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New Feature

 Bill of Lading Print (BOL)- print from Shipment screen


titleCommon Info
Modify openScreen function or create a new method to open a search screen with filtered result.
Receipt - Add button 'Replicate Balance Lots' 
Inventory Shipment - Add net weight in BOL report and print shipment number as BOL number
Invoice- When processed from shipment, should show shipped UOM and qty
Provide an option for changing the Lot status in Handheld device


Inventory Valuation; Inventory PERC - HIGH PRIORITY
HDTN-178430 - BL-11136 - Debit and credit amounts are not balanced





titleCash Management
Old Voided Checks Set to Unposted Can't Close Year 
CM Check Format is still displaying in Payroll Process Payments screen
 HDTN-177189 - Trying to Add Bank accounts in CM and getting errors 
Unable to send email Remittance Advice Report of Payroll 
Move up and down Arrows are greyed out 
Uncleared Payments Not Adding Correctly only on One Bank Account
 Unrounded Bank Transactions Throwing off Reconciliation
titleCommon Info
Date/Time Opened on Active Origin Screens is showing the wrong timezone
titleEntity Management
 Default Existing Locations to Active
Date are not filtering properly
titleGeneral Ledger
Message not allowed to post is displayed yet progress bar is shown 
When GL by Account ID Detail Account Has no Balance, or activity, shouldn't show old transaction info 
GL Import Logs Show wrong user in grid or no user 
Chart of Accounts Description Is Truncated After Upgrade
HDTN-177947 - Item 10036 in Company 02 
Application is changing the Lot Qty upon changing the Item 
Application is creating a new Lot upon Lot Item Change
Lot Move - Allowing to move more quantity than lot quantity 
Blend Sheet Qty increases when recipe has bulk items and blend is created using Auto Blend Sheet 
Gross weight is not udpated after staged in Shipment screen 
Auto Blend Sheet: While Picking system is pick empty lot id, on Save system is displayed error message 
Error While splitting a lot after item change 
Application is allowing same lot for different items 
When substitute item is staged against a bulk item, consume substitute item first and consume the remaining required quantity from original item 
Lot Label printing multiple times when same lot is available in multiple locations.
 Packaging material consumption is wrong while producing lot from FG production screen 
Application should allow to adjust Lots which having 0 weight per unit 
Picking Substitute Item(Bulk) Fix 
Undo Pallet is not working 
Handheld application updating the pick list but not allowing the user to complete the task 
Handling residue Qty after production 
Picks more qty for partial qty 
Blend Production - shows "Add Lots" Message when all ingredients are by Location/FIFO
 Blend Production - Duplicate Items displayed after end staging 
Lot History displaying wrong transaction qty 
Lot Item change is stock and valuation issue. Use IC sp and need data fix. 
Update Weight, Weight UOM and Weight per Unit the same as Qty, Item UOM, 1 if user produced only Weight with out Qty
 Pick List: Pick quantity greater than equal to 0.01 
Blend Production: on consumption system is consumed more / less than the Picked qty
 Fixes for inventory stock, cost and valuation 
Not able to complete the shipment 
Invalid Qty after Pick for kitting and Qty round off in Picking the Lot in BP
Vacation Time Off not Deducting 
Cannot unpost Paychecks 
Changed employee from Hourly to Salary - now, when we generate checks it is creating a $0 check
Do not allow to post payment for 'Debit memos and Payments' 
On mouse click, Payment Method changes on a processed payment 
Time Columns Have Incorrect Information Based on The Date on Open Payables
Receive Payments - Discounts not calculated in Amount 
Can post Tank Delivery with blank Performer 
Date in Recap 
 Remove 0 from accrual listOrdered UOM not disabled 
Shipment UOM not retained after posting 
Provisional Invoice related fields displayed on Invoice with shipment 
Committed not updated during invoice posting 
Value of Order and Order UOM are removed when Shipped qty/uom is updated 
Issues on statement and statement detail report 
SO Shipped and Status not updated 
Aging amount displayed on the next page
 Incorrect Total on Invoice History Report 
HDTN-177874 - Sales Orders prices clear out when changing quantity 
HDTN-178038 - Price is changing when modifying the invoice date in Sales Invoice 
HDTN-178061 - Invoice Changes requested
 Sales Margin Percentage should be calculated using Sales Total and not Cost total
HDTN-178136 - Bill To info not correct on Customer Invoice 
HDTN-178155 - Unable to unpost invoice that has not been paid - SI-10217 
 Incorrect Shipped when IS/Invoice used different UOMBlank Ordered UOM on Transport Delivery invoice 
Incorrect Shipped UOM when IS is added to Invoice AR-2546Blank Ordered UOM on Provisional Invoice type
Not able to unpost transport load 
CLONE - HDTN-178752 - Ongoing Problem with processing railcar PO and loading data for INVRCT
 Pick for kitting should not display a lot whose pick qty is 0 
Pick List displaying wrong storage location name in the handheld.
 Staging from handheld does not update reservation table for every lot 
Should not allow users to scan Kitting area while picking the lots
