Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



titleCard Fueling
Vehicles Tab > Add Department to Grid on Card Account
Expand Account Grid for additional Details
Transaction Grid > Add Fields
CF Account Import CSV > Add additional summary fields to format and update
Price Profile Grid > Add Columns
Transaction > Drill Down options
Cards Grid > Add All Remaining Columns to Grid
Import Vehicles CSV > Add DepartmentCard Fueling Invoice > add AR Recap to Invoice as alternative to statement
Customer Aging and Detail Report Improvements
Make the total AR from Customer Aging Detail report grid equal to the total invoice amount
GAP - Customer Activity Report
[Make Payments] - Adjustments to screen
Move invoice tax column before total sales of tax report by default


Add running balance to customer history tab as of the present day
Non-Integrated CC Payments
HDTN-202172 - Need Ability to import Customer Budget Info
Add customer number as parameter to customer statement detail report
Adjustment for Vantiv Credit Card Certification
titleEntity Management
Create new Entity -Find Duplicates function - add field
titleFrame Work
Config to not show the delete confirmation message.
Adjustment for Vantiv Credit Card Certification
Credit Card Payment Methods for the Portal
Turnover of Settlement Report


titleCard Fueling
CF Invoice > Add Summary by Department/Vehicle/Product
CF Invoice > Add Department Grouping
CF Invoice > Add Support for Primary Departments on Vehicles or Cards
CF Invoice > Vehicle Recap needs to show Description
titleContract Management
Feed status should be modified for the subsequent records
titleEntity Management
Change Customer > Transports > Quotes > Show Tax Detail Checkbox into a Dropdown
Unable to do inventory count when a pallet is in 'X' locationinsystembutitis 'Y' locationItem - Need Bundle items to support in purchase side and it has to list in the contract sequence screen
Needed changes for Tax Calculation
Add Logistics Transaction TypesInventory count - Physical count UOM should be filteredbyselectedlotand selectstorage Locationif itiscountbyLot
Adding storage charges new line when posting invoice
Modify TR's Freight Cost Allocation Method setting
Change Customer > Transports > Quotes > Show Tax Detail Checkbox into a Dropdown




titleCard Fueling







titleCash Management



titleContract Management








Load / Shipment screen: Inbound posting should impact Inventory GL
Modify vyuAPReceivedItems to show on Add Payables screen.
Add Change Status tab - Volume Details
Process Refund - Add fields Voucher and Payment
Process Dividend - Add Stock Name drop down list
Issue Stock - Reflect Number of Shares and Par Value on Invoice created
Mailer - add hyperlink for letter
Volume - Add tab 'Transactions' to show all transactions that made the volume
Add Time Off Calendar as a selection on the Common info Calendar
titlePurchasing AP
Apply the same limit of Check Comments to report
[Voucher Entry] Vendor Prepay - Payment Voided, needs prepaid to be voided
Default currency moved to Entity location level
Needed changes for Tax Calculation
Add Payables - show Logistics load number and contract / sequence on selection grid
[Lein holders]
[Pay Voucher Detail] - List only the pay to's with vouchers
[Vendor Maintenance] Add Vendor Pay to Summary
Pay voucher detail
[Voucher Entry] - Override the exchange rates
[Voucher > Add Payables] - Improve Add Payables performance
Ticket Management - Delivery Sheet
Add Preview to Purge Promotions
Show the items affected when using Update Item Data Screen
ST - When exporting we should call everything report not export
Store name should be in the promotion search screen.
Add Audit Log in the store screens
titleSystem Manager
Needed changes for Tax Calculation
Add additional field on tblSMCompanyPreference
Add W-2s to Main Menu
titleTank Management
Site > Add Loss Reason
Add Lost Customer Reason Codes
Generate Orders > Add orders for other sites in the Fill Groups
Alerts > Order Approved message to customer


titleContract Management
Issues in Contract Status screen
Price Contract - Pricing a basis contract that does not have the basis UOM returns zero basis price
titleEntity Management
17.3 - Change Customer > Transports > Quotes > Show Tax Detail Checkbox into a Dropdown
Calendar needs to be a floating window instead of embedded in the menu.
Settlement - Display ticket fee amount in the Discount field on the settlement report
Stock Details - Remove unwanted columns for Storage Location
Issue in Load Shipment Search Screen - 'Inventory View'
Container Type are duplicated in load / shipment screen












New buttonis not clearing the grid data when click onnew buttonfrominventory count screen
Inventory Receipt displays error message "Specified cast is not valid"
Inventory Receipt > Gross and Net do not show with decimals
Item owner is not updated in the lot table after receiving a lot
InvTransfer shows "Post Preview" when the TR Load is already posted
Location change not working on slicing.
Unable to Save contract on changing theqty
Logistics notifications not displaying Act. ETD
Systemis not generating task correctly when customer is not allowed a partial pallet
Usershould have an option to set Bonded or not
Weightis not showingin the lot label after producing a pallet.
Duplicate data isdisplayingin the dashboard for outbound shipment view
Handheld - Transaction user Id is not updating when completing a task
Completed work orders should not be listed in the workorderstabofwork order staging screen
PP Consume - Unable to find out lot's Qty and Qty UOM in the input lot look up
Group By option is missing in the detail grid.
Add hyperlink forwork order columnin the yield view and transaction view
Consumption reversal is not working
Cycle Count - Counted Qty cannot be more than Qty in Prod Stg Area
Order - Each Line Item's Pick Preference should be read only if item configured as 'Strict FIFO'
Creating a Paycheck from the Paycheck screen - not filling in information
State Tax Rate for Mississippi not taking Exemptions into account
Unable to importtimeinto Process Pay groups using CSV file they use fororigin
titlePurchasing AP
[Add Payables] Missing Inventory Receipts on Add PayablesProcess Payments] - Adjustments to payments posting
[Voucher Import] Voucher and Payment interest should not be negative.] If User Requires Approval, Do not Show Post as Clickable Until Approved
HDTN-202253 - Weird new "glitches" in Voucher EntryPost Voucher - Validation
HDTN-202309 - Import Vouchers from Origin Error[Voucher] - Tax break down is Out of Balance
Posting vouchers timeout error consistently at 30.05s
Vendor phone is not following the mask in the vendor search screen.
[Voucher] Terms Discount ClarificationSample Type - Add one more item under Approve/Reject bynamedas 'Item & Parent Lot'
titleRisk Management
Derivative Entry does not display correct Filled Date.Derivatives Screen - retrieving futures price function is missing
CLONE - CF Tran > Able tounpostafter it has been included onCF Invoice(updated to AR)
CLONE - Unable to Forgive Service Charges that are postedPayment Conversion - change payment to use bill to/sold to
Statement > Balance Forward recordshould come firstACH - Effective Date and Remittance Report Date changes
Receive Payment Detail does not calculate correctly after modification of saved/posted record
Invoice total is incorrect
ACH Customer Payments - Auto generated BDEP incorrect posting date
CLONE - Unable to Post Invoice. "Total scheduled quantity cannot be less than zero"
Incorrect Total and Balance Due on Customer Statements
Entered by ofreceivepayment detail screen is blank forunpostedpayment
Failed to load data to Invoice
Forgiven finance chargeshould have zero impact to AR and GL
Performance Issues with Detail Aging Grid
Customer Entity > History is showing extra payments
CLONE - Entered by ofreceivepayment detail screen is blank forunpostedpayment
Unable to post invoice with Comment type item in detail
Unable to modify Comment type item description in Invoice screen
Customer statement times out
CLONE - Unable to modify the recurring invoice
Service Charge Forgiving > Do not allow forgiving when it has been paid
ReceivePayments > Discountsfor Unpaid invoices are being updated as taken
Rename balance forward statement columns
Sales order created, shipped, and invoiced with negative inventory
Update freight from ticket.
Create voucher for ticket distribution to a Cash priced contract
Scale distribution to a contract does not use the invoice currency for the IR or IS creation.
titleSystem Manager
17.3 Menus > Move Invoice to Activities
Portal - Add Payroll menus to the Customer Portal
CLONE - Calendar needs to be a floating window instead of embedded in the menu.
17.3 - Change Customer > Transports > Quotes > Show Tax Detail Checkbox into a Dropdown


titleEntity Management
Cannot enter a Split Less Than 1 Percent
Shipment Feed - Send Create feed to SAP only Once
Unable to modify the recurring invoice
Sales Analysis Report no longer shows a line total, tax total, total etc
Cannot enter a Split Less Than 1 Percent
When item type comment prints on the invoice, remove qty, price, total, etc.
CLONE - CLONE - Unable to Post Invoice. "Total scheduled quantity cannot be less than zero"
Header/Footer Text Not displaying on Scale ticket
titleSystem Manager
User Roles for Portal > Unable to set security on Controls
Tax Code
Error in batch posting