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Containers are used for storing and/or moving materials in a Warehouse. E.g.: Pallets, Drums, Boxes, etc. A Container holds a Stock Keeping Unit (SKU).

Accessing Container






Allows the user to create a new Container


Allows the user to view details of the selected Container

Print Sequence Labels

Prints a sequential group of container labels, which are usually used during check-in or splitting SKUs


Allows the user to Refresh the page

Export Allows user to export the page to Excel, PDF or TEXT files
Close Allows to Close the screen



Clicking ‘New’ or ‘View Detail’ button opens the Container Detail screen. When the ‘New’ button is clicked, the screen opens with most fields as blank and some fields with default values. When the ‘View Detail’ button is clicked, the screen opens with all the details of the selected Container which may also be edited.

Clicking ‘New’ will open the following screen:


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Figure 334: Container Detail - Container

Create a New Container:

 Click on 'New' menu

The ‘Container Detail’ screen consists of two tabs:

oContainer- Users can use this tab to create a new container or view an existing container detail, or even edit a container detail

oSKU- All the existing SKUs for the selected container are displayed in this tab. While adding a new container, this tab will not display any SKU.

Normally, Container records are created when a pallet of Finished Goods is received from production or for an Inbound order.

will load where user can fill all the details and save it to create a new Container. 

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The fields under the ‘Container’ tab are listed below:









Container IDContainer ID is auto-generated by the application while creating a new container


Display Text





Container TypeSelect the type of Container


Storage Location


Drop-down List / Lookup






Select the desired active warehouse Storage


Display Text






Last Updated By


Displays the name of the logged in user. Can be seen when container details are saved.


Display Text






Last Updated On


Displays the date and time of the update. Can be seen when container details are saved.


Display Text


10/1/2011 13:07:28



Tare WeightEnter the Tare Weight of the Container

SKU Detail Grid:

This grid in the SKU Details sections displays details of all the SKUs existing in the currently selected container

SKU’ detail grid will display the following columns:

SKU NoThe SKU ID associated with the Container will be displayed
Lot CodeThe Lot Code of the SKU will be displayed 
QuantityQuantity of the SKU will be displayed
UOMUOM of the Quantity will be displayed
Production DateThe Production date based on the Lot Code will be displayed
ItemThe Item Id associated with the SKU will  be dipsplayed
DescriptionThe Description of the Item will  be dipsplayed
SKU StatusThe Status will be displayed
Lot IdThe Lot Id associated with the SKU will be displayed




Clicking ‘SKU’ tab displays the following:

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Figure 335: Container Detail – SKU (Card View)

The record displays details like SKU ID, Lot Code, Serial No, Qty etc.

The optionsclip0024Image Removed allow the user to view an SKU record in different styles of Card Views.

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Figure 336: Card Viewing Options




Display Type



One Card

Displays retrieved data in a single card; one at a time


One Row

Displays retrieved data in one row


One Column

Displays retrieved data in one column


Multiple Rows

Displays retrieved data in multiple rows (depends on the card height)


Multiple Columns

Displays retrieved data in multiple columns (depends on the card height)


Carousel Mode

Displays retrieved data in a format where users can mouse over the results to highlight them



A ‘Customization’ button clip0026Image Removedis present using which users can design the templates of the data cards.



Deleting a Container associated with an SKU will delete all the SKUs and tasks associated with it.

Container Detail: 

The Container detail screen has the following menus: 

i) Save - To save the changes

ii) Search -  A New screen will open to search a container from the list ( see below screen shot)

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iii) Delete - For deleting a Container

iv) Refresh - To reload the data of Container details screen

v) Print Label - To print/reprint the Container Label ( see below a sample of Container label)

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vi) Close -  To Close the Container screen