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  1. In Store menu → MaintenanceActivities, click Subcategory Competitor Prices.
  2. Subcategory Competitor search screen will be shown. Click New toolbar button.
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  3. A blank screen for Subcategory Competitor Prices will show. 
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  4. In the Subcategory screen the Competitor Prices screen Details tab, enter the following details:

    1. Category* Store -  Select Select the Category Store that you want to setup the Subcategory Competitor Prices to. 
    2. Subcategory Code* -  Subcategory Code can be your own creation or NACS.
    3. Subcategory* - This serves as a short description for your Subcategory record.
    4. Description - Enter any appropriate. words or phrase to add more details for your Subcategory record
    5. Competitor Prices Grid
      1. Competitor - Enter any appropriate words for your Competitor Price record.
      2. Item - Select the Item that you want for your Competitor Price record.
      3. Competitor Prices Enter any appropriate digit for your Competitor Price record.
      4. Date/Time Data Captured - Enter the any desired Date and Time.
      5. Date/Time Data Recorded - This field is auto-populated field. It will display Today's Date and Time.
      6. Entered by - This field is auto-populated field. It will populated the current user login
      Register Code - Enter desired register code. Could be a combination of letters and numbers
      1. .
  5. Click Save to save the record.  You can also click the Close toolbar button or the X button at the top right corner of the screen. i21 will prompt you if you would like to save it before closing the screen
  6. Navigate to Preview tab, it should reflect the details entered from Details tab.
    1. Current Price Grid - It will load the Current Retail Price based on the hierarchy of Pricing. 
      1. If Current Retail Price is less than to Competitor Prices, it will turns the text color to GREEN.
      2. If Current Retail Price is greater than to Competitor Prices, it will turns the text color to RED.
  7. Click Close button to close all the active screens.