Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Password expiration warning message
Once your password expires, we are not allowing users to change their password
Do not load origin menus when integration is off
Implement "currencyField" on Search columns
title GL / Cash Managemen
[Bank Reconciliation] - Import bank rec -- better error trap
HDTN-214535 - GL Detail > Drill Down does not open the transaction from the Grid
titleHelp Desk
Tickets Search - Add HD Ticket Status in JIRA Details Tab
To use Current Location as default location
State Specific SUI exports - NASWA format
Create Electronic Filing SUI Screen
titlePurchasing AP
[AP Screens] - Change labels Rate Type and Exchange Rate to Forex Rate and Forex Rate Type
titleRisk Management
Add new GL accounts in company config - risk management - GL tab
Initial margin calculation - change
titleSales AR
Do a pre-check on saving payment
titleSystem Manager
Add show totals to batch posting screen
Hide origin menus when integration is off
SM - Install Check of Direct Printing for TM 18.1
Add Electronic Filing SUI to Main Menu
titleTest Framework
Create function that can select Company Location on Company Location screen
Create a function to automate the login and logout of a user
Create a function that will switch non portal to portal user login


titleCard Fueling
 NBS > Expand Valid URL errors
 CF Invoice > Adjust Remittance Names/Spacing
 CF Invoice > Remittance Page Footer Comment Formatting
 Discount range in whole numbers causes gap to apply discounts properly
titleContract Management
Import for AG Contracts from Origin
Purchase Contract to Inventory Receipt (Process-Inventory Receipt Button) - Get current foreign exchange rate to compute the price/cost of the Item
To add a company preference to enable or disable the Cancel button in the search screen of Contract
[Contract Entry] - Add validation for other charge items - Charge Entity and Inventory Cost can not both be checked.
[Contract Entry] - Cost tab - Remove Accrue Checkbox when Sale Contrat Customer and Other Charge Vendor is the same.
titleEnergy Trac Interface
ET - If source is Tank Delivery print consumption site address as ship to address
titleEntity Management
Portal > Email Login Credentials
Need to toggle Enable or disable value for Cancel button in the search screen of Contract
Portal > Login screen browser compatibility
titleGL / Cash Management
[Process Payments] - Generate Settlement Print when using ACH payment method.
[Storage Schedules] - Remove unused Filter field from view
[Storage Statement] - Change statement to use Tonnes instead of Ton
Purchase Contract to Inventory Receipt (Add Orders Screen) - Get current foreign exchange rate to compute the price/cost of the Item
[Inventory Shipment] - No Quantity on Other Charge item.
Items Copy Location - Missing Features
titleMotor Fuel Tax
MI - Adopt MFT-593 to 18.1
MI - Adopt MFT-588 to 18.1
MI - Incorporate new MI MFT Setup into upgrade script
MI - Create Excel file as e-file
MI - Add Uncommon Fields
IN - Reverse changes in MFT-581 (Remove SF-900 Surcharge Section)
Time Off: Allow unposting of Time off
GL distribution for Taxes and Deductions need to follow Department and or % in Earnings Screen
titlePurchasing AP
[Basis Advance] - Future Price Does Not Save
[Pay Voucher Details] - Forex Rate for Cash Accounts
Add a sql trigger on voucher table
[Voucher Checkoff] - Add company Location to the filter dropdown on the Voucher Checkoff report.
Basis Contract Deliveries Creating pending vouchers
titleRisk Management
P&L- add a new dropdown field for weight UOM
M2M - canadian logic not working
Data should always show regardless of the Filled and Current Date
titleSales AR
If source is Tank Delivery print consumption site address as ship to address
Rename Ticket Selection panel to "Trucks in Yard"
[Ticket Distribution] - Validate when undistributing a ticket that the contract is open
[Ticket Entry] - When selecting a contract, do not default the ticket Location.
Delivery sheet import log and message display
[Inventory Shipment] - No Quantity on Other Charge item.
[Inventory Receipt] - Second freight line is not pulling the correct information of the contract
titleSystem Manager
Conversion - Need a way insert/copy user locations based for all locations
titleTank Management
Digital Dispatch CSV export tax value should contain tax group entity id for all i21
Tank Delivery - Cash type invoice not updating the Consumption Site Delivery History
TM Integration Conversion > Origin to i21



titleAdvanced Installer
While installing 18.1 in Be-green environment it is cheking the cfg database



titleContract Management
Conversion - Change import Contracts program to bring open contracts only
Getting Console Errors on GL Export
Tables not availiable in querybuilder. Everything shows as blank
Query builder is broken when using use current server and database
titleDealer Credit Cards
CCR Posting > Do not allow Posting to Happen if amount is undistributed
titleEnergy Trac Interface
Error receiving files from the office on Customer Master
Exported Tax Exemptions Incorrect
Unable to save record due to reference violation in Energy Trac Export Setup
Tax not recalculating correctly when price is changed for imported transactions
ET - CLONE - Modify export to include consumption site address, city,state, and zip
titleEntity Management
Specific Entity screens' controls appear on old Entity screen in Control Permission
[Vouchers] Double Posting - Program Fix
View only screen permission allows save
Able to create same two vendors by double clicking save
HDTN-212837 - Annoying little icons
Error on Excel Export
User login does not allow certain buttons to not work.
Location column on search screen is not changing based on current location
Cannot filter on Manual Gross Weight or Manual Tare Weight
Unable to switch scale station
Export not working
Approvals: Time off to be approved not showing in approvals screen
CF Tran Grid > Transaction Date Filters are not working on saved Tabs
Cannot Export Reports from Grids in Help Dest
[Items] - Price Export Creates an Excel File That Cannot be Opened
Next Page option in Table grids, brings up previous opened pages,
Cannot Export Grids to any format (PDF, Excel, CSV, etc..) on Windows Server 2012r2
Multiple Instance - Warning message does not show
HDTN-213969 - Unable to run Individual Income Statements
titleGL / Cash Management
Reversing Journal set up as Recurring Template not setting Reversal Dates Correctly
HDTN-213241 - Import from Subledger
HDTN-213239 - posting bank transactions and deposits
Missing Vendor/Entity ID
Error on Bank Transaction
HDTN-213800 - Opening Multiple GL Accounts
HDTN-213847 - ACH Upload Error
Revert Check Date Format to MM/DD/YYYY for US dollar currency
After upgrade Payroll email status did not update after emails were sent. We ran printed, emailed remittance then closed and created payables and posted.
[Imports and Conversions] - for Cash Management data failed to import
[Check Printing] - Wrong date format
[build account] unable to search/build newly created segment
Settled Storage - Unpost settle storage creates incorrect G/L
[Settle Storage] - GL from Settled Storage incorrect
[Settlement Report] - Ticket date on settlement does not match ticket date on ticket.
Storage transaction with 0 balance still showing
Discount Item disappears
Discount Code Won't save imputed value
Settle Storage > DP - remove GL entries
Voucher - Cost Adjustment not recorded in Voucher
Cumulative Discount and Shrink is not saving properly
Settling Storage against Basis contract is throwing error
titleHelp Desk
import billable from help desk created multiple invoices for each help desk ticket
title Inventory
Importing/Conversion - Duplicate error while importing Commodity
Conversion - Commodity import give duplicate UOM error
Conversion - Item COGS account is not imported for AG
Conversion - Modify Inventory Conversion for Physical Item (Bundle)
Unable to Undistribute scale ticket - Negative Cost not allowed.
System Manager - Inventory-Item Import wont open.
[Ticket Distribution] - Negative stock quantity is not allowed
Import - Inventory count import not working for lots
Import - Inventory count import not working for lots - Posting failed
[Inventory Receipt] - Additional entries are not created
Stock Not Available
Copy Location Grid - Should display all items Clone
Import Inventory Count - System Should validated Storage Location and Storage Unit per Company Location
Import inventory Count - Last cost display issue
Inventory receipts- Condition column in Lot section is not populating Clean weight by default even if there is configurations
Convert Recipe - Quantity and UOM is blank customer recipe
Negative stock quantity while staging a pallet
Work Order Mangement - Error message displayed while trying to post the cycle count
Work Order Management - Packing location is not showing correctly in the cycle count screen
WH Mobile: FG Release: System is displayed validation message but still Lot Status is changed from Quarantine to Active
WO Staging - System is not considering the reserved qty while adding and editing lots
User has to click multiple times to generate all tasks when there is a reservation
Storage location barcode label printing is not working
Process Production : Lot Cost is not adjusted when the work order is unposted.
Pick list line item is missing if it does not have enough inventory
PP Consume - Incorrect qty is displayed in PP consume screen
Application is not allowing to stage using handheld
Reason - Should fetch only active reason codes
titleMotor Fuel Tax
Failed in upgrading database
IN - EDI file missing Summary info
S03A01 on SF-900 (Dollar Amount) is showing after GA
Unable to generate GT-103 XML file
Incorrect filename with no data has been generated when generating IL Efile
Incorrect filename with no data has been generated when generating OH Electronic Text File
Issue Stock - Unpost and Delete Invoice
UPDATED to 18.1 in TE and reporting issues with payroll reports
Payroll Tax Amounts changed with Upgrade
Time Entry - creating Multiple Punches for some users
unable to unpost Time off request
Post preview is not giving a message when gl accounts are missing
PTO type of Paycheck is putting PTO into accrued instead of Earned
Payables for the first three quarters have reappeared since we upgraded to 18.1.
Since upgrade, not all time off hours are showing on paychecks
Error occurs on deploying 18.1DevF
titlePurchasing AP
[Origin Import] Import Fails, but imports incomplete data
[Pay Voucher Details] - Unable to reprint a settlement after creation.
Vendor - Vendor Account No should allowed to be selected in permissions to make it manditory
Origin Import shows out of balance when it's not
GL out of balance message
[Voucher] - Taxes not calculating correctly.
Voucher Clearing Tab shows receipts that have been vouchered and posted
STR transactions are not updating the IR so it doesn't show on Open Clearing
Changing discounts on Voucher does not create the correct entries
Changing discounts on Voucher does not create the correct entries
HDTN-213944 - Error in batch posting
HDTN-213865 - Create Deposit in AP - Discounts
Pay Vouchers - select vouchers for payment
HDTN-214005 - AP/GL Out Of Balance - Deposit from Pay Vouchers
[Vendor] - Vendor Account No should allowed to be selected in permissions to make it manditory - CLONE
Voucher - Tax (Calc method: Per Unit) Disappear after Cost Adjustment
HDTN-214118 - Voucher/Debit Memo "Billed" field doesn't hold "-" negative sign on first entry
[Voucher Entry] - Discount % creates unusable GL Entries
HDTN-214422 - Open Payable report page 2 is blank
Approval doesn't work for non-inventory items
[Voucher] - Incorrect amounts after deleting payment
Open Payables Detail drill down incorrect
[AP] - Screens failed to load on latest 18.1 DEVB builds
[AP Screens] Failed to Load Resource
Voucher Checkoff Report Displays incorrectly
Negative Cost Pricing Basis Contract
Tax Calculation is incorrect
Open Payables Detail Incorrect
titleReport Manager
CF Invoice > Locking up when sending email
titleRisk Management
Cannot save view in Position Drill down
Settlement prices are rounding to 2 decimal places
[DPR] - zero balance tickets are showing on the DPR
[Futures 360] - Display 5 decimal places
[DPR] - Storage Type Receipt
Price Risk Displays incorrectly when Drilling down
[Ticket Distribution] - Not have basis in Risk mangement.
Position report- Inventory receipt unit cost and voucher unit cost are showing different. hence the net payable is not showing proper
Coverage Inquiry - Average Long Price displaying on new location
Coverage report - UOM should filter only commodity UOM.
Futures 360 - Do not show commission if the rate type is Half turn
Vendor position inquiry - Position is not showing correct in the month wise section
Position Report - Price Risk Incorrect
Future settlement price- after import the same record is not able to open
Import derivative entry - Blank Row should not import
[Option Lifecycle] Cannot Match Options Transactions
DPR Print doesn't match DPR view
titleSales AR
Batch Printing > Over 30 days timing out at 30.0
Post Preview out of balance when Foreign Rate is Used
Add Import Missing banks during EFT/ACH Conversion
CF Invoice > Remittance Page > Missing Comments
Conversion - Not all bill to and ship to converted into location
Sales Order - Description is not editable for Comment type item.
Open Item - Lazer statement missing from Batch Printing email list
Cash Invoices Not showing in Batch Posting
Sales Analysis displays incorrect cost for Bundle type items
Duplicate journal entries
Accrual entries is not zeroing out
Reports - Accrual balance does not display the proper data and total
Invoice not correct
Conversion - Special Price Import string binary error message using buttom
Print the company name and date on customer aging report even if there is no balance
Conversion - exec uspARImportPTTaxExemption
Conversion - Modify customer comment conversion for Energy Trac types to 80 characters
[Receive Payments] - G/L entries are expected message.
Prospect type entities are showing in Customer list
Sales Order Header and Footer comments not printing on Sales Order form
Add Sales Order lines not all coming into Invoice when processed from Invoice screen
Sales Order not closing once invoiced
Entity Name is not displaying in the Customer Pricing tab name column
Unable to post invoice
Invoice format - % full is not correct value
HDTN-214353 - Changing Default in Payments received screen
Recurring create duplicate journal entries
AR - Since upgrade, the Unit of Measure is no longer pulling in from the BASE file
CF Invoice > CF discount doesn't match from Invoice available discount.
Invoice report: Fix the format of the additional information
Unable to open Sales screen on DEVF build
Sales Order - Unable to ship, SQL error is displayed
Customer Aging - Posted Service Charge not displayed in Aging Report
18.1 SQL Scripts Error
import billable from help desk created multiple invoices for each help desk ticket
Cannot Post Sales Invoice
Receive Payments - Unable to unpost; 'Cannot update detail of posted payment' error displays
Invoice - Unable to process a Provisional Invoice
AR - Script Failed on build
[Sales Order-Invoice] Two SO is generated upon directly processing the SO to Invoice
[Invoice-Print] Unable to view the report if the Invoice Source = Tank Delivery
Transport Load - Unable to Post Blending Transactions
AR- Script Failed (18.1DEVF)
Cannot edit tax. Tax item screen would not pop up
Distribution type issue in ticket pools
[Ticket Distribution] - Do not create Voucher if the Spot Price has not been entered.
Missing Edits and Error messages when import grades
Allow multiple active import formats
Lot details are not copied to IS
Cannot Undistribute transfer out ticket
Heat Discount displaying incorrect default value
[Ticket Distribution] - Undistribute Direct tickets does not update contract scheduled balance.
Scale Service - Ignore Extra Characters
Scheduled Qty were doubled when opening Manually Distribute Ticket screen
Scheduled Qty were doubled when opening Manually Distribute Ticket screen
Invoice - rename Deduct from Customer to Charge Customer
Inventory Receipt > created from Ticket - incorrect Tax Rate used
Error on build sql script compilation
titleSystem Manager
Starting Number able to be reset
System Manager - Console error on opening Import Screen
[Company Configuration] - Mulit Currency tab not saving settings.
Vendor - Vendor Account No should allowed to be selected in permissions to make it mandatory
Importing Users doesn't work
Default Location Name and Id doesn't update upon modifying Current User's Default Location on System Manager
Conversion is not deleting the extra spaces of the web portal users making the credential incorrect
Adjust the Batch Posting procedure of AP posting.
titleTank Management
Conversion - Tank Management conversion failed
Unable to get Orders from all i21 17.4 web service.
Tank Management Customer Inquiry Grid splitting First Name and Last Name
HDTN-214333 - New Consumption Site in TM not showing data in Petrolac
COBOLREADSite - Tank Capacity and Serial No are Not Displaying
Modify export to include consumption site address, city,state, and zip
Cost displaying on screen does not match actual cost Used
Emails failing in Transports Load screen