Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titleRisk Management
Position Detail - Add Delivery Month and rename Month to Futures Month
Mark to Market - Contract Basis not calculating correctly
Net Gain/Loss incorrect
M2M: Summary tab rounds totals
Purchase Basis Delivery impacted Net Futures Position
Sourcing report - calculation errors
[Future Market] Can't generate Option Months
Position Report - In house is incorrect
Options and not Delta Adjusted
Currency Exposure- Stock tab is missing
Risk Report by type-Derivative entries are not showing in the futures section in the report
Select All on Match Derivatives doesn't total
[Match Derivative] Prices do not display out far enough
[Coverage Inquiry] Position Report
[Mark To Market] Net Gain/Loss not displaying for Inventory type
Position Details - Contracts Details Section is not Changing with Date
Position Report - Commodity and Date selected
Purchase In Transit incorrect
Position Detail - Qty does not convert into UOM correctly
Position Detail - Some transactions are not showing when using back date
Lines are not staying in the right section
Position Report - Contract will not work in 'as of' date basis
Position Report - Net Futures Position is incorrect
Currency Exposure - Error when saving from Non-USD Open Sales
Position Report - Error running the report viewer
DPR (Position Detail) - Company Titled is incorrect when filtered by Vendor
Position Detail - Company Titled is incorrect when filtered by Vendor
Crush Position Detail - Purchase Basis and Sales Basis are missing in the Crush By Month Grid
Position Detail is not loading
Pre-Crush detail - Months are not sorted correctly
Pre crush Detail - Report is not working when you click Print
[Future Market] Cannot update future market with product type
Pre Crush Detail - Purchase HTA is displayed at the bottom
Position Report -> Crush Detail - Contract will not work in 'as of' date basis
Position report - Error on console
Position Report - Open qty is wrong when multiple pricing is made


titleSales AR
Invoice Print > Same User Printing multiple invoices
HDTN-219583 - Add the Active column to the Salesman Grid
Receive Payment: Efficiency Changes
Batch Printing Invoices timing out at 30secs
Invoice Selection Error
Invoice: Unable to save invoice
Maintenance only type Software invoice
type when payment method is required
Customer Statement: Not calculating running balance correctly
Batch Printing: Print Credit Balance excluding credit transactions
9307CLONE - CF Invoice > Update AR Fees has wrong GL Account
POS: EOD report is incorrect
POS - (Related to tax) generated invoices with amount due
Invoice Batch Printing - Unfinalized Invoices being sent to email
POS: Return processed on the sale transaction calculated Tax incorrect
Invoice: Allow the COP Transaction to be processed thru the Refund option
Invoice - Corrupted Invoices are being emailed
POS: customer set up with Special price not working
9395Bank Deposit: Customer Refund is showing in undeposted funds
Sales analysis times out when filtering account status code for all dates
9340CLONE - Missing Tax Amount on Imported Remote Transaction
Invoice: Error when invoicing an item with quantity on hand of 1
Search screen Mail Sent column is not functioning
: Sales invoice is defaulting to quantity as the item weight
Receive Payment: unpost button disabled
Batch Printing: Account number section removed due to the fact that the account number already prints on the top with the address
9378RCV - Getting unrounded Payment which causes errors in posting
Posting for invoices stuck in Posting message
9379RCV - Unposting does not update the screen status
Invoice Total Incorrect
Sales A/R : Unable to email a customer statement
9400Character limitations
Customer Statement: Statement is cutting of the name
Receive Payment: Process payment is not calculating correctly
Email: Mail Sent indicator is incorrectly showing as not sent
Receive Payment: Violation of UNIQUTE KEY constraint when generating ACH
Email: Emailed statements are NOT showing up on the Email History log in System Manager
- Unit cost currency is showing wrong in the Invoice details report.
Debit Memo - Cannot Post. Out of Balance
POS: Unable to process transaction with negative quantity
uspARPostPayment returning 0 posted result but successful.
Invoice: Tax of the generated Invoice from SO got doubled.
Make Payments - Unable to process partial credit card payment
[POS-Search] Unable to load old transaction details in the screen
[Scale-Distribute] Multiple line item is displayed on the generated invoice upon distribution of ticket with overage
Customer: Failed toLoad Resources
Created with 0 dollars
Customer Statement: TB type invoice numbers are so long they do not fit on the statements
Sales A/R: POS price is not being updated for the qty when price is adjusted
Cannot unpost invoice
Invoice - Discount % and Amount is not working properly
[Invoice]- Unable to post an Invoice coming from distributed Scale Ticket Sales Order
[Invoice-Post] Missing "Unpost Preview" and "Post History" tab after posting a Cash Invoice
[POS-EOD] Incorrect GL entries upon processing EOD without cash over/short
Position Report - Soybean Meals's In transit is still off by a certain amount
[POS-End of Day] All processed EOD is not displayed in the list


Delivery Sheet - Cannot open Delivery sheet gradeScreen performance
Scale Date incorrect on initial startup
Ticket - Cannot distribute ticket[Scale Ticket] Unable to Distribute ticket to Load Contract
Split detail is missing and allowed to distribute the ticket[Scale Ticket] - Ticket details are not showing up
[Scale Ticket] - Unable to distribute Sale Basis Contractdelete Scale Ticket


[Checkout] - Handle if Xml file mismatch the mapping layout
Update Register > Not able to sendPromotion Item List > Family/Class selections were combined
[Checkout] Unable to post CheckoutReport > Amount is empty in the report
[Checkout] Creates Cash type for customer charges for Pump ItemsHandheld scanner] Adjust inventory receipt mapping
[Checkout] Close the loading screen if the sales tax is emptyHandheld scanner] Error in generating Export Pricebook
[Checkout] Error message is unclear in postingHandheld scanner] Opening handheld scanner message prompts
[Handheld scanner] Unable to create inventory receipts due to invalid object name
[RegisterCheckout] Add the Pricebook mix match for passporta message to the log instead of error
[Checkout] Error in saving automatic checkoutUpdate register] Does not show preview screen if there is no error
[Checkout] XML for pump total =0 but QTY shows 1Handheld scanner] Adjust the created Inventory receipt from handheld scanner
[Checkout] Console error in selecting Loads 2 store even if there is only 1 store


titleTank ManagementSystem Manager
Scale Activity report doesn't run


[Transports Load] Fuel Surcharge not Reflecting if Freight Type used was "Rate"
[Transport Load] Not Highlighted Receipt Line doesn't populate the Surcharge
[Add Load] Surcharge doesn't automatically calculate when adding Drop Ship LoadsConsumption Site showing two sites with same number and only one showing in AG billing - CLONE