Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titleContract Management
[Price Contracts] - Do not Post invoices after pricing
Contract Sequence History Table - Add Transaction Date
Contract Balance Report- Can you add Futures and basis price



[Store] - additional hub for the Store



[Storage] - Change Tab Label


titleRisk Management


Position Report Fixes - Drilldown Enhancements


titleContract Management
Visibility to Basis Shipments
[Price Contract] - Create a configuration that will set the Price to the Contract Price on the invoice.
Contract - Manually changes in the Contract qty should log in the history table


CSV Export totals, rounding and not enough decimals
[Canadian Storage Receipt] - Using wrong Termination Date
[Accrued Storage Report] - Increase Decimals for Rate and correct Storage Thru Date
Accrued Storage Report : Add summary


Rebuild Inventory - Wrapper program to pick a date to start rebuild from
Inventory Adjustment when updating the Storage
HDTN-221331 - Freight Terms does populate in Inventory Reciepts


Cannot Post Shipment


HDTN-220791 - Entered Credit Memo - looks like it is add to volumes instead of Subtracting


titlePurchasing AP
Saving voucher should reduce the payables quantity.


titleRisk Management
MCP - M2M - post preview tab - logic for debits vs credits
Sales Basis Deliveries
"Crush" needs to be removed from Net hedge
M2M for cash contracts not computed correctly
Add Purchase and Sale Unit rows on the DPR Crush by detail Panel
Position Report - Purchase / Sales Basis Delivery Rows
Position Detail - Sales Basis Deliveries/Sales In Transit when backdated
Position Detail Report - Basis Contract should be handled correctly depending on the pricing
Position Report - Adjust the code to run the report by as of certain date
Pre Crush Detail - Adjust the open qty based on Contract status


titleSales AR
Sales Analysis Report: No cost and margin percentage is 100%


Multiple ticket issues


Checkout > Generate Preview Report > Change layout of recap section
Scanner > Cleanup




titleCard Fueling
Post Deployment > Update records only if values is null
KY off road not calculating correctly


titleContract Management
18.3 - Basis Component Report is taking a long time to load
Delete of Brokerage Commission Processing is throwing error
New tab isn't loading
Contract print is showing : in loading and destination port labels
[Ticket Distribution] - Scheduled can not be less than zero.


Grid - Filter condition 'Not Blank' doesn't work in a non-buffered grid
Grid export - Failed Export on certain filter


titleGL / Cash Management
[Imports and Coversions] of Cash Management
EFT Number Not displaying in Bank Account Register
Audit log is not updating when opening and closing periods
Bank Deposit does not reflect the correct customer name in the detail
Trial Balance - Running hogs the server resource
[Bank Account Register] Error in displaying bank records
Error in building in VSTS


FSA -Storage Report by Discount Factor
Increase display decimal positions on Maintain Storage Screen
Display error on Settle Storage tab
HDTN-221497 - Open delivery sheets showing available to settle
[Storage] - Missing Discounts on Storage Maintenance screen.
[Settlement Report] - Double infomation for Ticket/Delivery Sheet
Fee not being sent to Delivery Sheet
[Settle Storage] - Cannot post Settle Storage
Cannot open Selected record in Settle Storage Search Screen
[Storage Schedule] - Console error when opening an existing record


Daily Stock Movement - Should include Storage records too
18.3 - In Storage location screen not displaying the Sub Location
HDTN-221166 - Inventory Transfer - Null Error
[Stock Movement] Displays error Failed to Load Resources
Inventory Receipt > Cleanup Issues for Store Scenarios
Rebuild Inventory - creates debits and credits for Open inventory adj type
Rebuild Inventory - creates duplicate GL entries for Inventory Count
HDTN-221513 - Transfer of storage between locations with storage units not updating stock
HDTN-221513 - Adjustment of storage with storage units not posting stock
CLONE - Rebuild Inventory - Delete constraint error for category 815
Adjustment - Ownership is not showing in Detail search tab
Stock Movement - Storage Unit and Transaction Id hyperlinks are not working
Inventory Receipts > Import EDI
Transfer - UOM error, cant post
CLONE - HDTN-221166 - Inventory Transfer - Null Error
Adjustment is not posting. Blank message after waiting for a while
EDI Import issues - Case Conversions
EDI Import issues - Order of Upcs
EDI Imports - Multiple Invoices in same file are not being split
EDI Imports - Missing Unit Retail on Receipts


Weights are not calculating correctly
Invoice print is showing Wring Bag qty and Weight qty for the format Invoice 2
inventory View- Showing same contract details multipe times.


Invoices aren't showing in Traceability
Item tracking consumption entry is not displaying in the transaction view
Work Order > GL - missing WIP and Consume entries


titleMotor Fuel Tax
GT-103 1R is not showing direct Inventory Receipts
Destination Facility issue on OR Schedule 5LO when Invoice Source is Tank Delivery and Freight Term is Pickup


Volume - Does not list members with membership date earlier than the lowest fiscal year in the system
HDTN-220791 - Import volume created duplicate records - Add Unique Key Constraint
Equity Pay - unable to post, voucher calling sp error
SQL Error on installing of build 18.32.1130.473


Deductions not calculating correctly


titlePurchasing AP
HDTN-220023 - i21 1099 Question
[Voucher] - Cannot post voucher - out of balance
HDTN-221807 - Creston partial PO not available to process invoice against
Voucher Checkoff Report gets failed to load resources error
[Open Clearing Detail] - Incorrect clearing amount (for partial)
[Voucher Checkoff Detail] - Failed to load resources in Voucher Checkoff Detail by Voucher tab
[Open Clearing Detail] - Incorrect Voucher Amount(for partial)


Property Limits do not delete when tests are deleted


titleRisk Management
Position Detail - Add Delivery Month and rename Month to Futures Month
Mark to Market - Contract Basis not calculating correctly
Net Gain/Loss incorrect
M2M: Summary tab rounds totals
Purchase Basis Delivery impacted Net Futures Position
Sourcing report - calculation errors
[Future Market] Can't generate Option Months
Position Report - In house is incorrect
Options and not Delta Adjusted
Currency Exposure- Stock tab is missing
Risk Report by type-Derivative entries are not showing in the futures section in the report
Select All on Match Derivatives doesn't total
[Match Derivative] Prices do not display out far enough
[Coverage Inquiry] Position Report
[Mark To Market] Net Gain/Loss not displaying for Inventory type
Position Details - Contracts Details Section is not Changing with Date
Position Report - Commodity and Date selected
Purchase In Transit incorrect
Position Detail - Qty does not convert into UOM correctly
Position Detail - Some transactions are not showing when using back date
Lines are not staying in the right section
Position Report - Contract will not work in 'as of' date basis
Position Report - Net Futures Position is incorrect
Currency Exposure - Error when saving from Non-USD Open Sales
Position Report - Error running the report viewer
DPR (Position Detail) - Company Titled is incorrect when filtered by Vendor
Position Detail - Company Titled is incorrect when filtered by Vendor
Crush Position Detail - Purchase Basis and Sales Basis are missing in the Crush By Month Grid
Position Detail is not loading
Pre-Crush detail - Months are not sorted correctly
Pre crush Detail - Report is not working when you click Print
[Future Market] Cannot update future market with product type
Pre Crush Detail - Purchase HTA is displayed at the bottom
Position Report -> Crush Detail - Contract will not work in 'as of' date basis
Position report - Error on console
Position Report - Open qty is wrong when multiple pricing is made


titleSales AR
Invoice Print > Same User Printing multiple invoices
HDTN-219583 - Add the Active column to the Salesman Grid
Receive Payment: Efficiency Changes
Batch Printing Invoices timing out at 30secs
Invoice: Unable to save invoice type when payment method is required
Batch Printing: Print Credit Balance excluding credit transactions
POS: EOD report is incorrect
Invoice Batch Printing - Unfinalized Invoices being sent to email
Invoice: Allow the COP Transaction to be processed thru the Refund option
Invoice - Corrupted Invoices are being emailed
Sales analysis times out when filtering account status code for all dates
Invoice: Error when invoicing an item with quantity on hand of 1
Invoice: Sales invoice is defaulting to quantity as the item weight
Batch Printing: Account number section removed due to the fact that the account number already prints on the top with the address
Posting for invoices stuck in Posting message
Invoice Total Incorrect
Sales A/R : Unable to email a customer statement
Customer Statement: Statement is cutting of the name
Email: Mail Sent indicator is incorrectly showing as not sent
Email: Emailed statements are NOT showing up on the Email History log in System Manager
Invoice Created with 0 dollars
Customer Statement: TB type invoice numbers are so long they do not fit on the statements
Sales A/R: POS price is not being updated for the qty when price is adjusted
Cannot unpost invoice
Invoice - Discount % and Amount is not working properly
[Invoice]- Unable to post an Invoice coming from distributed Scale Ticket Sales Order
[Invoice-Post] Missing "Unpost Preview" and "Post History" tab after posting a Cash Invoice
[POS-EOD] Incorrect GL entries upon processing EOD without cash over/short
Position Report - Soybean Meals's In transit is still off by a certain amount
[POS-End of Day] All processed EOD is not displayed in the list


Screen performance
Scale Date incorrect on initial startup
[Scale Ticket] Unable to Distribute ticket to Load Contract
[Scale Ticket] - Ticket details are not showing up
[Scale Ticket] - Unable to delete Scale Ticket


[Checkout] - Handle if Xml file mismatch the mapping layout
Update Register > Not able to send
[Checkout] Report > Amount is empty in the report
[Handheld scanner] Adjust inventory receipt mapping
[Handheld scanner] Error in generating Export Pricebook
[Handheld scanner] Opening handheld scanner message prompts
[Handheld scanner] Unable to create inventory receipts due to invalid object name
[Checkout] Add a message to the log instead of error
[Update register] Does not show preview screen if there is no error
[Handheld scanner] Adjust the created Inventory receipt from handheld scanner
[Checkout] Loads 2 store even if there is only 1 store


titleSystem Manager
Scale Activity report doesn't run


[Transports Load] Fuel Surcharge not Reflecting if Freight Type used was "Rate"
[Transport Load] Not Highlighted Receipt Line doesn't populate the Surcharge
[Add Load] Surcharge doesn't automatically calculate when adding Drop Ship Loads
