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Terms can be setup in the Common Info menu. Depending on the selected term, it can change the Due Date and possible discounts given
Voucher Payment Header Fields
Field NameDescription

There are several Voucher Types that you can pick from. Each of them change the way the voucher works.

VoucherThis is used to create a standard voucher. (Default)
Vendor PrepaymentsThis is used to create prepaid that can later be applied to any vouchers.  
Debit MemoThis is used to create debit memos of purchases received from your Vendors but then decided to return the items.
1099 AdjustmentThis is used to create adjustment or correct a 1099 value that is previously filed. This transaction has no financial impact - does not pay the vendor and does not impact gl it is for record keeeping only.
ClaimThis is used to create claims for transactions that has a gain or loss during the shipment due to various reasons like weather and damages.
Prepayment Reversals

This is created after a voided Vendor Prepayment is reversed.
This reversed the items that were:

  • prepaid is made and paid
  • payment was posted 
  • payment was voided 
Deferred InterestThis is used to create a transaction record for interests of the balances that is elected to be deferred by the vendor
Invoice No

The Invoice Number field cannot have a duplicate value unless allowed by the user. The duplicate check is to ensure no duplicates on a single vendor. You are allowed to have duplicates across vendors.

Invoice Date

The date of the Invoice.

  • Invoice date is used as the basis for terms codes
  • this does not impact when the transaction is posted to the general ledger

Option used to create a Recurring Voucher template. Recurring vouchers can not be made from posted vouchers. They are a template for future postings.

Check CommentsPrints anything entered in this field on the check . limited to 25 characters due to space on the check.
Post DateThe date the Voucher was (will be) Posted to the General Ledger.

This is the i21 location for your facility. This will help you segregate payments. This field is assigned when you create the payment and is based upon your user profile.

Bank AccountThis is the bank that the payment will be drawn on.
Vendor NoThis is the Vendor that will be paid on the check
Vendor Pay toThis is the pay to that will be the address that will print on the check if no overrides are taken.
Override Pay toThis will allow you to override the pay to address with the system maintained address selected.
Amount PaidThis is used if you wish to enter an amount to pay - then click the select button and select bills for payment in FIFO (first in first out) order.
Quantity and Quantity UOMThis is for selecting a certain number of Bushels or quantity for payment. this will calculate the average price per bushel with all taxes and other charges and apply the quantities in FIFO order. for example - if you say 500 bushels - the system will find the first received 500 bushels - calculate the average price - sum the payment amount and select those items for payment.
Check PayeeThis is the system Generated payee that the system will use on the check and settlement if no override is applied.
Lien ExistsThis is a checkbox to allow you to see if liens exist on the vendor - this is informational only
Override payeeWill result in a manual check always. If you override the payee you will not be allowed to ACH the transaction. This will allow you to change the name and or address that will print on the check.
Override SettlementThis will use the override Payee on the Settlement. if you do not override the address then the address on the settlement will come from the pay to on the payment rather than the override address.
Override AddressThis is the text box to enter the address that you wish to use in conjunction with the overrides. This text box is editable until the check is printed.
Override LienThis will allow you to use ACH even if there is a lien on the vendor for that commodity. If override lien is checked then override payee can not be checked.
Payment Line Item Columns
Column NameDescription
Pay checkboxThis selects the Voucher to pay.
Due Date

The date the Voucher is due to be paid.

  • This date can be adjusted even after posting the voucher but not after paying the voucher.
ReferenceAccepts anything entered. For duplicate transactions, this field displays
Record NoThis field is read-only and will display the record number
of the original voucher
Ship ViaShipping Method used in the transactionContactThe vendor contact you may speak with on occasion other than your vendor who works at the same company.Ship From
Ship ToThis will display your default company location where merchandise will be shipped.LocationThis will display the default company location.Pay ToThis will display the vendor where merchandise will be paid to.
Invoice NoThe Invoice Number field cannot have a duplicate value unless allowed by the user. The duplicate check is to ensure no duplicates on a single vendor. You are allowed to have duplicates across vendors.
CommodityThis is what is being purchased.
TermsTerms can be setup in the Common Info menu. Depending on the selected term, it can change the Due Date and possible discounts given.
Voucher TotalThis is the total amount to be paid.
Voucher NoThis is an automatically generated number that is unique for every voucher
AP AccountAP Account where GL entry will be posted. This defaults to the AP Account set in Common Info > Company Locations > GL Accounts tab
Withheld AmountThe withheld amount applied when payment was made to the transaction.CurrencyCurrency used in the transaction.Ordered ByThe one who created the transaction. Defaulted to the user that is currently logged in.Ship From (Address field)The address of the selected vendor location where merchandises were shipped fromShip To (Address field)The address of the selected company location where merchandises will be shipped toRemarks
Accepts any remarks entered.SubtotalTotal before the tax of all the line items entered in the Line Item Detail was applied.TaxThe calculated tax based on the tax code used on every detail. This can be overridden via Tax Details screen.TotalThe computed total by adding Subtotal and taxes of the transaction.Amount PaidThis is the payment amount already made for the voucher.
Amount DueIf voucher was partially paid, this displays the remaining amount with no payment yet. If voucher is already paid in full, this shows 0.00
.Terms DiscountThis is the computed discount based on the terms used.OverrideOption used to override the computed discount.Due if Paid ByWill show the date when computed discount is available and how much is the voucher total if paid with discount.Voucher Line Item ColumnsColumn NameDescriptionLoad #

Inbound Shipment record number if selected detail is associated to an Inbound Shipment

ContractContract number if selected detail is associated to a contractContract SeqSequence of the detail in the contract selected.PO #Purchase Order rerord number if selected detail is associated to a purchase orderItem No.Item No. of the item selectedDescriptionDescription of the item selectedMisc DescriptionIf Item No is selected, this also displays the item's description. If item is not available in Items table, user can directly enter miscellaneous item in this field.UOMUOM set for the selected item. If detail is associated to other transactions, then it will default to the UOM used in that transaction. If not, it is defaulted to the stock unit of the item. For misc items, default is blank.OrderedQuantity received for the item.BilledQuantity billed for the item.Sub CurrencyChecked if Currency Unit used for the item is sub currencyCurrency UnitThis is the currency used when item was received. It can be in main currency or in sub currencyRate TypeThe rate type used if currency used in the transaction is different from the functional currency set for the company
Exchange RateIf currency used in the transaction is different from the functional currency set, this is the rate used to convert the amount to base currency when posted to GLCostThis is the cost of the item per UOM selected
Cost UOMThis is the unit of measure of the costGross/Net UOMUOM for Gross/Net if used in a selected item associated in a transaction.Net WeightNet Weight of the item recieved.
DiscountPercent discount applied manually. (But this is just a display. Discount on payment will still be computed based on terms and date or will still get the discount entered in Terms Discount field if overridden).
TaxTax computed based on the tax setup if available for the company location used, by vendor or by vendor locationTotalLine total, Cost * Billed qtyActualIf voucher is associated to a contract and additional charges were applied, this is where actual amount is entered. (Column is hidden by default)Difference

Difference of Actual - Total amount. (Column is hidden by default)

Account IDExpense or AP Clearing account used where GL entry will be posted. Account DescriptionDescription of the Expense or AP Clearing account usedCommentsAccepts any comments entered.Storage LocationThis is the storage location of the itemExpected DateDefaulted to today's dateSource NoIf voucher is associated to other transaction, this displays the record no of the source transactionBOLBill of Ladding no1099 FormThis displays the form in which voucher transaction will be included in the 1099 report
InterestThis displays the amount of interest to be paid on the Voucher.
PaymentThis is the amount that will be paid. This may be modified to an amount below, but not above, the Amount Due.
1099 CategoryAvailable only for 1099 MISC, 1099 PATR and 1099 MISC.Voucher
Footer Fields
Field NameDescription
Sum of all lines Amount Before Tax
Amount DueIf voucher was partially paid, this displays the remaining amount with no payment yet. If voucher is already paid in full, this shows 0.00.
PaymentThis is the amount that will be paid. This may be modified to an amount below, but not above, the Amount Due.
TaxSum of Tax CalculatedTotalSubtotal Plus TaxAmt PaidTotal of payments made on the voucherAmount DueTotal minus Amt Paid


Terms DiscountCalculated discountOverrideThis is the manual override flag to allow you to manually enter discountDue if paid byThis is the amount that is due if you pay by the due date