Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titleCash Management
Add some of the field names for ACH Bank File Format if the selected Type is Field
Add Types in ACH Bank File format
There should have a way to generate multiple lines in ACH Bank File
Process Payment should print Payroll Remittance Advise Report for Direct Deposit
Add Entry Hash Total type in ACH Bank File format
titleCommon Info

Remove the background feature

Add Credit Card Processing panel in System Manager Company Configuration

Open Screen Company Configuration - Default tab: Patronage

Copyright to display 2016

Update the command for Sales>Batch Postng

Add and modify Menu Item for Tax Report

titleEntity Management

Add Tax Options for different State

Include "Enable Two-Step Verification" in the User Profile screen

Create common combo box for Static Store used in EM


Home Menu Panels

Two-Step Verification name in Google Authenticator should be "iRely i21" instead of just "iRely"

Update SMS message for Two-Step Verification

Ability to filter just like search grids on Home Menu Panels

Remove the Validation on drill down for Phantom data.

titleGeneral Ledger

Double Arrow down should be replaced by drill down label


Create mapping between HD Modules and SM Modules


Create ACH Advise Report

New Feature

titleContract Management

Demand Analysis - Development

titleEntity Management

Create Group Entity


Two-Step Verification

Recently Viewed

Combination sorting on grids search

Need Nested Grid Implementation

Add functionality for search filter value or grid filter value to get value from a store or static store


When you have a beginning balance in the column you should hard code bot to the start date

Create account type column and default based upon account type.

Add totals to the Beginning balance in the Template Trial Balance


Customer Budget


titleCommon Info

Approver without email.

Warning message is missing

Add Scale on list of modules for licensing

Login screen - Backspace key on Company field throws you out

Modify openScreen function or create a new method to open a search screen with filtered result.

Additional System Manager Module

titleEntity Management

Add More information to Customer Group Search Grid

Search screen for vendor

Need additional field for CustomerBuffered store that will determine if the customer has budget setup

Additional columns for tblARCustomerBudget


We should be able to format totals with commas and to the number of decimals we want

Automatically update unread comments/messages to "read" upon scrolling to that particular

Comments - Automatically add commenter as watcher


Row Designer - fill down feature not working on Account Type

titleGeneral Ledger

Change glactmst conversion from origin to i21

When closing a period I would like details on what data fields do

HDTN-173218 - In balance GJ entry cannot be posted -- says "out of balance" - decimal place issue

Create Drill down link on Account ID in GL Journal Detail

Open Fiscal Year using Post Date Label in General Journal

Retained Earnings Account in GL Account Detail screen


Add Assignee to the Ticket > History Tab

Show Description in Module drop down on tickets

Rearrange Default Order of Module Drop Down, do not show app code


Add location name in the dispatch email message


Add masking on Bank Account Number displayed in ACH Remittance Advise report


Recurring Bill not post-able in Recurring transaction Batch Posting screen.

Payables has to go off the 'Add Receipt' list on saving of bill.

Remove message after posting voucher.

Add drill down links on vouchers screen.

Can you add the DTM Date - posting date to the selection Criteria on the Detailed payables report?

Create server side validation to disable deleting processed PO.

Add audit log on Pay Voucher Details.


Tank Management Tax Group and Sales Tax Override needs to be used for Tax Exemptions

Customer Inquiry: link Budget Amount and Budget Month to entity setup

Batch Posting Needs

Audit log not invoked when posting or unposting

Get Maintenance Sales setup for software maintenance fees

Add back tax report into 15.4 like we had in 15.3

titleTank Management

Call Entry Implement i21 Tax Calcs

Data Fix


Need to convert Audit Log and Recently View for Transport Load old to New Transport Loads

HDTN-175592 - Ticket No. in Load Schedules does not show Transports Ticket No as it used to


titleCash Management

Resizing of Bank Account Register screen smaller than default screen size should not be allowed

Adjust width of Column Header of Bank Account Register screen

Status indicator when generating check numbers should remain to Saved

Undeposited Funds list

Adjust Bank Account combobox in Bank Reconciliation

Implement FRM-2701

Unable to convert origin AP to i21 CM - error account group does not exist

Missing functionality on some of ACH file types

titleCommon Info

Tax Code Screen Not Filtering Correctly in Sales Tax Account Field

Active screen panel doesn't show when opening the first origin screen

Cannot rename Company Name even with Origin Integration set as OFF

No generated transactions during recurring process

Message turns to HTML when opening another screen

Remove Recently Viewed option in Profile menu.

Favorites menu is missing.

Assign Role Type to imported origin role as User.

Batch Posting screen appears empty when more than 25 transactions were selected to recur

Rename Documentation to Help in Header menu drop down

Add the following on loadFrameworkComponents

Interface Web Services URL should only accepts proper URL format.

Error on selecting a module that have no Audit tab in Company Configurations.

Import message still shown even selecting "No" to import.

Search icon not aligned properly when focus on Search field in some SM screens.

Origin folder not using the new icon in Installer mode.

Cannot login in build 389

Console error when i21 menu loads

Letters Screen's Audit Log doesn't scale well

Approval List: Reference Violation

Error when clicking Send Email on Forgot Login screen

Collapse All is missing in 15.4.

Cannot drill into Voucher record from History screen

Company Preference Locks Up When Navigating From Audit Logs

Prevent cash accounts used in inactive bank accounts to be selected in Company Location

Backspace is not working

Unable to open transaction from Batch Posting Details screen

Merchant Password is unmask.

Cities screen has no default fixed size.

Company Location screen has no default fixed size.

Country screen has no default fixed size.

Currency Exchange Rates screen has no default fixed size.

Currency Exchange Rate Type screen has no default fixed size.

Currency screen has no default fixed size.

Custom Fields screen has no default fixed size.

Freight Terms screen has no default fixed size.

Import Origin Menus screen has no default fixed size.

Import User Role screen has no default fixed size.

Import Origin Users screen has no default fixed size.

License screen has no default fixed size.

Company Registration screen has no default fixed size.

Modules screen has no default fixed size.

Origin Conversions screen has no default fixed size.

Payment Methods screen has no default fixed size.

Recurring Transactions screen has no default fixed size.

History screen has no default fixed size.

Some System Manager screens has no default fixed size.

Missing Additional System Manager Module from FCOM-1269

Recap Transaction screen has no default fixed size.

Tax Classes screen has no default fixed size.

Tax Code screen has no default fixed size.

Add Screen Permissions screen has no default fixed size.

Create New User Role screen has no default fixed size.

Remove excess Tax Report menu

Error upgrading Database

Move Open Payables menu under AP Reports

Alternate approver not saving in Approval List screen.

titleContract Management

Cannot Post Sales Contract in Inventory Shipment


Pivot Grid Dashboard Preview is broken

15.4 Sorting is not working properly on pivot grid panels

Unable to sort on column header on pivot panel

To handle incorrect sorting field

Double field on query is not throwing informative error message

No records return for specific query when Rows Visible <> 0

titleEntity Management

Added photo on Entity> User tab was displayed on Employee tab

When qc is refreshed my location information is lost

No data in the Vendor Grid for YTD Activity

Not able to modify the fixed Ship Via field for an existing line record in customer entity > Transport Tab > Freight Tab.

Customer Entity is not showing existing customer location and category is not saving when creating freight

When you search vendors on a entity for a fiscal year range - the screen times out

Entity User changes were not taking effect

Do not show inactive back accounts on combo box list

Invoke custom audit log method when importing record from external app

User Role no Longer column option in 15.4

add attachment on entity screen

Unable to delete created user




Console error on Date time picker (Circular requirement detected!)

Events are not applied on grid layout

Hidden columns are not showing in the filter list.

Add Username and remove Entity No in OLD User Search screen

Closing Dashboard screen is closing the main dashboard

Close button on Two-Step Verification Code screen is not working

Display Dashboard is not refreshing the main dashboard

The Recently Added list in the Home panel should match the Header menu list

Filter: Multiple Values for Multiple Column is not working in filters

Rename "New Conversation" to "New Message" and add the same button to the Messages Panel in Home screen

Global Search does not open a User when selected

Format the Message panel the same as the Comments panel

Added alerts did not automatically display on Alerts panel

Home Panel doesn't play well when zooming the browser

Never ending "Opening Attached File" message display

Cannot read property 'split' error when saving new customer

Saving of layout as tab should not become the active layout and should not appear in the dropdown

Issue on filtering by date on Home Menu Panels > Comments and Messages

Toolbar button is unreadable.

Grid Layout "Default" Issues

Filtering does not works properly.

Grouping is not working

New functionality on empty search screen is not working if there are default filters configured

Cannot Switch Between Custom Layouts

issue on display value on a dynamic store

Help button is not working on Custom Fields screen

Router switches back currently set activeTab to the first tabPanel upon opening of window

New layouts as tabs disappear with you choose them

Pop-up asking if you would like to delete August when opening account detail

Trim the trailing and leading space before passing the value to search


When you click the print each row drill down does not work

Report Template - Retained Earnings and Current Year Earnings rows on Balance Sheet and Balance Sheet Detail

Error runnning the sql scripts in 15.4 dev

Trial Balance report template - Make all rows to have Debit Balance Side

Column Designer > Caption is Period Description - shows No Fiscal Period

Column Designer > Caption is Filter Type - shows wrong date range

Balance Sheet and Balance Sheet Detail report template - incorrect account type for Liability, Equity and Total Expense rows

Income Statement and Income Statement Detail report templates - incorrect Account Type for Expense rows

Trial Balance Detail report template - wrong Account Type for Liability, Equity and Expense rows

Cash Flow Statement - wrong Account type for Liability and Equity rows

Report Setting > As Of date - is not used as basis for Start and End Date Offset

Incorrect syntax near 's' error when upgrading to build 525 (15.4 Prod)

Column Designer - Start and End Date incorrectly computed on non calendar setup

BOY and EOY Filters are not correctly coming in based off of fiscal year

Retained Earnings Not Calculating Correctly

titleGeneral Ledger

Amount is removed when entering Weight Per Unit

Duplicate will not continue if source Record Name is 40 characters

Error loading Beginning Balance

Could not post reversal

Cannot select Primary Code

Close button still uses the big icon

Time out error on Importing Historical Journal

Cannot create new FY prior to historical import

Cursor should focus at the end of the account

Selected line items export all

CSV template should not have SourceSystem and SourceNumber

CSV file could no longer be imported once edited in excel

dblUnitsInLBS should be removed from import/export csv

Edit the Mapping Detail Column Names

Empty Post and Currency should be handled

intAccountId should not display

Editing Account Id displays console error

Created Recurring schedule does not conform with the GJ

Change the message into Origin Unposted Transactions

Clicking Post should auto save the record

Converted Origin COA is not correct

Error when loading tblGLJournalDetail and glhstmst

Font Label color should be a little bit darker

Expand the width of the Account ID column

Import CSV does not round two decimal places

GJ from Reallocation still saves up to 3 decimal

Historical Importing - Portion of the grid is displaying

Duplicate Recurring Journal is not adding automatically

Account Structure is empty in new company db

Origin Tab should be hidden

Add period

Highlight + Delete combination will blank out the Account Id Column

Call the Saving function when clicking Recurring in GJ

Buttons is displaying partially

Structure tab will be empty

Import CSV does not work if the Origin Integration is ON

Null is being saved in Debit/Credit Columns

GL Account Detail First tab should say Chart Of Accounts

Total Debit, Credit, Debit Units and Credit Units of the previous record remain in the screen

Search screen not optimized

Remove the Mapping Detail

Error importing historical data

Double drill down should be replaced by Drill down text- Edit Account screen

When Name is empty, it should open the Select Reallocation Search

Account balance is incorrect in GL Account Detail only summing first 100 rows

Decimal issue in GL Account Detail Summary Total

GL is open but system says it is closed

Modules coming in with Null in the ysn Open field when creating a new fiscal year

Should display Origin Audit Log

glije_date in the tblGLIjemst and tblGLJournalDetail tab should be integer

Invalid Column Name ysnAPOpen

Building #573 in 15.3 prod failed due to error

Error building in 15.4 Dev (136)


contract information not flowing to scale nor to receipt/shipment

titleHelp Desk

Ticket > Hours Worked tab JIRA Link column value cannot be modified

Screen status does not display as 'Saved' if new ticket is saved without correct email setup

Previously opened ticket does not close when opening a ticket in history tab

Assignee field is blank on Ticket screen.

Ticket - Module field displays all product modules when Product field is blank

Error in saving multiple Hours Worked records

Tickets with Closed status display in My Ticket tab screen

Ticket screen, Created By field does not display contact name

After saving a new ticket, user cannot add text in Details tab screen

Opening Hours Worked then closing the Ticket displays Save prompt

Ticket screen Version combo box displays all versions when Product is blank

User cannot open multiple ticket groups

There is no Audit Log tab on tickets

New Scale Ticket Console Error

Console error displays when opening a ticket with blank Details tab screen

Search toolbar button not functional in Ticket screen

Up icon not displayed in Milestones screen

Ticket not saved when billable job is added

Background color does not load correctly in Ticket Status screen.

Different CSS class of toolbar button

Unable to create a ticket - Module name is not displayed

Cannot Choose Assignee or Reporter when Creating JIRA Issue from Helpdesk


Voucher - Other Charges not pulling contract number

strSourceNumber property on vyuICGetInventoryShipmentItem


Invoice not posting.


Current Paycheck to be printed is not selected in Process Payments screen

YTD Taxes amount paycheck report is wrong

Earning Rate Factor with 0 Hour in paycheck displays incorrect amount in paycheck report

Net Pay is incorrect if with included Earning Rate Factor in paycheck

Adjust pacheck summary off the top stub to not overlap on paper check

Manually adding Rate Factor Earning in paycheck does not calculate the Earning Amount

Misalign Payee Address in check stub


Return status to Ready for submission after modification

Reference for duplicate transaction is missing

Duplicating voucher approval that is already submitted

Duplicating voucher that is already approved

Do not allow to select closed contract on entering prepaid.

Posting of payments with inactive bank account is allowed

HDTN-174404 - 15.4 - PO Taxes are not correct

Tax does not recompute after changing vendor location

Pending PO - Save and Undo buttons were enabled

adding contracts on prepayment

HDTN-174234 - #1 - Rail Car Returns

Error message while saving voucher with details from PO

Approvals on AP does not function appropriately

titleReport Manager

Value with unclosed quotation mark is not accepted

Report Manager: From Field Loading issue

Unable to update Xtrareports parameter

Incorrect WY report design

Failed to print if filter fields is greater than 4

Join value not captured in report xml parameter


Special price calculation is not considering linked supply points rack price for bulk plant to customer transport load

Customer of the original invoice is changed after split

Generated invoice during split is using the original invoice's header details

Cannot send email thru Batch Printing

Special price is not calculating correctly based on cost to use from customer setup

Show Discount Taken on invoice search grid

Invoice automatically split when SO with split is processed to Invoice

Incorrect Total when item is from Add Recipe screen

Service Charges Showing up after being forgiven

Forgiven service charges still included in the computation

Invoice - Allowing to save and post without UOM for non inventory items

Blank Post field on generated Service Charge Invoice

Hide Delete button on SC Invoice

SC not properly filtered by Status Code

Site is Still Taxable When Sales Tax Option is Unchecked

Budget amount deducted 2x when payment is posted via recap

Invoice removed in history after forgiving its SC

Please review Delta Report for balancing

Customer Aging Reports changes c/o Darwin Estrada

titleTank Management

Customer City is Cut Off Budget Letter Report

Budget Letter Customer are Not Displaying in Order

Serial Number is Removed From Event History

Recalculate Price Button is Not Working

Multiple Items are Displaying in Generate Orders

Generate Orders Shows Inactive Sites

Processing Device Action Message is Not Closing

Inactive Sites in Transfer to Another Consumption Site Device Action

Substitute Product Not Displaying in Call Entry Printout

At Customer to be Transferred back to Bulk Plant Location Message

Finalized Orders are not being dispatched to Digital Dispatcher


Inventory Transfer record is not getting deleted after making receipt and distribution to same location

Inventory receipt still exists after deleting Transport load

Sales invoice is not getting delete after changing destination from customer to location

Inventory transfer and inventory receipt records are not getting delete after changing Freight Only from No to Yes

Transport load screen is not preventing by showing warning message when changing freight Only to 'yes' and Origin to location

Failed to Load Resource while filtering

Failed: Deployment of 15.4.0112.524 to New QC - i21Server