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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The Custom header/footer is used to add any input value you want shown in your report. 

  1. Add a new row in the grid area.
  2. In the Name field, enter the name you would like to call the header/footer. The value entered in this field will be show on your financial report.
  3. Enter a value in the Description field. This value should be as descriptive as possible so it would be easy to read what header/footer is that for. 
  4. In the Type field, select Custom.
  5. The Group field dictates the order of the header/footer. Set this field 1 if this will be the first row to show in the header/footer, 2 if second row, so on and so forth.
  6. In the Filter Type field, select a date filter for the column.
  7. Leave the Related Columns field blank.
  8. The Start and End Date fields are to be used only on column that has Filter Type of Custom. This is discussed more on How Custom filter type is used .
  9. In the Alignment field, set how the value for the column be displayed.
    • Select Center if you want it Centered
    • Select Left if you want it Left Aligned
    • Select Right if you want it Right aligned
  10. The With field has two options to select from. 
    1. Select Page if the header/footer it will occupy the entire page, If this is selected, leave out step 11.
    2. Select Column if it will only occupy a specific column. If this is selected, proceed to step 11.
  11. The Column Name field is used only if 'Column' is selected in With field. In this field, select the column you want this header/footer be placed to. But before you can do this, make sure that you have selected a column designer record in the Column Name field at the top of the Report Header and Footer screen. See How to Associate a column designer setup to a header or footer.

This is how Calculation column will look like when you follow the above steps.
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Here's how it is shown when report is previewed/printed.