Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Volume - Does not list members with membership date earlier than the lowest fiscal year in the system
HDTN-220791 - Import volume created duplicate records - Add Unique Key Constraint
Equity Pay - unable to post, voucher calling sp error
SQL Error on installing of build 18.32.1130.473


titleMotor Fuel TaxPayroll
Ensure the TR SPs fetch values from the right places
Unable to generate IL E File
[uspTFGetTransporterBulkInvoiceTax] Schedule 5 - Gasoline (to Own Bulk Plant) Location - Location Transaction doesn't show in Preview
Deductions not calculating correctlyOR Schedule 3 Gasoline is not showing record


titlePurchasing AP
stub check blank appears to have been changed by upgrade.HDTN-220023 - i21 1099 QuestionHDTN-220360 - Voucher for miraj Taj food
[Voucher] - Unable to select Tax GroupCannot post voucher - out of balance
18.3 - [Origin Voucher] - Does not post units to GLHDTN-221807 - Creston partial PO not available to process invoice against
HDTN-220888 - AP Posting ErrorVoucher Checkoff Report gets failed to load resources error
HDTN-220972 - Cannot Post Vouchers[Open Clearing Detail] - Incorrect clearing amount (for partial)
HDTN-221223 - System Down - Cannot create multiple Vouchers for Vendor[Voucher Checkoff Detail] - Failed to load resources in Voucher Checkoff Detail by Voucher tab
[Pay Vouchers] - Cannot create deposit
Fix starting number issue and constraint error upon posting in Pay Voucher
Voucher incorrect Tax
Error on SQL Script building 18.3RC
[Voucher] - Cannot create or open voucher (with console error)
[Pay Voucher Details] - Transaction is not loaded on grid
[Voucher] - Cannot save voucher
[Voucher] - Cannot partially post voucher (from IR)
[Voucher CheckOff] - County column is missing
Voucher entry - Can not add miscellaneous payables
[Pay Voucher Details] - Transaction not displayed if Yes is selected in "set to 0 the override discount" message






Open Clearing Detail] - Incorrect Voucher Amount(for partial)


Property Limits do not delete when tests are deleted


titleRisk Management
Position Detail - Add Delivery Month and rename Month to Futures Month
Mark to Market - Contract Basis not calculating correctly
Net Gain/Loss incorrect
M2M: Summary tab rounds totals
Purchase Basis Delivery impacted Net Futures Position
Sourcing report - calculation errors
[Future Market] Can't generate Option Months
Position Report - In house is incorrect
Options and not Delta Adjusted
Currency Exposure- Stock tab is missing
Risk Report by type-Derivative entries are not showing in the futures section in the report
Select All on Match Derivatives doesn't total
[Match Derivative] Prices do not display out far enough
[Coverage Inquiry] Position Report
[Mark To Market] Net Gain/Loss not displaying for Inventory type
Position Details - Contracts Details Section is not Changing with Date
Position Report - Commodity and Date selected
Purchase In Transit incorrect
Position Detail - Qty does not convert into UOM correctly
Position Detail - Some transactions are not showing when using back date
Lines are not staying in the right section
Position Report - Contract will not work in 'as of' date basis
Position Report - Net Futures Position is incorrect
Currency Exposure - Error when saving from Non-USD Open Sales
Position Report - Error running the report viewer
DPR (Position Detail) - Company Titled is incorrect when filtered by Vendor
Position Detail - Company Titled is incorrect when filtered by Vendor
Crush Position Detail - Purchase Basis and Sales Basis are missing in the Crush By Month Grid
Position Detail is not loading
Pre-Crush detail - Months are not sorted correctly
Pre crush Detail - Report is not working when you click Print
[Future Market] Cannot update future market with product type
Pre Crush Detail - Purchase HTA is displayed at the bottom
Position Report -> Crush Detail - Contract will not work in 'as of' date basis
Position report - Error on console
Position Report - Open qty is wrong when multiple pricing is made


titleRisk Management
Mark to Market - Net PnL Calculation is going wrong
Mark to Market- Partially price contract Contract futures calculation is wrong. hence the Net pnl also showing wrong
Unable to get basis entry when passing location id
Sales in Transit is not correct
Starting number is resetting
DPI not loading data
Position Report - Error printing Position Report
Futures 360 - calculation errors
Position Report - In house is incorrect
DPI - Total In house does not match with DPR's In House
Risk Position Inquiry = Mandatory fields are not showing with * mark
[Position Detail] - Inventory Section Not Displaying
[DPR]Console error appears when opening DPR with a new commodity
[Position Report/Daily Position Report] Transactions are missing in Inventory Details in RC
[Coverage Inquiry] Visualization not working
[Coverage\Risk Inquiry] Commodities are not loading
[Future 360] Effective date doesn't take effect for the calculation of the initial margin
[DPI] Drill down to Invoice opens Inventory Shipment and leads to "Record No longer exist" - Direct Sales Invoice


titleSales AR
Receive Payment: Efficiency Changes
Invoice Selection Error
Unable to invoice Maintenance only type Software invoice
Customer Statement: Not calculating running balance correctly
CLONE - CF Invoice > Update AR Fees has wrong GL Account
POS - (Related to tax) generated invoices with amount due
POS: Return processed on the sale transaction calculated Tax incorrect
POS: customer set up with Special price not working
Bank Deposit: Customer Refund is showing in undeposted funds
CLONE - Missing Tax Amount on Imported Remote Transaction
Invoice Search screen Mail Sent column is not functioning
Receive Payment: unpost button disabled
RCV - Getting unrounded Payment which causes errors in posting
RCV - Unposting does not update the screen status
Character limitations
Receive Payment: Process payment is not calculating correctly
Receive Payment: Violation of UNIQUTE KEY constraint when generating ACH
Invoice- Unit cost currency is showing wrong in the Invoice details report.
Debit Memo - Cannot Post. Out of Balance
POS: Unable to process transaction with negative quantity
uspARPostPayment returning 0 posted result but successful.
Invoice: Tax of the generated Invoice from SO got doubled.
Make Payments - Unable to process partial credit card payment
[POS-Search] Unable to load old transaction details in the screen
[Scale-Distribute] Multiple line item is displayed on the generated invoice upon distribution of ticket with overage
Customer: Failed toLoad Resources
