Versions Compared


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titleCard Fueling
Fees > Change GL Acct to create Sales Invoice with Item
Create view for Card with Customerid and Vehicle with CustomerId
Rename the “Recap” tab to “Post Preview” which better describes what it does
Company Config > Add Settings for Invoicing
CF Transaction Posting > Update Sales Invoice
Transaction Report Grid > Add CF Invoice # and CF Invoice Date to Posted Transaction Grid
Voyager > Add Sites during import of Transactions
Network > Add Site Tax Group Defaults
Network > Add Voyager Options
CF - Implement ToAggregateAsync version
CF Invoice > Create Debit Memo in AR
CF Invoice > Create Payment Records in AR
CF Invoice > Update Discounts on Summarized Debit Memo instead of Individual Sales Invoices
titleCash Management
Unposting payment should remove the records from print spool.
Commit screen for printing Direct Deposit Remittance appears before previewing the report
Ability to Void a paycheck that is an ACH
Print / E-mail ACH advise
HDTN-184213 - Adding a location field
Print button is not working in Bank Deposit Batch Entry
Move Commit on ACH to The Archive Tab
Add Amount Total to the Grid in Bank Deposits Screen
Rename the “Recap” tab to “Post Preview” which better describes what it does
CM - Implement ToAggregateAsync version
Add a new import file format to bank file formats for ACH
Add 3 new fields in the screen - Bank Accounts
titleContract Management
Enhance price contract screen to fix price for all sequences at once or selectively in the same screen
3683- AOP, differential and volumes provide new fields
3679- Add four columns in the search screen of contract sequence (Contract creation date, Type of coffee, and loading and destination port).
3650- Add new fields to contract screen - vessel tab
3652- Dashboard to compare sequence quantity vs quality approved quantity
3684- Customized contract numbering for JDE
3647- Alert when contract is saved without a sequence
3688- Need Plan report output
3691- Automatic calculation of lots
3695- Post contract approval, amending values for certain fields will trigger the approval process
3700- Contract print template
3701- Price fixation letter print template
Provide email option in price contract screen. Should work like it works in contract screen
3649- Unslice contracts in i21
3651- Slicing -Quality & Shipping Instruction
3680- Dropdown for packing description
Allow user to select multiple contracts and send it to a supplier via an email
3705-User signature should be displayed in print
3647- Approval process for contract
3694-Contract -Determine information which needs to be shown on dashboard/reports
Automate container calculation in contract sequence
Add 2 new fields to handle purchasing group short name and description
Provide export to excel in contract inquiry screen- 1st tab on top
company configuration, contract management , add a drop down for container type
Contract screen -Additional info tab - Next to field producer, add a check box -Claims to producer
Contract sequence - Add a new status - Short close
Create a screen for recording the basis components for each item
Association configuration- Add 2 new columns
Default documents in contract screen-documentation tab
Annual Operating Planning
JDE Reporting issues
Contract inquiry- dont show costs of the type basis in second grid
For the scenario where the number series is vendorid. run of numbers, when user saves a contract dont allow change of vendor
Provide a configuration to default Planned availability date in contract sequence
Producer and related fields should be at sequence level as well
Slicing and un sclicing should not trigger approval for JDE
CRM: Add Quotes, Calls and Meetings in Sales Rep Summary Chart
Add a communication tab to the Campaign
Email from the Campaign screen
Expand the Sales enity contract grid
Combine the sales entity and the sales entity contact
Can we add a config for auto signature to the user profie
Default information to the lost sales report
Add a count of contacts to the the tab
We need to add a web site with link to the Campaign
Win/Loss analysis tab is not populating
Add the Capacity of the Event to the Contacts tab and a summary of the count of responses at the bottom of the page
Add a units difference and units percentage column to the lost revenues report
CRM - Implement ToAggregateAsync version
Can't add records with the same Opportunity Name
Sales Entity Contact - View
Canned Panel: iRely Store - Sales by Store
Dashboard panel layout - raise maximum of column width
Use drilldown column to pass parameter and fetch value from the query
Create a Dashboard Canned Panel for receipt/missing documents
DASH - Implement ToAggregateAsync version
titleEnergy Trac
Create XML - Exemptions
Create XML - Customer Comments
Create XML - Splits
Import Driver Files - Process SD Files to Sales Invoice
Import Driver Files - Process BH file to Sales Invoice
Import Driver Files - Process BD File to Sales Invoice
Energy Trac Tax Cross Reference Table
Add "Tax Code Setup" tab to "Export Setup" screen.
ET - Implement ToAggregateAsync version
Import Driver Files - Process RP to Payment
titleEntity Management
Energy Trac - Location / Salesperson view
Add Card and Vehicle on Tax Import Template
Entity Defaults for New customers that are Persons
Split by entity is to restrictive.
Add Letter in the drop down of Email Distribution drop down of Entity Contact Screen
Customer Master License Tab, add license type, effective date, etc.
Adjustments to the duplicate search screen
The terms codes should be spcific to customer and vendor
Update Phone number field in Create New Entity screen to follow Phone Format
Display Voided Direct Deposit in Paychecks History
Entity > Vendor tab > Taxing tab - Item Category not automatically filled when item is selected
Implement Inactive Vendor Location
Implement Inactive Customer Location
Do not allow mobile number to be deleted if Require 2 Factor on security policy is enabled
There should be fields added to the sales entity contacts screen to allow for selection
3656- Add new fields for vendor exposure inquiry (new inquiry to be built)
Add a new entity 'Broker'
ET View - Customer Tax Exemptions
ET View - Customer Comments
Entity - Per Location - Add field "Name On Check"
Entity screen - Need to add a new field External ERP ID
We need to add the payment method to the customer screen
Add a link to Bank Setup from EFT Information
Add an option to email distribution
CLONE - Combine the sales entity and the sales entity contact
CLONE - Expand the Sales enity contract grid
Implement Email Signature to User Profile
Vendor Entity List - Add Option For Missing Columns from Vendor Entity Tab
EM - Implement ToAggregateAsync version
Enhanced the User Profile's Email and Signature tabs
Additional option to email distribution
ET View - Customer Splits
Vendor Pricing Tab on Vendor Entities
Multi Currency - Add the currency to the Customer pricing reference tab
When saving a record we need a message box to appear if there are any required fields.
Customer suggested password control and possible integration in to existing user and password technology.
MVVM approach unit test
CAB - Search Grid > Move Clear All Filters to the Left
Search Grid Time and Transport Loads Time are not displaying in the same format
Audit Log Should show Full Name not User Name
Auto position the screen to show required fields
Rename edit button to commit - Suggestion
3648- Concurrency enhancements when 2 or more users edit the same record
sum for grouped values in search screens
Implement ToAggregateAsync version
Highlight grid columns for required fields like the controls on a screen
Group by with Totals on any Search grid
Approval Emails need to show transaction number, amount/total and have drill down on transaction number
Approving multiple transactions in the Approval screen should send one email with all details to the User
We should be able to add hours worked to the system activity
Email attendee list
Provide an option to rename the grid column name.
Create a Screen to allow Admins to customize any screen Label globally
Approval process
Approval process triggered by field amendment
Rename "Screen Designer" to "Custom Tab Designer"
Additional security while approving
Approval list - Need more alternate approvers.
Create an Approver Configuration screen to filter what an Approver can approve
Add a History tab to the Locked Records screen and move Unlock button into the grids toolbar
Change all combo boxes to only query data when the user presses the "Enter" key
When you export to PDF the heders of the export should go into the PDF page headers and footers only
After approval, user doesn't want to see the transaction has been approved -email message
Audit Log- Provide export to excel feature
Check for Infinite Loops on Row Calcs
Add a "None" option to segment filters drop down
Have the supress zero button checked when you generate reports from templates.
Eliminate Percentage row type and add new percentage column
Implement ToAggregateAsync version
If budget rows are selected only export the selected rows
Report Template - Balance Sheet by Primary > remove None row at the bottom
titleGeneral Ledger
Old to New Feature
Ignore Sign and follow Debit/Credit Indicator on Importing Historical Journal
Add old account in Lookup for General ledger accounts
Old to new account entry grid on GL Account
Rename the “Recap” tab to “Post Preview” which better describes what it does and also matches better with the “Post History” tab
Add an import for the old to new accounts
Change the description of Old Account to Alternate account
GL Implement ToAggregateAsync version
Auto Change the End Date on Account Detail
Multi Currency - Fiscal year screen changes
Add a line of business selection to the chart of accounts
Data conversion - Add a data conversion for segments that are named "location" make those segment type of location.
Default the segment type to location on the location segment conversion from origin.
Upon Recalc, Check for NULL Values in tblGLDetail and Fix them
Add the ability to select account cross reference on import
Export of journal entry
Change how location segments are retrieved
Multi Currency changes - Adjust the GL Recap to show foreign debits and credits
Add Account Categories for Multicurrency Settings
Revalue currency
Add a duplicate button on discount schedule
Combine Discount Table and Discount Schedule into one menu selection.
Storage - Add Storage Schedule to available list of columns
titleHelp Desk
Automatically add Creator, Assigned To and Contact to the watchers list
Require milestone on ticket entry if you use a project
Jira Roll up on projects - we need to be able to have a screen that will show the rollup of all jira tickets for a project
Should select the highlighted name with the use of keyboard - Enter
Display ticket default values when clicking blank Project hyperlink
Automatically check 'Is Ticket Type/Status/Priority' when 'Is Default...' is checked
HD - Implement ToAggregateAsync version
Need to be able to add multiple resources to a Ticket
No error message is displayed when a ticket is sent to a contact without email address
3674 - Buying/Need Plan
3637-Shipping Advice/ETA update (i21 to SAP)
3638 - Goods Receipt (i21 to SAP)
3639 - Trading Profit & Loss Reporting
3640 - Functional Ack (SAP to i21)
3641 - Material Master
3642 - Stock Report
3643 - ETA Update (LSP to i21)
3644 - Create/Update Inbound Delivery (i21 to LSP)
3668 & 3637 - Shipping Instructions, Shipment Advice, and ETA update
3669 & 3670 - Create/Update Purchase Order
3671 - Functional Ack (i21 to SAP)
3672 - Pre-Shipment Sample Result
3673 - Vendor Master
3675 - Goods Receipt (LSP to i21)
3708 - Storage Location - Import (Data Conversion)
INv Count - Blank lines should not be posted
No option to save the notes in Inventory Adjustment screen
Inventory Transfer> Hyperlinks to Maintenance
HDTN-177980 - Include reason code for lot adjustment transactions
Storage Location -> Hide commodity & pack factor. Add Item drop down
Lot Details View - Add button 'Trace' for traceability of lot
Create new lot records in bags when moved by the whole bag.
Valuation report - Should include opening balance when run from a date forward
Receipt Search - Add hyperlink for Order & source numbers
Lot Details - Add 'History' button
HDTN-172826 - AR Conversion Project - Add Import Inventory Receipt button in Origin Conversions
Item Search- Pricing tab - Make unit qty max to data entered
Stock Details - Add Stock UOM column
Inventory Commodities - Remove Consolidation Factor
Category & Item - Costing method is required only for inventory types
Receipt - Add fields and Charges tab to Receipt search screen
Inventory Shipment search - Add Invoices tab
Commodity/Item/Receipt- Hide Grade field
Inventory valuation summary - add units
Inventory UOM - Conversion should allow up to 15 decimal places
Item - Location search tab - Copy Location
Category - Add duplicate button
Item -> Location - Insert and Add Multiple should copy the 'Default' uom into Sales UOM and Purchase UOM
Category - Rename Location tab to "Point of Sale"
Category - Hide UOM grid
Item - UOM - Remove Load UOM button. Load the uoms on selection of commodity
3689- While printing credit/debit notes selection/decision can be made to switch from supplier to producer
Provide duplicate button for storage location configuration
Enable custom tab for Item editor screen
Inventory UOM - Add 'Area' to uom conversion list of volume, Qty and wgt
User wants to generate Lot pattern based on physical production date
The Lot expiry date should be calculated based on Manufacturing Date
Though the Lot-tracking for item is setup as 'Serial Number', user should still be able to enter the desired LotID manually in the inventory receipts
IR/IS - Disable Unpost and Delete when created by Ticktet Management
3696- Rejection of containers (Purchase returns)
3697- Inventory receipt screen, remarks should remain enabled after posting
Enable custom tab for Inventory Receipt screen
Modification to item configuration - add default packing uom for origin
Capture Item owner in the lot level
Item -UOM grid - hide unwanted fields by default
Stored Procedure (SP) to update the inventory based on the feed from SAP
Stated Net Per Unit, Stated Total Net and Physical vs Stated column of Receipt screen are not calculated
New report - Add count number bar code in Inventory Count sheet report
Item Cost tab - Add new checkbox for basis contract
Rename the “Recap” tab to “Post Preview” which better describes what it does
Certification program, add a new field certification code. This will be a free text field
Commodity - Add Purchasing Group
SP to create goods receipt (IR) based on external feed from SAP
Include Owner name as one of the column in the owner association grid and also in the owner look up.
Item - type "other charge" , need a new dropdown next to M2M checkbox
Add dtmDateCreated column in the tblICInventoryReceipt & tblICInventoryShipment table
CLONE - Implement ToAggregateAsync version
Inventory Return - Rename Voucher Button and Message Box to Debit Memo
Receipt - Multi Currency changes - Add Forex Rate Type and Rate fields
Shipment - Multi Currency changes - Add Forex Rate Type and Rate fields
Shipment - Multi Currency changes - Include foreign debit and credit in Recap screen
Receipt - Multi Currency changes - Include foreign debit and credit in Recap screen
Add Contract Item No field in Contract Item Tab (Item - Setup - Contract Item)
Control decimal display for quantity fields
CLONE - Stored Procedure (SP) to update the inventory based on the feed from SAP
IR Details Tab - Totals Should Have Currency Signs
CLONE - Control decimal display for quantity fields
Cost Currency label
Voucher - Change of cost should not be booked to Auto-Variance account
Inventory Posting & Rebuild utility - remove Auto variance entry for avg costing method.
Receipt - Multi Currency changes - GL posting - Convert transaction amounts to functional currency
Receipt - Multi Currency changes - Other Charges tab
Receipt - Multi Currency changes - Costing and Valuation - Convert transaction amounts to functional currency for Costing and Valuation
Shipment - Multi Currency changes - Other Charges tab
Shipment - Multi Currency changes - GL posting - Convert transaction amounts to functional currency
Receipt - Multi Currency changes - Process Receipt to voucher should copy forex from IR
Multi Currency changes - Receipt - DB View for Revalue screen
Multi Currency changes - Receipt Other Charges - DB View for Revalue screen
Multi Currency changes - Shipment - DB View for Revalue screen
Multi Currency changes - Shipment Other Charges - DB View for Revalue screen
Multi Currency - Receipt should default the price for the vendor location and currency
Multi Currency - Shipment should default the price for the customer location and currency
Multi Currency - Add currency to Pricing, Pricing Level and Promotional Pricing tabs
Multi Currency - Receipt should default the Last Cost/Standard Cost for the item location and currency for Direct type
Rename the "Parent Lot No" caption to "Lot No" and "Lot No" caption to Pallet Id in the Inventory shipment's BOL report
Multi Currency - Receipt - Add currency to all search tabs
Multi Currency - Shipment - Add currency to all search tabs
Provide a configuration to auto populate lot details
Inventory -- Lot details - Add another column for product type
Provide a select all check box in IR screen
IR Add Order > add Forex Rate Type and Exchange Rate
Create Invoice from Load/Shipment screen
3694- Logistics -Determine information which needs to be shown on dashboard/reports
3655- Shipping instruction print template
3687- i21 dashboard to be created for receipt / missing documents
3689- While printing shipping instructions selection/decision can be made to switch from supplier to producer
3692- Track ETA changes (for vendor evaluation)
3693- Load/Shipment schedule screen - User needs a field to capture stuffing date in load/shipment schedule screen in Logistics module
Provide an option to email the prints from load/shipment schedules. This feature is available in the contract screen
3690- Instore letter document
Automate computation of containers in load shipment schedule screen
Stock consumption feed changes
Add Percent Left in the popup in LCR
Shipping Instruction Feed to SAP
Shipping Advice feed to SAP
Shipping Advice full feed to 3rd party logistics
Remove incomplete orders from routing end of the day
Handle the impact of short close
FD 3936 - Alert message on screen if user is recording shipment advice for qty more than approved qty
Slice Shipping instruction if contract sequence is sliced
Unslice Shipping instructions in i21
Summary - docs pending vs received
Weight claim screen modifications
Incorrect net shift weight on weight claim.
Load work orders in Wastage entry screen based on setting.
Enable custom tab for work order editor screen
Handling Pick short
Handling inventory count in the handheld application
Add Owner in Lot Detail Screen
Undo start cycle count option
Building Month End Reports
Handling alternate container for the work order staging/ shipment staging
Work Order Management - Clicking on Post should save the entries and then post it
Work Order Editor - 'Undo Start' button should be available in work order editor screen.
Add Restriction Type column in the inventory view
Work Order Editor - Add 'Partial Fill Consumption' column in Recipe tab of work order editor screen.
Do not allow consumption reversal/production reversal/produce once the cycle count is started / Completed
Lot code should be based on selected Production date and shift in the produce screen
User should be able to view the content of closed work order without reopening the same
Sort records in Work Order Management and Transaction view based their create date descending
Implement ToAggregateAsync version
Display different column bond (Bond and Bond Release)and Quality(QA Hold and QA release.) in the Inventory view
Create an UI for capturing Item, Owner, Receive life mapping
Change recipe output qty as optional if consumption required flag is false
Provide task list option for Inventory shipment staging activity in the mobile application
Total Ingredient Demand Report in the work order management screen
Process Dividend
Volume Adjustment
Transfer Instruments
Change Stock Status
Cancel Equity
Equity payout
Stock Details
Adjust Volume - Ability to add opening balance volumes
Add validations Purchase/Sales and Unit/Amount field - Patronage Category
Default setup message error message - Process Dividend
Add audit log on patronage maintenance screens
Change status - Add new column 'New Status'
Starting Number - Change prefixes and add prefix for refund
Process Refund - Add Refund Number
Retire Stock - Create voucher on posting
Refund - remove Fetch button. Load data on Fiscal Year selection
Company Config - Remove category setup for discounts
Rename the “Recap” tab to “Post Preview” which better describes what it does
Posting & Recap GL entries for Stock Issue, Retire and Void Retire
Posting of Transfer Instruments
Issue Stock - create invoice on posting
Import from Origin
PAT - Implement ToAggregateAsync version