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Condition is used to set the range of values for inclusion in the report. The conditions displayed on the combo box list will depend on the Field List Manager setup. Below search result. Below are the commonly used filter conditions.

ConditionExampleFrom/ To fieldDescription
ContainsAccount Description
Contains 'Cash on Hand'From field is
displayed. To field is



system will search and show the data containing the

entered From value.Not LikeAccount Description Not Like 'Cash on Hand

keyword. You can also include multiple values by separating them by |^| without spaces.

e.g. HDTN-245929|^|HDTN-239613

EqualsAccount Description equals 'Petty Cash'From field is displayed. To field is hidden.The system will search and show the data equal to the keyword.
Not Equal ToAccount Description does not equal 'Petty Cash'From field is
displayed. To field is
system will search and show the data
not containing the entered From value
that is not equal to keyword.
Starts WithAccount Description Starts With 'Cash on Hand'From field is
displayed. To field is
system will search and show the data that starts with the
entered From value
Ends WithAccount Description Ends With 'Greenfield Admin'From field is
displayed. To field is
system will search and show the data that ends with the
entered From value
Equal To
BlankAccount Description
equals 'Petty Cash'
is blankFrom field is
displayed but disabled. To field is
system will search and show the data
equal to the entered From
with empty string or null value.
Equal To
BlankAccount Description
does not equal 'Petty Cash'
is not blankFrom field is
displayed but disabled. To field is
system will search and show the data that is not
equal to the entered From value
empty string or null.
Greater ThanEnding Balance Greater Than '100'From field is
displayed. To field is
system will search and show the data that is greater than the
entered From value
Less Than
or Equal
Ending Balance
Less Than
or Equal to
'100'From field is
displayed. To field is
system will search and show the data that is
less than
or equal to the entered From value
the keyword.
Less Than
BetweenEnding Balance
Less Than '100
Between '1' to '100'From and To fields are enabled.The system will search and show the data starting with the first keyword up to the last keyword.
BeforeDate Posted Before '01/01/2014'From field is displayed. To field is hidden.Used for a Date field. The system will search and show the data that is before the keyword (in this sample, date from 12/31/2013 and below)
AfterDate Posted After '01/01/2014'From field is
displayed. To field is hidden.Used for a Date field. The system will search and show the data that is after the keyword (in this sample, date from 01/02/2014 and above)
Before TodayDates before the current dateFrom field is displayed but disabled. To field is hidden.
The report
Used for a Date field. The field will be blank. The system will search and show the data
that is less than the entered From value.Less Than or EqualEnding Balance Less Than or Equal to '100'From field is enabled. To field is disabled.
with the dates before the current system date.
TodayDate Posted Today (where today is the current system date)From field is displayed. To field is hidden.Used for a Date field. The field will default to the current system date. The system will search and show the data with the date equal to the current system date.
YesterdayDate Posted YesterdayFrom field is displayed. To field is hidden.Used for a Date field. The field will default to yesterday's date. The system will search and show the data with the date yesterday taking the current system date as the point of reference.
Last WeekDate Posted Last WeekFrom and To fields are displayed.Used for a Date field. The From field will default to the first day (Monday) of last week and the To field will default to the last day (Sunday) of last week. The system will search and show the data from last week's first day (Monday) to last day (Sunday).
Last 30 DaysDate Posted for the Last 30 daysFrom and To fields are displayed.Used for a Date field. The From field will default to 30 days before the To date, and To field will default to today's date. The report will search and show the data that meet the From and To fields value.
Last MonthDate Posted is Last MonthFrom and To fields are displayed.Used for a Date field. The From field will default to the first day of the previous month, and To field will default to the last day of the previous month. The report will search and show the data that meet the From and To fields value.
Last QuarterDate Posted is Last QuarterFrom and To fields are displayed.Used for a Date field. The From field will default to the first day of the previous quarter, and Last field will default to the last day of the previous quarter. The
report will search and show the data that
is less than or equal to the entered From value.Between
meet the From and To fields value.
Last YearDate Posted is Last YearFrom and To fields are displayed.Used for a Date field. The From field will default to the first day of the previous year, and To field will default to the last day of the previous year. The report will search and show the data that meet the From and To fields value.
This WeekDate Posted is This WeekFrom and To fields are displayed.Used for a Date field. The From field will default to the first day (Monday) of the current week, and To field will default to the last day (Sunday) of the current week. The report will search and show the data that meet the From and To fields value.
This MonthDate Posted is This MonthFrom and To fields are displayed.Used for a Date field. The From field will default to the first day of the current month, and To field will default to the last day of the current month. The report will search and show the data that meet the From and To fields value.
This QuarterDate Posted This Quarter
Ending Balance Between '1' to '100'
From and To fields are
displayed.Used for a Date field. The From field will default to the first day of the current quarter, and To field will default to the last day of the current quarter.
The report will search and show the data
starting with From value up to the To
that meet the From and To fields value.
This YearDate Posted This MonthFrom and To fields are displayed.Used for a Date field. The From field will default to the first day of the current year, and To field will default to the last day of the current year. The report will search and show the data that meet the From and To fields value.