQuestion 
Search is taking time to load
 No data to display after filter
 Viewing a report from recently viewed places stuck in Initialize
 Deleting of obsolete grid layout should not show any message
 Email addresses are not updated on Mention screen 
Company Default layout is not automatically active using Non-admin login
 CLONE - Cannot open Vendor History tab - with console error 
Account Verification screen is not showing 
Incorrect name and email address in CommentBox Watchers 
DataManager.verifyProcess ignoreNew parameter does not carry the value.
 Alert message disappears when user clicks outside the message 
Not all screens selected on Recently Viewed are opening 
Purchasing:Pay Voucher Detail Console Error 
Build 338 error tblSMMessage.sql" does not exist


titlei21 General Ledger
Foreigh Amount are not posting to the GLDetail
Cannot create new accounts
GL Account Detail filter does not option for Account Id
Account Group - Editing should not be allowed on the system account groups and account type
GL Account Detail : Remove transaction or record description
Regenerate names
Record is unposted/posted when unpost/post in Recap
Unpost button should be changed to Reverse
Overlap message is incorrectly displaying
Editing Account is throwing out an error
Account ranges is not checked if Integration is OFF in Account Templates
Cannot import Location or Business segments
Primary Codes Template is not opened correctly
Unable to import Primary Accounts from CSV
Error on updating a blank DB
Adjust width of Account Type on Account Groups screen to be readable
Updates are wiping out account number ranges
Adjust the width of Account Category of Chart of Accounts screen to make it visible
Duplicate account is being allowed on import of chart of accounts
Message should say i21 Cross Reference table.
Error when batch posting thousand of records
Database Deployment error
Cursor does not go to Debit Units
Foreign Debit and Foreign Credit is not displaying 0.00
Better Error reporting when Import Template
Transaction Description should default to the header description
Single click on the Date Range will not reflect the selected date range
Account Template is not opening correctly
Account Template is not opening when there are no records
Proper message should display when importing Account Template
Importing Primary Code on Existing template is not validating the Account Range
Grid order should match Import Primary Account grid
Post Date incorrect when processing General Journal Recurring Transaction
Unposted record(s) should show when integration is off
Posting Detail does not show when Post/Unpost on Recap
Foreign Debit and Foreign Debit are displaying in USD (base) using AGDEMO
Adjust the width of the message
Column Header Names in FY grid
Cannot Clone Account
Drill down no longer working after posting the subledger
Posting Detail does not display for inactive accounts
Disable Recap,Duplicate,Save,Reallocation if the Date entered is in Closed Period Invalid
Closing FY does not continue
Unable to post on Close FY for Audit Adjustment transactions
Unable to import primary accounts from the created Account Template
Date column should not show Regional Date setting
Error queuing 15.3 dev build
Procedure uspGLBuildTempCOASegment, Line 130 Invalid object name 'glactmst'.
Error building new account ids
Error upgrading Country Partners
Error loading Beginning Balance
Reopen Close FY will not open the some modules
Cosmetic issue in Creating Location
Posting Historical journal should continue to post even if there are inactive accounts.
Improve the message when posting account id that are not allowed to post
When Recurring check box is checked JournalType is saved as General Journal
Disable Post,Recap Button when GJ is out of Balance
Failed building of 15.3 Prod # 491
Import Log showing duplicates Record no for successful records
Import from subledger AP records are putting the account number in the Description
Payroll is not being updated
Document Date in Process Recurring Journal Entries does not match the post date.
Building/Committing Accounts Produces error
White vertical line displays on GL by Account Detail report column header
Error importing Historical
Re posting origin journal will show not related errors in Post Detail Screen
After Upgrade, Trial Balance Detail, and GL by ID Detail wont generate, all other GL Reports Will
Error Converting Origin COA
Typing in dash (-) will bring the cursor to the left
Special Characters on Regenerate
Posting Error in Historical Importing
Error whle upgrading Harvey Commodity from 14.4v to 15.3v.
Adjust the width of column name Account Type in Account Groups screen for readability
Error saving imported unposted Imported Subledger
Primary + Date filter does not display records properly
After 15.3 Upgrade Customer Experiencing an Extremely Slow DB, high consumption of resources
Collation issue
Error occurs when Committing COA from Clone Screen
Reversal Assigned two Reversals to one REV number and combined them (HDTN-172658)
tblGLCOACrossReference.stri21IdNumber is null
Batch Posting Result Screen Error
Editing Account Id is resulting to an issue
Collation error on importing Chart of Accounts
uspGLBookEntries still allowed to post when period is closed.
Error on predeployment script (new company)
Could not post reversal
Account Group Tree View is not showing after UI Update
Cannot select Primary Code
Close button still uses the big icon
Time out error on Importing Historical Journal
Imported Origin Journals are not displaying in Batch Posting Detail
CSV file could no longer be imported once edited in excel
Empty Post and Currency should be handled
intAccountId should not display
GJ with Reversal will double the balance in tblGLdetail and tblGLSummary
When Currency is empty upon conversion
Created Recurring schedule does not conform with the GJ
Clicking Post should auto save the record
Converted Origin COA is not correct
  • i21 Grain
Framework closing scale when no tickets and undo used
Manual distribution is having an issue with the Storage Schedule
Manual Distribution screen should be Modal.
Save message is popping up after hitting on the Auto Assign button in the Manually Distribute Tickets screen.
In Ticket Formats screen, Plant Ticket option is filling up with an unwanted ")" when selected.
storage only has commodity, not item, impossible to keep phyiscal stock
grid control error on save handling
Add URLRoutingModule on Grain web.config
When a Storage ticket is processed from Scale, Item field in Storage screen is blank.
Manual distribution screen is not popping up
Error updating db in the latest build
Collation issue
In Scale Station Selection, Status is not getting changed.
inventory receipts- Entity ID is saving wrongly when it comes form scaling. it should be vendor / customer ID
In Scale Ticket screen, if ticket number = alphanumeric then we are not able to distribute the ticket
In Scale Ticket screen, drop lists aren't enabled when Ticket number is entered manually.
Ticket list should be running as a thread and update as changes occur


titlei21 Help Desk
Messed up reply area.
Unable to add ticket reminder.
Unable to create Email Setup for the first time.
JIRA Issue Assignee is Incorrect
Enable Support launching in Old Search Screen
History shows tickets for all customers
Text required to be typed before screenshot in details reply
Clicking "Send" button sends redactor content placeholder to customer
Printing Ticket details prints duplicate message.
Include Draft in printing ticket details
Out of Office Sends Email, but does not put reply in ticket
Project Search should be sorted by create date descending
Project screen: Do not reload all data after saving
Clicking User Mention Briefly Brings Up the Wrong Contact
Error in saving record in Product > Modules tab screen
In Project maintenance screen, Go Live Date should be a required field
Actual Milestone Hours field in Ticket screen does not reset to default value
Not able to add Announcement info
Project screen - Go Live Date field displays incorrect date
HDTN-171102 - Helpdesk Project Listing Complete Error
Use floating Search for displaying Customer Contacts when creating Ticket.
Product screen does not save if values are entered in Modules and Versions tabs
Ticket cannot be dissociated from a project
User is unable to create a ticket
When user clicks New in Ticket screen, Customer Contact List screen does not open


titlei21 Installs
Failed building #499 for 15.3 Prod


titlei21 Report Manager
Connection Error on Report Manager datasource
strAccountId From values are repeating
From Dropdown Value is not selectable
Report viewer is showing error on Print preview
Simplified report preview is showing Devexpress expired.
"To" clause not working when using "Between" condition on StoredProcedure
Report should directly print upon clicking the print button
"DevExpress.Web.ASPxRichEdit" dll not reference causing error
Error on printing quote report
Default Values not loading for all the fields in the field selection screen of report
Buttons are not visible
Unable to see preview button in preview task list, after report is generated
Options not visible in Report Manager screen
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_tblRMDatasource_tblRMConnection"
Error encountered when nothing set in default filters
Reports showing data from another database
Datatype is missing in XML param


titlei21 Risk Management
Switch position and net market risk need to add the previous unfixed/fixed lots also
Failed deployment of 15.4.1005.141 on QC Server


titlei21 Sales
Discount field not updated when Date Paid is manually typed
Undeposited payments not displayed in Undeposited Payments screen
Footer details of previous record bleed through the next record
Can Delete ot Edit Tax Amount of posted transaction
Change screen title
Import Billable from Help Desk
Doubled grid detail on imported billable hours
Multiple billable from a customer not grouped to 1 invoice
Rename Shipment button
Open the Add Shipment screen
Update Scheduled Quantity when Contract is used,modified,removed and if Invoice is deleted
Order Status did not return to Expired
Rename Lic/Maint
New Due date not saved
Recurring not unchecked when Template screen is cancelled
Convert to Template screen no longer prompt when Recurring is checked before entering required details
Discount is not computed on payments
Blank Recap Transaction
Message revision
Blank Customer field on Add Shipment button
Company Location filter on Add Shipment is not working
Wrong default Location when item is from SO
Display all Service type items on Tank Delivery
View button on Receive Payments Posting Details not functioning
Processing Software type SO did not generate an invoice with license amount/all other items
Cutoff On Order qty
Software type item is looking for available stock
PO Required is enabled but can save transaction with blank PO number
Sales Analysis: Blank screen opened
Sales Analysis: Export generate multiple files
Sales Analysis: Remove New and View buttons
Change on screen title
Cannot create a new email template
Incorrect email format when customer has no email template
CLONE - Rounding off caused Unbalanced debit/credit on invoice
View button not functioning on Credit Memo
Import billable from helpdesk
Customer combo box is not grid type
Prevent Contract dropdown on a Sales Order without Customer selected.
Sales Invoice - Price with 3 decimals or more does not extend properly
Sales Invoice - Price clears out when changing quantity
PO Number not updated when Location is changed
Type field is blank when Quote is processed to SO
Deposit Account filter
Not able to create invoice with Shipped quantity less than the contract quantity
Invoice - Taxable by Other Taxes has setup > incorrect tax is computed
Blank Due Date
Quote for contract item is subtracting from scheduled qty
Contract qty not updated when SO is duplicated
Calling of uspCTUpdateScheduleQuantity sp in invoice save(edit mode) only when there is a change in quantity.
Add Shipment showing entityID instead of entity number
Quantity Shipped is greater than quantity Ordered. - error
How to get Company Address to show up on the Sales Invoice
Wrong Special Price Index Selected
Invoice Comments not defaulting
Contract Balance not updated during shipment
Disable grid when Location is blank
Inserted recurring invoice is inactive
Discount not deducted on license amount
Incorrect Price of software type item
Available qty not updated when SO is from Quote
Date filter to show different date related conditions
Blank Due date on Preliminary Quote
Add percent sign
Invoice Price does not reflect more than 2 decimals
'Save change' message prompts on Expired quote (due date has passed)
x on message processed the quote to SO
Duplicate button on SO not functioning
Payment field cleared out when focus is lost
Discount not computed on Receive Payments
Can add shipment/order even when Company Location on Add Shipment is blank
Cannot use contract with 0 Balance even though contract has unlimited qty
No Tax Group field on Quote
Tax Group on SO not carried over to Invoice
Duplicate transaction number is allowed
Sales Invoice - Tax Detail Screen - Tax Rate is not showing full decimals.
BOL # is available in the Invoice Print, but do not send to store on Invoice.
Incorrect filtering of Item No when Contract No is selected first
SP for Special PricingTransport Load Rack + Amount is not working if the Customer Location is blank
Sales Invoice numbers skipping. Getting used by Prepayment
Contract Sequence using cancelled contract
Incorrect default Ordered qty for contract
Contract not unlimited - message did not prompt
Cannot Delete contract SO
Customer Aging Report Does not total correctly
Tax exemption not applied when transaction date is changed
Special price not computed when Customer Location is specified
Tie item pricing level to customer setup
Set default size of Comment Maintenance screen
Issue on Comment Maintenance fields
Duplicate comment code allowed
Append DUP: to avoid duplicate comment code
Incorrect Comment when Type = Tank Delivery
Can fully pay an invoice 2x using the Batch Posting
Contract unlimited - 'qty exceed' message prompts
Add Service Charge as Invoice Type of Invoice
New ordered/shipped qty cleared when focus is lost
Customer is disregarded during printing of Invoice comment
Comments hierarchy not properly followed
Fully shipped item still processed and displayed on IS
Do not Send Tax Group on Freight Item
Issue when SO with blank UOM is processed to IS
Tax not recomputed when tax group is changed or removed
batch posting errors
Tax Group removed when field is focused
Exceeds the contract qty when shipped qty is returned to its original value
'No' button did not return the shipped, contract no, and contract seq to its previous value
Make Currency a required field on sales transactions
Committed qty not updated when invoice is posted
Remove Customer's email validation requirement
CM adding Committed stock
Incorrect Date and Location on Add Shipment screen
Service Charge Account on Company Preferences is Filtering Incorrectly
Customer Name on Invoice
Expand comments to 500 characters
Incorrect SO status when associated invoice is deleted
Status is disabled when SO is Short Closed
Batch Posting: Missing GL details on recap
Price Level + Amt price basis not computing
No pricing level applied when there is overlapping min/max qty
Price Basis O not properly computed
Cannot select multiple grid rows
Set default screen size
Invoice import: Incorrect salesperson
Invoice import: Tax Group not imported
Invoice import: tax schedule not existing but invoice is imported
Invoice import: Incorrect Balance when amount is taxable
Invoice import: Discount amount not imported
batch printing - page X of XX is printing
Record not opened via Search button
Invoice import: 0 imported amount for prepayment
Cannot Post Transport Loads
For Freight only transport loads, invoice is showing taxes
decimal places on sales analysis
Item Description and Line Total not displayed on report
Resize comment footer box in reports
Unpost is throwing G/L entries are expected message when doing distribution for customer
Invoice import: Incorrect Due Date
Price Basis O is not taking the correct rack price
Invoice Footer issue on getting the right comment from the specific customer only
Process button did not process SO to IS
UOM is not blank but still appears as required field on save
PO number is auto-generating
Duplicate record is allowed
Incorrect amount on amount due: Cannot post payment
Email Invoice page number alignment
Adjust calculation of Sales Analysis, Add "Margin %" column
Amount Due issue
Discount applied on both payments when batch posted
All unpaid invoices are loaded on a new Receive Payments Detail screen
New Non-AR Payment opens all bank deposit record
Invoice - Already invoiced shipment shows in the list
Not All Posted AR Transactions Not Showing Up in Bank Rec
Comments hierarchy issue on SO
Cannot view recap details of a paid invoice
Failed deployment of 15.4.1015.178 on qcserver
Can't process service charge when customer or status code is blank
Still add bundle items to the grid even it was cancelled
Customer Aging Not Running Based on As Of Date
Adjust AR views/sp
Customer Aging: Entity number/name for salesperson filter
Customer Aging: No generated report when using Equal To condition on Customer Name
Issues with Flat Amount service charge
Payment History Report Needs to Show Unapplied Payments
Customer Aging: Entity Customer Id to pull records by strEntityNo
Rounding issues for Delta
Invoice - Price field is showing 0.00 even if there is Contract > Cash Price
Display issue?
Custom grid layout not saved
Add Actual Invoice Date and BOL# to invoice search Grid
Customer Aging: Default As Of condition
Payment not removed on Bank Register when unposted
Incorrect Price return by [fnARGetItemPricingDetails] when blank UOM is passed
Payment not displayed on Undeposited screen
Daily % Rate not computed
Integration is enabled but Status Code is editable
Integration is enabled but Service Charge Code is editable
Tax Decimal Issue
Error on Processing Sales Order
Customer Aging Not Recognizing Activity from Transports
Customer Statement Standard Aging Issues and tweaks needed for 15.3
Wrong record opened by Invoice No link
Cannot Save Sales Order
Unpaid Invoices are not showing up on the Invoice History Report
Customer Aging not properly filtering data based on Date range
Invoice, SO, Quote screens are modal
Missing send button on Comments tab
Incorrect Amount Due on Receive Payments
Unreadable menu unless hovered
Incorrect message when batch printing reports
Not standard message box
No sent Email
Reference violation error on Commission Schedule
Commission Schedule: Issues on grid fields
Processing of Commission Schedule not functioning
Sales Analysis: Incorrect Item Price when UOM is not the stock unit
Sales Analysis: Decimal display
Recipes with blank customer should still show on the list regardless of selected customer
Save message prompts when closing a won quote
Issue on processing multiple records to invoice.
Customer invoices not displayed on payment grid
Can enter positive Prepayment, Overpayment, and CM on receive payment
Overpayment not rounded to 2 decimal places
Cannot post a payment with Interest
Can enter negative Discount and Interest
Receive Payments not loading
Blank message when status is changed from Short Close to Pending
SO not displayed on Add Shipment screen
Contact's menus not filtering records by customer
CLONE - Convert to Template screen no longer prompt when Recurring is checked before entering required details
Issues when creating a SO recurring template
SO Report: Split code not displayed on report
Invoice Report: total tax per line not displayed
Transport Quotes not properly filtered by date
Empty email header logo
Email Template button always open a new screen
Revision on the displayed message when sending of email failed
Adjust tax grid on Quote
Cannot view Detail tab when Transport Quote is filtered by record id
Exclude Email filter not working on Transport Quote
Cannot open reports on sales module
Error when printing Transport Quote
Company logo not consistently displayed on Invoice History report
Issues when adding SO items to Invoice
Invoice is being split during Invoice recap
Customer field not filtered by contacts customer id
Need to update Quote with Sent status after email in Batch Printing screen
