Versions Compared


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titleMeter Billing
Post Meter Billing Sales Invoice > Use Meter Reading # as Sales Invoice Number


Mobile Billing

titleMeter BillingMobile Billing
Updates MBIL
Create Mobile BiIling API

Motor Fuel Tax

titleMotor Fuel Tax
Implement Audit Log in Company Configuration | Motor Fuel Tax Forms
Implement Indiana Schedule 11 Diversions' special requirements
Create SC EDI file
Create NC EDI File
Add Component Type column in the Filling Packet grid
Do not display Form Code and Form Name on Tax Authority screen
Create a button in the Tax Authority screen that will script out the Tax Schedules
17.4 - Incorporate IL Setup change into 17.4
IN GT-103: improvements to GT103 report
Remove these two fields from table and screens
NC - Code Special Requirements for LPG and CNG Gallons on Gas-1252 Schedules
SC - Incorporate SC Setup data into upgrade script
NC - Incorporate NC setup data into upgrade script
PA - Incorporate PA setup data into upgrade script
PA - Create PA E file (CSV file)
PA - Special Requirements for Card Fueling Invoices on Disbursement Schedules
MS - incorporate updated MS Setup into 18.3


Add PAT setup on vyuPATEntityPatron


Implement Activities on Time off Request
Auto Post Time Off to Time Off Calendar
Separate First and Last Name fields on Time Off Request Search
Paycheck Screen > Replace 'Bank Info' and 'Employee' toolbar buttons with drilldown label instead
Add Update Employee Hours button on Employee Screen
Ability to override Direct Deposit and create a Manual Check
Additional Field in Payroll Company Configuration
Need to be able to track WCC by Department and/or Location
Provide an SP to generate Paycheck record/s

Purchasing AP

titlePurchasing AP
Vendor Pricing - Import Vendor Pricing
Other Charges - Voucher - Should use receipt quantity instead of the hardcoded 1
CAB - Voucher entry - lock down information passed from scale ticket
[Pay Vouchers] - Group By on Grid
[Basis Advance] - Scale ticket reversal
AP Transactions by GL Account
Voucher entry - On posted vouchers you should be able to change credit to unrestricted
Vendor Maintenance - Flag to set up auto posting and auto voucher creation
Provide a view for position report - Risk module
[1099] Allow Negative 1099 Adjustments
Modifcation to "Voucher Checkoff Detail" for MCP
EFT Information > Add Grid for Vendors and Customers
[Basis Advance] - Only Display Quantity Available for Advance
[Basis Advance] - Provide Guidance to User For Missing Exchange Rate
[Ticket Management] - Need to Move Two UOM Columns
Split payments - vendor payment override
Ability to Unassign Prepayments
Voucher - Refund a Customer Prepayment or a Credit Memo
Add Book and Sub-book in AP screens
Cost accruals based on the estimated costs captured against sales contract
Add intCompanyId to some tables for the Replication feature
Terms Code on Vendor Search Should show both pay to and default terms
[Basis Advance] - Modify message if default rate is not set
Provide a table that will store basis advance info.
[Debit Memo] - Open Sales > Receive Payment when drilling down refund payments
[Vendor] Downloadable template
Voucher - Default 1099 fields when 1099 Box 3 is checked for an item
Report for 1099 Detail
Voucher entry - Ship From adjustment for splits
Multiple freight has been entered in voucher
Check off Report
Create a staging table for directshipment
Option not to throw sql error on [uspAPCreateBillData]
Create a new parameter in uspAPCreateBillData
AP - HDTN-213519 - Payment information required on Check
Voucher entry - Import - Help link incorrect
Import Lien Holders from Excel


Provide SP to show and save the comments for Inventory Receipt Inspections
Provide SP to get and save the Outgoing truck Inspections for Inventory Shipment Screen
Report Translation
Sample Type - Provide option to capture the lot status for sample approve and reject
In Sample Entry screen display the Customer name and Customer Contract for the Contracts of Brokerage type
Allow to take a Sample for Inspection Control Point
Add inventory items to the data type in Quality parameter
Add Book and Sub-book in quality transaction screens
Add intCompanyId to some tables for the Replication feature
Provide SP to create Sample entry on distributing scale ticket

Report Manager

titleReport Manager
Report Translation
Add a message "No data to display for this report." when the report has nothing to show
support multi item of parameter in Reports
Create a pop up screen for Language Selection

Risk Management

titleRisk Management
Code currency exposure screen
Position Detail By Month - Add Customer/Vendor to the list of available columns
Position Analysis Report for Gabesco
Switch Trades
Basis Entry- Disable the Basis Entry rows once it is used in Mark to Market
Modal Testing - Following screens name has to be renamed
Basis Entry - Adjust SP to conform the changes made on Evaluation By config
Report Translation
Basis entry screen - is taking a very long time to save
Derivative Entry - Matched transaction should not be able to delete
Company Configuration - Make sure that Account ID will use GL Account ID Combo box
Allow user to view position as of a certain date - Position report
Brokerage Account - Trader should be required
Need to create a history table for Matching screen
Consolidated Position Report
Unrealized P&L Report
Realized P&L Report
Consolidated P&L Report
Inter-company transactions for Futures
Position Report - Add Year to Date by Customer/Vendor
Add intCompanyId to some tables for the Replication feature
Need a history table for collateral screen
New category for Mark to Market process - show GL's belonging to new categories in m2m config
Add new columns in the history table Derivative Entry
Company Configuration - Make sure to show the Category Column too in Default Accounts
Company Configuration - Label View 1 and View 2 options more user intuitive

Sales AR

titleSales AR
Implement Drill Down on Customer Inquiry
Connect Commissions to AP and Payroll
Review the AR Aging and AP Aging and make consistent
Clean up Sales Menu structure
Credit Management Process
Invoices > Move Recurring transactions to a separate permanent Tab
Add hyper links to Sales order, Invoice and Payment screens
Pull Weight Claim transaction from AP
Sales Invoice > Duplicate Transaction does not allow you to change the type of record
Other Charges - Invoice - Should use shipment quantity instead of the hardcoded 1
Add button to update tax group after origin conversion
Unable to create credit memo/invoice for customer sales/returns with lot# inventory
Add 2 more overdue collection letters for 1-10 Days and 11-30 Days to match with Customer Aging Detail Report Grid
Destination Weights & Grades - Shipment - Pass Destination Qty to Invoice
Direct Shipment - New flow - Reduce In-Transit Direct stock
HDTN-202172 - Modify A/R Conversion to include more info
Sales Invoice > Credit Warnings should prompt at selection of the customer.
Invoice search screen - Add Payment method to search
Prompt user if customer has past due balance
Customer - Show Price Code
Add another payment method External Credit Card to show in receive payment screen
Invoice - New Bundle features - Impact of changes
Entity Conversion > Import Contacts from CSV
POS - Add receive payments button to POS Screen
New field on the SI screen for Mobile Billing Shift Number
New field on the Receive Payments screen for Mobile Billing Shift Number
Add Recipe to Sales Order - all Location column
HDTN-207212 - POS Return function
HDTN-207220 - POS - Need a way to log clerk initials and password to each transactions
Invoice - Customer aging tab - Add location
Invoice: Require Description column
Add location to Invoice Detail Report Search screen
POS - Incorrect values for Invoice created - On Account and GL entries
Receive Payments > Unsubmitted ACH need a select all option
Service Charge Invoice - add Paid coloumn
Service Charge - improvement on validations messages
Expand date criteria for batch printing (statement type) to match statement report printing
AR integration to MBIL
Provisional - Transaction Description in GL Account Detail
[Customer Statement Detail] - Discount inventory items should display 0 shipped.
[Customer Statement] - Add Ticket Number column from Invoice
Implement Letters template when building Quote
[Sales Analysis Reports] - Add margins per unit fields
Receive Multiple Payments - Implement Discount Available and Taken
Receive Payment - improvement on validation messages
Customer > Taxing> Improve Setup usability
Customer Maintenance - Ship to should be required on the customer master
Portal > Entity Location > Prevent Removing Records
Remove the Bank line from the top of the Remittance Advice
Provide a view for position report - Risk module
Import Sales Invoices > Add Column for Service Charges Date Calculated
NSF - Add ACH Payment Type to implementation
Refund a Prepayment or Overpayment
Credit Memo: Remove split functionality
Receive Payments - Cash Refund to Customer
[Sales Order] - Total Discounts Not Showing in the Lower Right
[Invoice] Add New Source Type of "Store Checkout"
Add book and sub-book in transaction screen
Customer -License tab Add the customer site url
CLONE - Hours entry - test case multi currency
Add AP Clearing in Company Config (reverted)
Provide a SP to update the quantity and cost for an Invoice
Service Charges > Add Option to exclude paid Invoices.
Sales > Customer Activity
Sales Report > New Trend Comparisons
EFT Information > Add Grid for Vendors and Customers
POS items missing when quantity on hand <= 0
Invoice Posting - Implement Category Retail Valuation
Provide SP to contracts to retrieve the lowest price of an item. Best Price Only
Ticket - could not post Destination Grades/Weight
vyuARInvoiceTransactionHistory is not updating the Once the payment is made
CLONE - Ticket - could not post Destination Grades/Weight


Background Program - Interface Get Grades
Add additional features for enhanced testing equipment
Farm/Field ID - Pass to Inventory Receipt or Shipment.
Destination Weights & Grades - Changes to Distribute/undistribute function
Destination Weights & Grades - Screen to enter destination weights
Destination Weights & Grades - Posting/Unposting of destination weights
Destination Weights & Grades - Direct Shipment - Changes to Distribute/undistribute function
Destination Weights & Grades - Direct Shipment - Posting/Unposting of destination weights
Destination Weights & Grades - Update contracts with destination weights
[Scale Ticket] - Config to post or not post voucher for the vendor
Create a hyper Link on Direct Ship to the "B" side of the ticket.
Add create section to ticket management menu
Identify Tickets ready to be transferred
[Ticket Management] - Need better message for limited contract
[Tickets] - Outbound Loads tab, ticket will not open from search screen when selected.
Delivery Sheet Mods for Checkoff By County
[Ticket Entry] - Provide column for Load Based contract when selecting a contract.
[Ticket Management] - Add Customer Ref Column to Load Selection List
Remove Dependency in tblSMUserSecurity table from tblSCScaleSetup
Supress Split Participants
[Price Contracts] - Need Multiple Lines on Voucher For Partial Pricing (Before Scale Load Ins)
Need to Create a history table for "tblSCTicket"
Scale Ticket to create sample entry on distributing the ticket
Pass certificate information from contract to IR while distributing the scale ticket
Add Signature to Scale ticket Print
Display the Load column on the manual distribution screen .
IR created through scale ticket is not calculating the expiry date
add intCompanyId field on all transaction header table
Remove soft edit Distribute this Ticket Now?
Delivery Sheet - Search screen should sort data by Delivery date, desc order


Alert Store User when pricebook items need to be sent to the register
Limit the records/setup to show on store's manager/user,
"Manager Verified" status should not be visible to store users
Checkout Posting Routine
Handheld Scanner
Mark Up/Down Inventory Integration
Reports > Consolidated Checkout Report
Report > Payment Options Summary
Report > Checkout Transaction Journal
Report > Department Summary
Report > Fuel Summary
Item update - Create audit log for system updates through price book
[Inventory maintenance] Change item column to description
[Store update screens] Make formal messages
[Store] Add New Field for Sales Customer Tracking
[Invoice] Add New Source Type of "Store Checkout"
[Checkout] Posting Pump Totals
[Checkout] Posting Item Movements
[Checkout] Posting Department Totals
[Store] Add New Field for Item Id to Taxes
Add New Customer Charge Item in Store
Add Customer Payments Item in Store
Changes in Payment Options in Store
Disable Editing Checkouts that are Posted
[Store] Add New Field for Item for Cash Over/Short Posting
Use GL Combo box (Masked)
[Checkout] additional column in item movements tab
Convert unique Id to string
[Store]posting of customer charges
Implementation - Update Item Pricing
Implement Sql Parameterized script
Implementation - Update Item Data
Implementation - Update Rebate/Discount
Implementation - Inventory Mass
[Checkout] - Configure Passport in Checkout

System Manager

titleSystem Manager
Display an alert and custom page when i21 is being updated
Conversion - Add Origin Tax Type in Tax Class
Create buttons on the main TR menu
New button on Meter Billing main menu
Redesign Payment Terms Screen
Add create section to ticket management menu
Rename the screen to Profit and Loss Analysis
User Roles > Ability to setup Re-usable Portal Roles
Portal > Add support for username to be used for more than one Entity
Letters: Add new keywords, rename a few and use proper description
Tax Group - Add tax class column to the tax code grid
User Roles - Rename Menu Layout to Menu Permissions
Audit Log Tweaks
Update Risk Management menus command
Projects - add projects to the customer portal
include tblSCLastScaleSetup in fetching tblSMUserSecurity
Risk Management menu command update
Include a "Remember Me Expiration" days in the Security Policy screen
CLONE - Add another payment method External Credit Card to show in receive payment screen
Masters and Transactions Replication in i21
Remove obsolete foreign keys from tblSMUserSecurity
Develop Inter-company transactions config screen
Remove extra grid toolbar buttons in Company Configuration Multi-Company screen
CLONE - Clean up Sales Menu structure
License details -
Add new starting number for Allocation Details
Additional menu for Help Desk
Add a new column(Include Tax On Discount) in Terms Screen
Rename Calculate Commission to Commissions
Additional Starting Numbers for Commission
Additional Field in Company Locations > GL Accounts Tab
Move menu from Entity to Activities
Add Quote on CF Menu under Activities
Add Quote on CF Menu under Activities (Portal User)
Add 'New Card Account' CF Menu
Add Generate Quote on CF Menu under Activities
Remove Ticket Job Codes menu from Help Desk > Maintenance
CLONE - include tblSCLastScaleSetup in fetching tblSMUserSecurity
Add new menu for Logistics
Import Lien from Excel
Import Farm Splits from Excel
Saving of language value should be handled by entity
Create a new menu "Blend Details" under Inventory -> Reports
Master Menu Purchasing Report Modification
Report Messages > Add CF Invoice Source
Implement Report Translation to Payment Terms Screen
Add Sales Trend/Comparative Report in AR
Fuel Summary Menu
Change Menu Command
Add new menu under Risk Management - Activities (Position Analysis Report)
CF Alerts > Add Distribution Type
CF Alerts > Add Report Messages Type
Add Sales Comparative Report in AR
Department Summary Menu
Provide a new report menu item named as 'Processing Actual Outturn' under the Reports folder
Provide a new menu item named as 'Outturn P&L View' under the Views folder
Adding Menu for Realized PNL screen for LDC
Payment Options Summary Menu
Provide a new menu item named as 'Market Differential' under the Maintenance folder
[Currency Exchange Rates] - Change Currency Pair fields to display From and To currencies
Add new screen 'Checkout Transaction Journal' to Master Menu
Add new menu for Freight Rate Matrix under Logistics
Consolidated Checkout Menu
SM - Install Check of Direct Printing for TM 18.3
Adding Menu for Consolidated PNL screen for LDC
Add new menu for Unallocated Inventory under Logistics - Reports
Add "Invoice History" menu for CF. (Portal User only)
Adding Menu for Closed Contracts Report
Add "Usage Alert" to menu
Create new menus for Store
Add new menu Currency Exposure on Risk Management under Activities category
Add Vendor Mapping in AP Maintenance menu
Store > Adjust Menus
Mark Up Down - Starting Number
Update SP-uspDMMergeSMTable.sql

Tank Management

titleTank Management
Show consumption site even if customers are not active
Deliveries Grid > Add Columns
Out of Range Burn Rate > Add Location to Grid
HDTN-205454 - Add Additional Column in the Open orders tab of Consumption Site
Reassign Driver - Add Column for Open Orders
Customer Inquiry > Link Contract > Show additional Columns
Consumption Site Grid > Add Fields
TM integration to MBIL
Add status field to the filter field drop down
Update API fields to match vyuTMMobileBillingOrder fields

Test Framework

titleTest Framework
CM - EFT/ACH information Save issue


Default Control File for Rack Price setting
Quotes > Generate and Email immediately
Location to Same Location transport load creates Inventory Transfer
Add Progress Status when Posting Transport Load
Allow Duplicate BOL#s when Vendors Re-use

Vendor Rebates

titleVendor Rebates
Rebates/BuyBack - To log changes in the invoice
Rebate Program- Auto populate the items and customers
VR - Vendor setup - Rename label "Export File & Path"


Card Fueling

Post Meter Billing Sales Invoice > Use Meter Reading # as Sales Invoice Number
titleCard Fueling
Need to add the Category field to the posted transactions Grid in Card Fueling
CF Import Tran > Support Gasboy Report Import Layout
Quotes > User Proofing
Quoting > Make State a Drop Down
Quoting > Reduce Side Scrolling on Quotes Screens