Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


titleContract ManagementStore
Checkout > Do not Generate Item Markup/Downs if store is not setup
Checkout > Generate Markup/Downs for Department Discounts
Checkout Grid > Add Columns for Quick Reporting[Contract search screen] - Batch Printing
Need excel template for the Masters and transaction of quality module
titleQualityTest Framework
Parameterized option in set data, set data, set data grid, verify data grid



titleSales ARFramework
Add the Check no field to the base payment grid.


Scale integration using Electron to get the weight
Create a public method to write/read a file in FTP
Webconfig: Remove the isRemote config


titleCard FuelingInventory
Create stored procedure to update the dblBillQty
Integration - New cost adjustment method for grain industry. Price fixing of basis contract takes over an hour to post and create vouchers.
Unposting Destination Weight/Grades did not unpost and delete the existing Inventory AdjustmentCLONE - Identify all non-standard Search screens and assign to module programmers to update so Exporting is fast
titleContract Risk Management
[Rapid Contract] - Printable Remarks not printing on contractDPI Company Titled not balance on DPR Company titled
Position Detail- Basis Risk and Price Risk should match the Crush by Month
Manual Distribution Screen Won't launch
titleSystem Manager
Create a FTP credential container in company config



Export/Import of Scale Tickets and Delivery Sheets
[Destination Weight and Grades] - Dest Quantity greater than ticket quantity
Company Config: Move the isRemote config from web.config to Company Config
Ticket Screen: Put an indicator that the environment is a Remote Scale
i21 Home Screen: Put an indicator if there is an ongoing import


titleCard FuelingStore
Card fueling > Invoice > Balance forward incorrectScanner > Append Handheld Scanner Counts for Existing Inventory



titleCard Fueling
CF Invoice > MPG Calculations on DEF items that are not to be included
CLONE - CF > Statements Issue
Card Fueling > Card Accounts > Credit Lockouts
Site Summary Report Gross Profit Unit is not correct in Totals
Card Fueling > Card Accounts > Import Cards
Invoice Report > Offset is not working on Customer Address
Card Fueling > Activities > Generate Quote
CF Invoice > Generated Invoice appearing twice
titleContract Management
[Contract Sequence] - Sequence is showing as UnpricedMandatory fields are not validating while duplicating a Contract with sequences
[Contract Balance - Add a summary option to reportReport] - Changes to contract balance report - Position month
Quantity and price column of Price fixation document and Contract document print for begreen should have comma seprator
Issues Setting up canned panels for payroll - Internal Server Error
titleEntity Management
Load based contracts are incorrect on position
DPR - Check all Date Criteria in SPs To Ensure Proper Transaction Selection
Contract Balance Report - Contract showing up incorrectly
[Load Contracts] - Scale ticket quantity not applying to contract.
price contracts -While applying arbitrage the sell market and sell month is disabled and the contract future month is not displaying in buy month
Error on SQL 2008R2 Deployment (RC Build)
Unable to load Dashboard without assigned panel
New account saved in the table but cant be search in UI
Contact > Locations showing for all Entity
[SignalR] - Connected to signalR twice
[FRM Submenus] - Submenus are not showing in DEV1830 18.32.0131.584
titleGL / Cash Management
GCE: Auto-save on posted recordsWhen printing a large number of checks not all of them show up in Archive as printed
Bank Deposit: Posted Deposit got changed after posting
HDTN-224679 - Bank deposit: unknow transaction pulling into filtered record
Script Error on deployment of 18.32.0226.619 @ QC Server
HDTN-223528 - Settled storage screen not showing units settled
HDTN-224730 - Not able to settle vendor storage for Pratum Co-op Madras
HDTN-224754 - trying to print settlement-receiving error
[Settle Storage] - unable to settle delayed pricing bushels
HDTN-225529 - storage not calculating properly on settlement
HDTN-226050 - Unable to Settle from Storage in Ticket Management
[Canadian Storage Receipt report] - error while printing
HDTN-226957 - Delivery sheet - unable to unpost
Remove the posting of Vouchers when settling DP storagesHDTN-226851 - Deleted STR records still impacting GL
titleHelp Desk
HDTN-223964 - wrong customerProject Screen does not have export function
CLONE - HDTN-222403 - Inventory out of balance to GL 11/30224811 - Retail price updating issue
BOL Should flow to Voucher 18.3
HDTN-225681 - Invoice SI-22984 posting error - wrong inventory cost
CLONE - HDTN-224896 - Unable to process Inventory receipt- now requires gross/net uom
Duplicate feature is making "Storage Required" to checked
Can't Unpost adjustments on WO-348
[Inventory Count] - Performance issue Update Count
No exempted tax data returned.
Inventory Receipt - Did not update Bill Qty when Vouchered from IR screen
Inventory receipts - charges tab update cost from contracts is not working
HDTN-225176 - Unable to post Inventory Receive
HDTN-227019 - Error posting inventory receipt
Settling DP storages take forever to finish because of Cost Adjustments
Incorrect transferred quantity against Inventory Transfer IT-9
[Voucher] - Unable to Unpost Voucher
Expiry Date column value changes when user tab out from Manufacturing Date column
System is not replicating the 'Lot Alias' while replicating balance lots in Receipt screen
IR return created Debit memo without TAX
PO to IR to Voucher (IR Voucher Button) - Cannot create voucher for purchase order
Rebuild failed with Null value error
18.3 RC BUILD - Cannot Save IR Purchase Contract Inbound Shipment
[Receipts] Error upon posting return receipts
CLONE - Shipping instructions, Release Order, and Instore letters are not getting added to DMS automatically
Inventory view - When exporting to MS Excel, columns Stock Qty, Futures, Cash Price and Basis are not correctly formatted. Also, column "Total Cost" is blank.
CLONE - [Inventory Receipt] the lot details are displaying now but the quantity is showing as clubbed with total and not as per each line.
Invoice print is showing double entry
While posting the Outbound shipment (not the bundle scenario) it is not allowing
Can't cycle count WOwork order
Item search not working
CLONE - Can't cycle count WO
Provide an FN that will return the cost-allocation matrix
Unable to edit the attribute "Category for Ingredient Demand Report" of Manufacturing process screen
Script Error on deployment of 18.32.0227.621 @ QC Server
titleMotor Fuel Tax
A tran is not showing in Grid but in Excel export
Volume Transactions Tab - Export Report not working
Filters are not working in Employee Tabs - Time Off Tab
18.3 [Paychecks -> Taxes Tab] Taxable Wages column missing upon importation
titlePurchasing AP
HDTN-224692 - 1099 selection in grain voucher won't hold
Cost bucket missing
CLONE - Provide tax data when creating voucher.
CLONE - [Scale Ticket] - Unable to distribute Scale Ticket with Delivery sheet where distribution is DP Contract
titlePurchasing AP
18.3 - HDTN-223334 - Unable to post some transports A/P invoices
Rate column for Item Tax Detail should be more than two decimals.
HDTN-222395 - How to reconcile ap clearing by Location
18.3 - Voucher Prepaid posting to wrong GL date
HDTN-223943 - Settlement issue
[Voucher] - Cannot create voucher for receipt
[Voucher Checkoff] - Non check payment method are not included in the report
titleRisk Management
18.3 - Search should use correct prefixesM2M- Transaction tab is not loading
DPI Fixes
Mark to Market - Market Data error though data is existing
M2M Inquiry - Spot date is not picking properly
Currency Contract is not saving and re opening properly
GBP Close-out - Match ID 85 - Commission is not calculating properly
HDTN-224988 - Mark to Market missing contracts
HDTN-226218 - HTA Contract does not show Market Price
[Mark to Market] - Market Basis and Market Futures are incorrect
Position Report - Third grid not loading data for physical contracts
Pre- Crush Detail - Net futures is wrong
Future 360 Report takes a long time to load
[DPI] Incorrect Balance Inventory
strCustomerName is NULL from vyuRKGetInventoryValuation
Future trading month- Not able to add new months
18.3- M2M- Transaction tab is not loading
Crush - To run by tblRKFutOptTransactionHistory.dtmTransactionDate
Mark to Market - Several fields are not displaying after reopen
DPI - Will not match the DPR if filtered by Position Inlcudes
Position Report - Bottom section will still show though middle section is not showing contracts.
Basis Entry not loading in 18.3Dev
Pre-Crush - Crush is not displaying
Script Error on deployment of 18.32.0228.624 @ QC ServerError on 18.3 Dev SQL Script
titleSales AR
NSF: Customer statement with NSF is showing inaccurate info
Invoice: Editing of POS invoice doesn't recognize special pricing
Invoice: Add on items shipped quantity not computing correctly
Invoice: Add on items' print total cost does not show properly
Sales Trend Report: drop down to select Customer Number or name is not working
Sales Comparative Report: drop down to select Customer Number or name is not working
CLONE - HDTN-224687 - Available Stock
Invoice: reserved didnt update from a posted invoice
CLONE - Card fueling > Invoice > Balance forward incorrect
Cannot Post invoice from LS: NEgative stock Qty Error
HDTN-225681 - Credit Memo is posting the wrong last cost.
CLONE - Sales Invoice is created when distributing load out zero spot sale ticket
[POS-Hold] No changes is displayed upon reprocessing on-hold transaction by removing an item
[Invoice-Save] Unable to save record in Invoice
[Invoice] cannot save and post Invoice due to decimal issue
[Receive Payments-Delete] Unable to delete the payment record generated from POS
unable to select Stor. Location
Sales Invoice is created when distributing load out zero spot sale ticket
Ticket: Ticket level converts the whole thing two commodities into one
CLONE - [Destination Weight and Grades] - Dest Quantity greater than ticket quantity
Invoice- invoice payment info - filter (amount due not equal to $0.00) NOT working
Invoice - Payment info screen shows amount due in error
Invoice: Posted delivery not reducing scheduled quantity
Customer Prepayment: Not totaling correctly
Forgive date time discrepancy on GL
Invoice: Posting subsequent invoices takes LONGER to post
CF > Statements Issue
Inventory Adjustment is not creating upon posting Destination Weight and Grade in Scale Ticket
Invoice Return: Posting to incorrect GL accounts
In-Transit Outbound did not zero out after posting an Invoice
Batch Printing: Unable to batch print statements
Single Ticket Transfer Process
[Ticket Entry] - selecting a contract on the manual distribution screen does not update Grades and Weights
Direct-in ticket displays an error Object Reference not set
Next Ticket number field type
Rename location label for Transfer Ticket type
Error message shows when importing from Main server
Exporting of Delivery Sheet from Main Server is not working
Unending loading status when importing from Main server
Unable to distribute Contract Scale Ticket
[Transfer Out] - Unable to distribute Transfer Out ticket
Error when importing Ticket with associated Delivery Sheet
Incorrect Delivery Sheet associated to multiple imported Scale Tickets
Import Ticket pop-up balloon is ticking even if there is no file to import
Notification shows Import Successful even import failed
Delivery Sheet No generated is already existing
Unable to import ticket with Delivery Sheet
Auto import from Remote is not working
Pricebook > Some upcA are being exported as ean13
Checkout > Posting Issues
[Checkout] Item movements refund amount is getting wrong amount upon import
titleSystem Manager
User profile - Field delimiter is not showing anything - hence import is not working.Currency Exposure - Starting number