Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Prerequisite for scheduling work orders:
1. Items :
Active Input and active output items used in the work order should be available in item maintenance.

2. Recipe :

There should be an active recipe available for the work order item.

You can create a new recipe here.

3. Pack Type :

Pack Type used in the work order should be available in Pack Types maintenance .

4. Manufacturing Cell :

Manufacturing cell used in the work order should be available and also pack type should be associated with it.

5. Machines :

Machines used for the work order should be available and also pack type should be associated with it.

6. Production Calendar:

Active calendar should be available for the manufacturing cell which is used in the work order.

7. Item Configurations :

Manufacturing cell has to be associated with the work order item in item maintenance.

Pack Type should be mapped with the work order item

8. Company Locations :

Work order item category should be associated with the manufacturing cell in company locations maintenance.

9. Process and machine map :

Machines required for the work order should be associated with the process in Manufacturing Process maintenance.


Work Order Schedule screen allows user to schedule work orders. Schedule considers available machines and shifts for the dates mentioned in work orders. User can change the priority for the work orders and reschedule based on their requirement. 
  • Work Order Schedule screen allows user to schedule work orders. Schedule considers available machines and shifts for the dates mentioned in work orders. User can change the priority for the work orders and reschedule based on their requirement. 
  • Work orders that are created for specific production lines in ERP based on the forecast and sales order populate in iMake for scheduling
  • User can manage the work order schedule in this screen
  • User can configure the calendar which will have holidays, shifts and available machines for each day in production lines
  • The calendar information is applied while scheduling the work orders
  • User can view the work order schedule and available machines for the production line based on the calendar setup
  • User can release the work orders for production, prioritize the production schedule for the work orders
  • User can freeze/unlock work orders as per requirement. No operation is allowed on the frozen work orders
  • Work Order Schedule window can be opened by either clicking on NEW button or by opening an existing schedule clicking on "Schedule" under "Scheduling" as shown below:

Work Orders Scheduling:

  • FG Work orders will be listed by selecting the calendar, schedule number and production line.
  • Each work order will have the following information
Column NameDescription
Work OrderWork Order number
QuantityWork Order Quantity
Balance QuantityBalance Quantity
UOMUOM for material quantity
Expected DateSchedule Expected date
Scheduled Start DateSchedule Start Date
Scheduled End DateSchedule End Date
Earliest Start DateUser can select the earliest start date
Priority OrderPriority Order
Change Over TimeChange Over Time
 Status (Dropdown)User can select the status
Machine CountAvailable Machines count
 Freeze (Check Box)User can freeze/unlock the Work Order
 ItemFG Material name
 DescriptionMaterial Description
 ShiftShift Name
 Make TypeProduction make type
 Order DateDate created
 Blend Blend name used for Material
 PackingPack Type
Comments Work Order user comments
Additional Comments

Comment fields not visible to FG production screen


Will Display the comments for deviations.

Change Line(Dropdown)User can change the line.
  • The work orders are displayed in sorted order based on "Priority Order"
  • The Expected Date or  Priority Order Below columns can be changed or modified as required:
    • Quantity
    • Expected Date
    • Earliest Start Date 
    • Priority Order 
    • Machine count
    • Comments
    • Additional Comments
  • All the new work orders have status "NEW"
  • The user User will have to change the status of a "NEW" work order to "OPEN" in order to schedule
  • Once the work order is open, it can be released to allow production
  • The user User can freeze/unlock any work order till the work order is started in production
  • User can change the line of the work order
  • User The user can close any work order as required
  • After making changes in work order or priority, the work order orders should be re-schedulescheduled
  • The work orders are color coded based on status. This color code can be defined as required

Button NameFunction
Image AddedTo create a New Schedule
Image AddedTo save the schedule details
Image AddedTo delete the schedule
Image AddedTo refresh the screen to get the latest data
Image AddedTo revert the changes made by the user
Image AddedTo open an existing schedule from the Work Order Schedule screen
Image AddedTo apply production schedule rules for the schedule
Image AddedTo update work orders priority
Image AddedTo reschedule work orders
Image AddedTo open Work Order Editor details screen from work order schedule screen
Image AddedTo close Work Order Schedule screen


Scheduling Features:

Change status:

User can change the status of the work orders using the Status column as shown in the below screenshot:

Image Added

Freeze/Unlock Work Order:

User normally freezes the work order so that the work orders will not be allowed to change the due date, production line, etc

Work orders with "Open" status will only be allowed to "Freeze"

  • Select the work order
  • Image Added Check the checkbox under Freeze column to freeze the OPEN order 
  • Image Added Uncheck the checkbox to unlock the frozen work order

Image Added

Update Priority Order:

User can either enter the priority order manually under Priority Order column (or) 

This button is used to update the priority order of the work orders in sequence based on the work order status:

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Search Button:

This option is used to open an existing schedule from the Work order schedule screen

  1. Click on Search button
  2. Select the schedule
  3. Click on Open Selected

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Work Order button:

This button is used to edit or view the work order

  • Select the work order
  • Click on Work Order button
    Image Added

Demand View button:

To open demand view window for the selected work order

  • Select the work order
  • Click on Demand View button

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Change Line:

To change the production line of a work order with OPEN status

  • Click on the Change Line dropdown of the work order
  • It displays all the Production lines to which work order can be changed.
  • User can select the New Line

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