Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Allow adjustment of accrual dates
Invoice "Get Previous Details"
Consolidate pickup/delivery into Freight Terms
Setup for Credit Card Processing
Code for Tax Reconciliation Screen
Restrict Customer Combo Box Selection by Customer Location by User Location Restrictions
Service Charges - Process all accounts to current
Create a report reconciling to the accrual balance
Sales Pricing - Max Price/Price Level Contracts
Hyperlink to Comments
GAP - Company Location GL account hierarchy versus company configuration
HDTN-179143 - Convert AR/PO/SO/Inventory - Improve error message
Tax Codes code report: Add destination address to tax grid
HDTN-172826 - AR Conversion Project - Convert Sales Company Configuration
AR Screens - should consider Effective Date in pricing levels to pick the retail price
Hyperlink for records on Prepaid and Credit Memo
Invoice > Tank Delivery default Site #
On SO and Invoice, need to add logic for license and applicator
Add Customer No on Various reports
Invoice: Additional Balance field in Invoice detail grid
Invoice screen - Option to select OTC and ICT in invoice screen
Tonnage Tax Report - Add Ton calculation column in Tax Report Grid
Add Unforgiven Option in Service Charge invoice screen
Add default payment method to Receive Payments Detail
Add Import Invoice Log screen for Origin Invoice Import
Disable Email button when an invalid email address exists
Improve Batch Printing Process
Sales Order > Add Details to Grid
Change the position of the quote button to make it more user friendly
Remove print confirmation
Process for NSF checks
Add fields to Sales > Customer Entity Grid
Add a progress bar on Import Transactions From CSV
Need Indicator in Invoicing to show if the Invoice was e-mailed
Rename Sublocation and Storage Location to Storage Location and Storage Unit respectively
Add field for quote on SO and Invoice
Add Payment, prepayment, and discount information in the total section of invoice print
Invoice - Do not reset items if new customer selected
CAB - Add "On Account" button in POS payment screen
CAB - Auto fill payment amount when payment type equals Write Off
Add Details tab in Sales Order and Invoices screens
Auto apply checkmark in "Apply Budget" when customer is Budget Customer
Expand customer search feature
Add Active Column in Customer Grid
Conversion - Change invoice service charge conversion
Add Opportunity to Quote (link back to CRM Opportunity)
Create Link from Sales Order to Quote
LOB in Quote
Use Energy Trac Payment number as Receive Payment Number
Enter Payment Details > Sort by Due Date Ascending
Receive Payment Detail / Invoice search / Aging Reports - Performance
Change entity type when quote is won
Add to admin user the ability to duplicate Letters to change the default verbiage to customize the dunning letter
Additional options to Tax Report
Sales Order - Scale ticket weight application to sales order.
Create a RCV record when applying credit memo to invoice in Sales Invoice
Service Charge should Due Immediately in the absence of terms setup in company configuration
Implement Starting Numbers: ‘Use Location’
Process Return in Sales similar to returns in Inventory Receipt
Invoice Search - show credit memo, prepayment and overpayment as negative amount so that the grid total becomes acurate
Invoice Search - Add columns Amount Due, Tax and Withheld
Validations on GL Accounts
Add the invoice numbers to service charge printout for a more detailed calculations where the price is from
Service Charge > Add fields to post preview for Ease of Auditability
Batch Printing > Add Status When Emailling
GAP - Auto apply prepaid credits on posted invoices
GAP - auto apply regular credits
CLONE - HDTN-179322 - Extend Cost to min 5 digits on Sales Order and Invoice Details Grid
Customer > Taxing > Exemptions tab > Add Exemption Reason column
Sales Order - Adjust tax to calculate unit of measure
Sales Invoice - Adjust tax to calculate unit of measure
Forgiving Service Charges > Add Audit Log for when/who
Move fields from the Entity Farm Screen to Entity Location Screen
Customer screen - Add columns to Locations grid
Portal > Add Customer Inquiry
Portal > Add Payment Grid to show History
Portal > Payment Detail - hide some tabs and buttons
Portal > Invoices to hide CF Tran details
Portal > Hide tabs in Customer Information
Prompt user if customer is on credit hold
Prompt user if customer is on credit hold
Invoice - Display TR document number by default when opening invoice from TR
Provisional Invoicing - Improvements for iTrade
Sort Unapplied Credits Register Report by customer name
Receive Multiple Payments - Add column "ACH Active" Yes/No
Receive Payments - Recalculate RCV upon batch post
Service Charge: Allow specifying SC Date and Post Date
Sales Rep - Add Driver Number field (Salesperson tab)
Customer Messages - Ticket Entry type not working
Customer Messages - Statement message type not printing on statement
Customer Messages - Pick Ticket type message not printing on Pick Ticket
Customer Messages - Invoice Type message not printing on invoice
Conversion - Add Import button for Default Freight Terms in Customer Locations
ACH - Additional ACH process - Gap to Origin (refund customer credit)
Service Charges - Add Forgive Date
Receive Payments - Add CM transaction record in Receive Payment Grid
Receive Payments - Add BDEP record number with unposting error message in Receive payments.
Receive Multiple Payments > Add column for Check #
Comboboxes - Display field should be the first column in the dropdown
Customer screen - EntityAdd Language combo box to the Entity tab
Invoice: Add a confirmation message when returning an invoice
Invoice - Incorrect item values and post preview if coming from foreign Contract
Provide Option to not print Grades and reading on the scale ticket
Add Logo to ticket Print
Multiple Weights Setting


Batch Posting of Service Charges creating separate lines in Batch Post Grid
AR Invoice - Item description
Unable to post invoice with contract and sequence
Vendor Taxing not working when both tax class and tax code setup in Vendor Taxing
Tax Report Grid Taxable Sales is $0 when unit sold is negative quanity
Unapplied Credit Register took 5 minutes to load
Invoice - Customer Aging tab is timing out
Conversion - Did not convert all account status codes per customer
Purchasing transaction paid in Sales Receive Payment reflecting incorrectly
CLONE - Creating multiple payments in a row without leaving the screen prefills the payment method with prepay
HDTN-209161 - Getting zero cost when the truck makes B5 and B2
Portal > My Company > Cannot Open Records or Scroll on History Tab
Red box does not disappear in Receive Payment when amount changed to valid amount
Service Charge Invoice is not loading
[Invoice] - Cannot open Invoice
Invoice - could not post
Customer Prepayment - Could not Receive Payment. Click Pay will show blank message
Service Charge Invoice - Unforgiven service charge
Sales Order - Customer field: Not all customers are displayed
[Invoice] - Cannot post an invoice
Invoice - could not save/post Invoice
Receive Payments - can't select customer and forex rate related error
Receive Multiple Payments - could not post payment
Portal User: Transaction | Payments menu is missing
Error on 18.1 dev deployment
Service Charge Invoice - was able to unpost SC that was already Forgiven
Duplicate invoice number can be saved
Unable to save a portal setup
Upgrade error on 18.12.0124.61 using Knapp db
Quote search screen: Add New Quote is not loading
[SQL Scripts Database] - Error in SQL Scripts
Invoice: Unable to enter value in Comments field
Sales Order - Unable to process SO to Invoice
Sales Order - Unable to ship
Quote, Sales Order: Unable to open a record
Entity: Toolbar buttons are missing - New, Search, Delete, Undo
Customer: Unable to open Customers search screen
Payment History Report: Portal user can generate reports of other customers
CLONE - Incorrect Shipped qty for Software SO
Receive Payment - could not unpost
Error on 18.1Dev deployment 18.12.0201.79
Batch Printing: Filter 'By Record ID' is not functional
Invoice: Unable to apply Customer Prepayment to an Invoice
Invoice/ Sales Order: Unable to enter item
Credit Memo - GL Account Details for CM is showing wrong Transaction Type and Exchange Rate
Sales Order - Unable to add succeeding SO records when starting number uses location
Receive Payment - Payment Date is beyond Discount Date
AR - Script Merge of 17.4Dev to 18.1Dev conflict
Customers: Internal Server Error when editing Statement format
Batch Printing - Unable to load Details when print criteria = All Record ID
Quote: Cannot print newly created quote report
CLONE - Service Charge calculation is not working when running for all customers
Sales Order - Order No is not generated when adding a new record from search screen
Service Charge Post Preview - Process SC resulted the SqlDateTime overflow
Error running script using 18.12.0212.94
Invoice - Tax and Due Date not computing
Customer Statements: Print Only Past Due (True) not generating correct entries
Quote - Print function is not working
Customer Activity Report: Product Recap is missing
Tax Exemption from Customer is not taking effect on Invoice created from posting Transport Load
Company Configuration | Sales - Unable to save Service Charge Terms
CLONE - Blend from SO - Not using SO date
Calculate Service Charges - Unable to generate transactions in Post Preview
Discounts are Doubled on Load Out tickets when applied to two distribution types.
Receive Payments - Cannot Accept payment
Invoice - Grid Total for second row item is not displayed
Customer Statements - 'Callback request failed due to an internal server error' when adding Payment Method filter
Receive Multiple Payments - Auto Apply Credits across location is not functional
[Cash-Email] Cannot send an email to the customer
Service Charges - Unforgive Service Charges did not reverse Forgive Journal Entry
Import Invoice from Origin Failed
Incorrect GL Entries for invoice created from transport load
Sales Order - Unable to add a Kit bundle listed separately
Non-Sufficient Funds - could not select NSF Account
Receive Payments - Failed to load data when opening a Receive Payment record
Customer Statement > Balance Forward - incorrect Amount Due, Amount Paid and Balance due
NSF - missing receive payment transaction in the Receive Payments search
Error when upgrading db to 18.1
[Invoice] Values are removed upon editing and saving the record
Invoice - Cannot select a contract sequence
Invoice - did not get the correct tax rate for line item using Other UOM
Order - did not get the correct tax rate for line item using Other UOM and Line Total for is wrong
[Customer Statement] Report is not displayed if "Include Budget" = TRUE
Invoice - Incorrect item values and post preview if coming from foreign Contract
Import Delivery Sheet Grades
Ticket Grid should be automatically filtered after changing Scale Station
CLONE - [Manual Distribution] - Distributed tickets are not creating/posting Vouchers
CLONE - [Manual Distribution] - Freight is doubled when tickets are part contract and part spot
Error building project
Item is missing in created Voucher for spot
Cannot Distribute Load In Scale Ticket
[Ticket Management] - Processed Ticket for Basis Contract (unpriced) creates a posted voucher
[Ticket Management / Ticket] - FK Error During Attempt to Undistribute Storage Ticket
Freight Charge from Load Schedule does not populated in Scale Ticket
Unable to manually distribute load out ticket for split units to load schedule and spot sale
[Ticket Management] - Invoice Displays Metric Ton UOM but uses Bushel Price from Contract
Ticket screen hang up when distribute Transfer Out and Transfer In
[Scale Ticket]Unable to distribute Direct In Scale Ticket
[Distribution] - Stop contract application when price when futures and basis is unavailable
Cannot distribute ticket with multiple contracts selected
Status of Distributed Sales Order is set to 'Reopened'
Selecting an item from the combobox dropdown displayed a console error message
Unable to distribute DP Contract
Item is not included in the created Voucher after distributing Scale Ticket
CLONE - [Ticket Distribution] - Convert Future & Basis UOM to stock UOM on IR.
