Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


CLONE - Invoice: Distributed ticket create multiple lines and total tons shipped is way more than what the ticket is for
Remove index not used
19.1 - Payroll > Reports > Quarterly SUI > Employees
19.1 - Update Tax Table component for 2019 version (2019.17 )
Update Tax Table component for 2019 version (2019.18 )
titlePurchasing AP
CLONE - HDTN-224219 - Create vendor inquiry screen - data stores required
Pay Voucher Details - Add checkbox for Override settlement
[Vendor] Unable to set Pay To on Vendor with Origin Integration
Create/Update view or SP for scale files on WestLock - westloTE
Access Grader Equipment using Electron
titleSystem Manager
Change the screen for 'Vendor Inquiry' menu.
New Report Menu Item


titleCard Fueling
Card Fueling > Transaction > Import > Errors > Batch recalc > No errors
titleContract Management
[Price Contracts] - Warn User That They are About to Delete a Derivative
titleDealer Credit Cards
Incorrect values in Scenario #5
[Transfer Storage] - When transfering to a DP contract, create contract automatically
CLONE - Grain Inventory Inquiry Report
CLONE - HDTN-234200 - IR created by scale tickets for DP bushels should not calculate or book taxes.
Easy Automation - UOM doesn't import on invoice
Easy Automation - Change the UOM ID for Invoice Import
[Payables] - Create Payables Based on New Config
Item/Category - Add Sales Category as Required in Inventory Add Required Button
Easy Automation - Change the UOM ID for Item Export
[Payables] - Create Payables Based on New Config
titleMotor Fuel Tax
SC - Change default configuration value
titleRisk Management
Position Report - Purchase Basis Delivery should work like how Sales Basis Deliveries works
Mark to Market - Net Gain Loss on Basis is not calculating
Mark to Market - Basis Gain/Loss incorrect when there is additional cost
Mark to Market - Do not show Market Futures if the Contract Type is Basis
[Derivative Entry] - Signal Derivative Deletes Back to Contracts - 19.1
titleSales AR
POS: Batch Process - use the same procedure that is being used by CF Batch Post
Invoice - Use Sales account instead of General account for Non Inventory item.
POS - Generate Invoice number upon print
Easy Automation - Duplicate Invoices


titleCard Fueling
HDTN-232724 - i21 Card Fueling transaction using contracts are not updating contract balances
CF > Invoice > Reprint has different CFSI #
Rollback Posted Trans if the InvoiceId link is not correct
Network > Tax Code > Unable to setup Network Tax Code for Conversions
3rd Party Factor Export > Issue on Event Key
Import Trans > Auto-Add PacPride Sites has invalid Host ID
Invoice secondary sort order not working or not displayed properly
Purchase summary only runs for first customer.
Encode Card > Grid only shows 50 records
CF Invoice > Mag Media formats has incompatible values
CLONE - Batch posting charging taxes on Company Owned Use Item Code when exempt
titleContract Management
Price Contract - Basis Deliveries should reduce when an invoice is already created
HDTN-234166 - Unable to price Basis Contract
19.1 - Duplicate- Not able to do Shipment from Contract 1005407.112
[Price Contracts] - Partial Price With Split Should Create Amendment
[Contract Balance] - Wrong Balance on DPR
Contract Balance - Contract Qty not converted to UOM
Contract Balance - Open contract is incorrect if the Type is manually changed in the Contract Sequence
Update Price Contract record creates invoices that were previously created and Posted.
HDTN-234756 - Default Contract Template Cash Price not defaulting when using template in Rapid Contract
Not able slice the contract sequence when it is fully fixed
Contract Available qty is not increasing after return process
Slicing not allowing to do when there is shipping instruction available for the sliced contract.
HDTN-234992 - CNT 348 - New Vouchers Created using past date.
Price Contract Screen: Unable to Price and Hedge contract
Inco term is not printing in the contract when the template is selected and change the incoterm
[DPR] - Incorrect Purchase Basis Delivery
[Position Reconciliation Report] - Resolve Basis Delivery Issues
[Price Contract] The values that are edited in hedge doesn't cascade the new values in price contract - 19.1
titleDealer Credit Cards
Cannot Post Marathon DCC tran (manual entry; no import)
Excentus import issue
titleEnergy Trac Interface
DD import - Add charges item. Should have blank site number.
Testing 19.1 Issue on import to laptop
Testing 19.1 Issue on import to laptop (BD-BH files)
titleEntity Management
HDTN-235694 - Federal Tax Number on Vendor Setup
User unable to see the menus in Inventory Receipt screen
Attachment Email > Default Transfer Encoding to Base64
Trucks in Yard: Custom View Issue
Error importing from Digital Dispatch
Receive Payment: Export doesnt work
HDTN-234478 - voucher has lost of decimal places in error
Remove screens that are not supported in the User > Approval drop down
Export queue not working
i21 Printing does not work in Chrome version 77.0.3865.75
19.1 - 'Save As Default' Layout is not working properly
CLONE - i21 Printing does not work in Chrome version 77.0.3865.75
HDTN-233884 - Check Print - the invoice wraps around to 2nd line and throwing off check run
Fiscal Year Not Found
Duplicate Bank Transaction copies dtmDateReconciled
Receive Payment: EFT remittance doesn't have a Logo like other customer-facing documents
Check: Stub overflows and moves check
GL Account Ranges Off Again After Upgrade-
Import Bank Transactions from CSV
CLONE - Debit Memo and Payment displaying on Process Payments
Check printing after upgrade from 17.3
HDTN-235020 - Basis advance math doesn't add up
Process Payments | Remittance Advice - Date, Invoice No details are blank
[Process Payment] - Error upon Print Check
CLONE - HDTN-233867 - Settlement to Voucher conversion
Transfer Storage: Incorrect Units
Incorrect Voucher Created from Settle Storage
Can't unpost settled storage
[Settlement Report] Missing records on generated Settlement Report
incorrect cash price displayed on Settled Storage tab
CLONE - Cannot unsettle storage when settlement is against basis contract
CLONE - HDTN-235921 - Settlement entries are left in GL even settlement has been deleted
Discount Items on Voucher are doubled
[Settle Storage] - Cannot post settle storage (ticket with hauler)
Unable to post Settle Storage
Transfer - DP can be transferred to another DP without Contract associated
Incomplete GL entries for Discount Items on Settlement
Unable to Unpost Settled Storage
No Invoice created after posting Bill Discounts and Bill Fees
Unable to post settlement of storage created from transfer dp to dp
[Storage] - Cannot settle ticket with negative discount
Storage Due Amount is incorrect
VSTS Release 19.1Dev SQLScript Error - uspGRProcessBillStorage
[Zero Priced Spot] Discounts on voucher are positive
Error when posting DP Settlement
[Zero Priced Spot] Posting is taking long
[Zero Priced Spot] Posting zero priced spot ticket is not creating voucher
titleHelp Desk
Ticket- Saving in Ticket is taking some time
Ticket Search - JIRA Status is not updated on JIRA Details and JIRA Rollup tab
Invalid error message while posting simple blend
Adjustment - Item showing zero cost when entering inventory adjustment
Undistribute Ticket Error
Unable to unpost the cycle count for WO-742
[Tickets]- applied to priced contracts are not Creating Vouchers
Error rebuilding inventory
Count - Print variance shows wrong variance
[Conversion Utility] Medication tags don't import with inventory items
CLONE - TR's Surcharge Amount is wrong in Inventory Receipt > Charges & Invoice tab
Negative stock quantity error while moving a lot
CLONE - MB - Received "tran has not been posted" while trying to Unpost
[Inventory Rebuild] Invoice Discrepancy Error upon rebuilding of JE Clark db 01
System is creating Pending Payable voucher for each receipt posting
CLONE - Cannot post invoice: Stock not available at In-Transit
HDTN-235547 - BL-2623
Stock Movement - Rebuild button is confusing. Change label.
Unable to unpost the cycle count for WO-742 [Clone]
Voucher is not created after ticket distribution (with Hauler)
[Payables]- Other charge payables didn't show in voucher
[Inventory Receipt] - Cannot post IR
[Inventory Receipt] Shows incorrect number of items upon import of Inventory Receipt
[Load Shipment] Print BOL net weight and total net weight is blank
Weight claims currency showing wrong
[Pending Payable] - Other charge in Outbound LS is not included in Pending Payable and Add Payable
Internal Server Error upon selecting contract in creating load shipment
HDTN-234261 - WO-739
Invalid error message when user trying to post the cycle count
Incorrect cycle count quantity is showing in WO production
titleMeter Billing
MB - Received "tran has not been posted" while trying to Unpost
Meter Readings are zeroed-out
MB Invoices have wrong Currency
Importing Meter Reading process creates MR trans with 0.00 quantity
Missing Validation for Sequential Posting/Unsposting of MB Transaction
[Meter Reading] Discrepancy in Quantity Sold and Invoice Quantity
titleMotor Fuel Tax
SC - Issues with SC EDI file
NC - EDI for CCR does not follow the "No Activity" Specs
Volume - Unable to open Transactions tab screen
CLONE - CLONE 19.1 - Payroll > Reports > Quarterly FUI
titlePurchasing AP
HDTN-232554 - Ship From is Defaulting incorrectly
Pay Voucher Detail Error on Posting Debit <> Credit
HDTN-234106 - Ithaca processing issues version 19.1.0723.282 - blocker
HDTN-234175 - Cash discount pay terms calculation not working correctly
HDTN-234234 - Ithaca Pending AP that doesn't seem to balance
HDTN-231963 - Lien doesn't take the commodity into account correctly
HDTN-234464 - Out of Balance Receipt Verify
Pay Voucher Details: Not able to net Vouchers against Vendor Prepays
HDTN-235029 - Voucher amount tripled
HDTN-234921 - NCP AP voucher import from Origin giving errors
Discount disappear after posting payment
Unable to convert vendors
Error on vyuAPVoucherInfo
[Conversion] - Import voucher with negative amount on detail
[Pending Payable] - Receipt still in the Pending Payable and Add Payable
[Voucher] Pending Payables screen does not load
Unable to Unpost DCC Transaction due to Error Message in Voucher
HDTN-235690 - Ithaca OOB
titleRisk Management
HDTN-234197 - Basis Entry copy does not save copied data
Mark to Market - Contract Futures is not converted into UOM
Mark to Market - Contract Basis is incorrect
Basis Entry copy does not save copied data - 19.1
[DPR] - Removed Hedge Still Showing
[Mark to Market] - Intransit Issues: Incorrect Open Qty and In transit (P) displaying for Sales Contract
[Mark to Market] - Instransit With Missing Future Price
Position Report - In transit is off if the Stock UOM of an item is different from the Commodity's Stock UOM
[Mark to Market] - Flour In transit is off if the Stock UOM of an item is different from the Commodity's Stock UOM
Position Report - Price Risk does not match the crush by month by the Purchase Basis Deliveries
Mark to Market - IS without linked Contract is getting contract price from sales price
[Derivative Entry] - Hedge Wrong in Entry and DPR
Mark to Market - In transit missing in Mark to Market
Mark to Market - GL Account Cannot be read
Mark to Market - Contract Price is not converted into USD
Risk Position Inquiry - Blank line item is showing in the Risk Detail
[Derivatives] Lots in derivative higher than contract lots are saved
19.1 - Mark to Market - Derivatives is not showing
Customer Inquiry: Account SWEENEY EXCAVATING, INC. wont load
[DPR] - InTransit Issue
TR Invoices are cut off at end of 1st page
Conversion - Customer conversion error
Invoice: One line print doesn't work from Recipe
HDTN-234757 - Contract > Prepaid Hyperlink is not updating the Due Date in Customer Prepayment
Invoice: Tank delivery invoice is printing unnecessary added page
Invoice Import Issue
CLONE - HDTN-232724 - i21 Card Fueling transaction using contracts are not updating contract balances
HDTN-235497 - Statement Printing
Cannot post invoice: Stock not available at In-Transit
Invoice: inactive location should not be available at all
Batch posting charging taxes on Company Owned Use Item Code when exempt
[Invoice] - Cannot post imported invoice
CLONE - Cannot post invoice: Stock not available at In-Transit
Customer Statement: column header "Transaction Type" is wrapping so that the word "Transaction" has the last "n" wrapping to the next row
Received "Transaction count ... " error during TR Posting
Unable to post destination weight and grade (priced and basis contract)
Customer Activity Report - Unable to load report if Transaction Source = CF Invoice
[Contract] Incorrect quantity details of the sequence
Customer Inquiry - Screen fails to load
Unable to Post Receive Payment when Offsetting Credits to Invoice
CLONE - Cannot change contract on LS
HDTN-233958 - Voucher does not match IR
Ticket Management: Scale Default Storage Schedule doesn't default
When pulling in Grades with Grader Service: Discounts are incorrect
LS- Not on Scale Ticket
HDTN-234651 - Contract 10367 is not creating invoices after posting Dest Grades.
Unable to undistribute some of the Tickets
HDTN-234999 - Manual Distribution Screen
CLONE - Invoice: Scale Ticket Creates multiple invoices
HDTN-236045 - Creston - SCT scale ticket clean up
Unable to Undistribute Direct Out ticket associated to Basis Contract
[Ticket] - Ticket Distribution created 2 IR (1 posted and not) resulting to unsuccessful posting of storage(DP)
Freight is not carried on Inventory Receipt's Charges and Invoice tab
[Ticket] - Destination Weight/Grade Screen is not displayed and has console error
19.1 When selecting delivery sheet, scale ticket fields are not auto populated.
Store > Update Register > Error showing
Deposit PLU > Exports Pricebook to Register
Invoice: store checkout for Wayne Haven posted 3 separate times
Update Register > Unable to update Pricebook
titleSystem Manager
HDTN-232824 - can not change the tax rate on tax record with tax on tax set up
HDTN-233788 - Terms – the Date Driven terms (prox) are not set up correctly
Tax rate import effective date not saving correct date.
Daily Position Report - The Report is missing in new company db
Meter Billing Batch Post has no posting details
File Field Mapping > Missing MMDDYY format for Date records
titleTank Management
HDTN-233342 - Appliance screen in consumption site is not retaining the Manufacture entry
Transports > Quote > Not including all taxes
TR Freight calculation should use Item's Cost Method to determine Gross/Net units