Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titleContract Management





Contract Detail View additional Columns
titleGeneral Ledger
update category script for AR/Inventory Conversion Project
titleHelp Desk
Unable to create JIRA Issues from Ticket


Add strStorageUnitType, strSubLocationDescription columns in vyuICGetInventoryReceiptItem
Update JavaScript Unit Tests


Load/Shipment Schedule - Add validations before integration request


titleQualityRisk Management
Contract quantity should reduce when inventory adjustment happens -Risk position inquiry/coverage report
Visualization tab needs to be displayed with graph in Future opt transaction-future 360- match screen- Live DPR


Ticket Entry - Print button - turn off direct print



New Feature

titleCard Fueling
Mass Card Lockout based Customer Credit Thresholds
NBS > Add Product Authorization Profile
NBS > Product Authorization Export






Energy Trac
BASE Export - Assets
BASE Export - Customers
BASE Export - Customer Accounting
BASE Export - Dispatch
BASE Export - Products
BASE Export - Price
BASE Import/Export - Company Config Option
titleCard Fueling


titleContract Entity Management
BASE View - Customers


titleFRDPurchasing AP
Create debit memo from AP Prepayment for weight loss (received - shipped)
Create weight claims report from debit memo
Code Settlement Screen


Integrate with Settlements
BASE View - Customer Accounting




Tank Management
BASE View - Dispatch


titleMeter BillingCard Fueling
Card Fueling Invoice > Add Remittance Page
Remove Site Item on Site Screen


titlePurchase APCash Management
Allow to preview Settlement Report via parameter


titlePurchase APFramework
Search Screen: Pass grid and/or selected records as parameters to custom toolbar buttons' click listener/handler


titleRisk Management General Ledger
Change the General Ledger Balance Difference to + when debit - when credit in GL By Account Id Detail report


Receipt -> HDTN-179322 - Extend Cost to min 5 digits on Inventory Receipt Details Grid
HDTN-179594 - Inventory Shipment - Inactive Customers can be selected
Receipt - make origin records read only
Import from csv - Add Import Category GL account and Item UOM


titleScales Logistics
Add shipment status column in Containers tab of load/shipment search screen


titleTank Management Purchase AP
HDTN-178665 - total on check register report
Cannot create prepayment for unlimited contracts
Voucher import - Show validation if checkbook used in voucher is not existing in i21
Include VOP on Pay Vouchers and Pay Voucher Details screen
HDTN-180798 - Due date changing on pay voucher detail screen


HDTN-178942 - Need Credit Memo's to show as negative amounts on Invoice printout




titleCard fuelling
Price Profile > Remove Requirements for Product and Site Group on Index Basis Types
Price Calc > Price Profiles Errors on bad match
Add SIte on network item
Adding new site or product auth on network will list all record even if it is on different network
Unable to open multiple cards from account screen
Transaction > Giving Errors on Taxes that are part of a Tax Group, but not Category
Failed deployment 16.3.0822.193 on New QC1630 - i21Server
Bad sales tax calculation


titleCash Management
HDTN-184639 - Check MICR for JPMorgan Chase Bank Failed

incorrect ACH record type 6

CLONE - HDTN-173320 Import Bank Rec cleared incorrect transaction
HDTN-184639 - Check MICR for JPMorgan Chase Bank Failed


titleCommon Info
Can login contacts using incorrect password
Console error appears when typing Starting Number
Imported Users from Origin gets invalid error message on # of Origin Screens
tblSMBuildNumber is not showing the whole version
Unable to access menus
Invalid Company! on Fortbooks
No menus are displayed for Customer contact (with portal access)


titleContract Management
Query optimization in Contracts vs Long Futures database view


titleCredit Card ReconCRM
Can not select a contact in help desk


titleDash Board
Drilldown of grouped records has no data to display


titleEntity Management
Customer - Help desk is not merged when the primary entity is vendor
User Profile - Require Location field if location is added on User Role


titleFrame Work
Edited Status is Displayed When Opening Consumption Site
Other users can still create calendar events to a read-only calendar
Column renderer is not included in saving Search grid Layout.
Public calendars are automatically showing on other users
Derivative screen - Use the layout option to create tabs in derivatives screen, Logout and Login, the tabs are no longer available
When entering a number in decimal fields, it adds 2 0s automatically
titleGeneral Ledger
Reallocated account does not copy the Description header
No question to cascade the date in GJ
Recreate Origin Chart of Account Setup Button is not disabled in NewDB
After Import CSV Fails, retrying the same filename Throws Error
cannot post even if the posted date is valid
uspGLImportOriginHistoricalJournalCLOSED did not deploy properly
Missing Period for Import from Sub-Ledger
Fiscal period should be 12 or 13 period only due to Origin integration.
generating by weekly does not match the end date
Recreate COA does not disable after conversion
number unposted general journal reminders number is not equal when its open
General Journal Posted Twice
Wrong prefix of batch number
Batch posting console error
Typing Account ID slowly caused cursor to point in left most
Reallocation does not apply in GJ
Cannot delete segment
Delete unused account occurs error but delete
Upon Upgrade Many Accounts are Switched to Non-General Categories
On Import GL from CSV screen, browse button does nothing
Upon Upgrade Many Accounts are Switched to Non-General Categories


Wrong Spelling


titleHelp Desk






Optimize Image Upload
No values are displayed in drop-down lists sourced from JIRA
Shipment - In Transit Outbound qty goes wrong when posting shipment with SOs that have different locations setup
Application is duplicating the location in drop down
Inventory Valuation - Invoice can be opened from this screen
Allow to enter upto 20 decimal place in Item UOM's Unit Qty field
Receiving Items with mixed Receipt UOM
Qty to Ship on Add Orders screen is showing the wrong qty
Post direct IS does not increase Inventory in Transit Outbound qty
Unable to Load Out Storage Units
After selecting FX related configurations, price is not shown in new currency and UOM in IR screen
Inventory Transfer - In Transit Outbound is Incorrect
Unposting IR will Decrease In-Transit Outbound Stock
Unposting of Inventory Transfer will have a negative In-transit Outbound Stock
In Transit Outbound from the Original Location is not updating after Transfer
Console error when closing Inventory Receipt
Lot Merge cause a negative qty on Stock UOM
HDTN-184839 - Gross/Net UOM set to non Wgt & volume types
Inventory receipt - after posting the logistic shipment the same contract is not showing in add orders screen on inventory receipt.
Cannot Load Out for most of selected Customers
After selecting FX related configurations, price is not shown in new currency and UOM in IR screen
HDTN-183228 Remove terminated driver from driver list
Load/Shipment Schedule - 'Ship Via' in Warehouse tab and 'Vendor' in Cost tab drop down is not populating now: -
dblCost in vyuLGLoadContainerReceiptContracts shows the cost in Pricing instead of the converted cost based on FX values
Logistics > Changing a customer blanks out detail lines
Logistics > Changing a customer blanks out detail lines


Pick List: while loading system is displayed failed to load data
Cannot repost invoice with auto-blend item


titleMeter Billing
Progress bar is missing when trying to post Meter Reading
Can still edit posted Meter Reading
Failed to load resources when opening Meter Reading search
Meter Reading Search is showing excess line items


Still issues with process refund
Refund processing is not working


Gross Amount is 0.00 once check is committed
Inactive employee is able to time in and out
CLONE - Taxes and Deduction does not autorecalc
[object Object] error displayed when generating Bi-Weekly in Process PayGroup screen
Deduction excluded in Tax computation when paycheck is generated from Paychecks screen
CLONE - SUI Report didn't display Company Name
Re-adding earnings does not calculate the taxes properly
Upgrading database - Stack up


titlePurchasing AP


HDTN-182599 - Terms have vendors coming up in Voucher Batch Entry in TE
Deleting PO does not decrease the On Order qty
PO Tax Details - Opens with Failed to load message
PO - Stock Information of item does not change after navigating to other record
PO Report - Follow address format for Vendor and Ship To address
Bill already exist message always prompts
IR record no is not displayed on voucher
Incorrect On Order qty if Partial PO is duplicated
Script Parameter Issue
Created new voucher batch already has a detail
Build #191 failing in 16.2Dev
Do not allow sub-currency displayed on currency header fields
IR: Process Voucher Error
IR to Voucher Cost Adjustment - GL Accounts is Incomplete and AP Clearing Amount is Incorrect
IR to Voucher Cost Adjustment - GL Accounts is Incomplete and AP Clearing Amount is Incorrect
titleReport Manager
CLONE - combo list box is not auto-filtered
HDTN-184995 - Simplified Report Viewer > Print/export to pdf do not work
HDTN-184995 - Simplified Report Viewer > Print/export to pdf do not workAbility to check if the direct printing application exists
titleRisk Management



M2M Inquiry- After inventory adjustment open qty is not reducing against the same contract - inventory(p).
Mark to market Summary screen does not have commas
Live DPR - position details - Purchase in in-transit does not show while inbound shipment is posting , when we create sales intransit same qty is getting updated with purchase intransit also
M2M inquiry- After - ve inventory adjustment the inventory qty is adding the adjusted qty and displaying in m2m inquiry
committed not updated when item is removed from the grid
Unpost Inventory Shipment resulted to incorrect Committed qty
HDTN-183712 - Invoice footer comment
Category tax exemption on 1 Tax Group taking effect on other tax groups
HDTN-184143 - Customer Statement Report not adding correctly
A/R Invoice to be able to manually select Source of Transport Delivery
HDTN-184357 - Need open item detail aging report to show only unpaid invoices and unused credits.
Incorrect Committed on SO with partial invoice
Incorrect default Shipped qty
Implement Cash, Cash Refund, Debit Memo, Prepayment email
Error when importing billable from diff customers
Error when calling fnConstructLineItemTaxDetail inside uspCFRecalculateTransaciton
HDTN-184714 - Sales Analysis Report - showing duplicate lines
HDTN-184754 - Sales Import from CSV needs changed
HDTN-184992 - Contract Balance wraps on large figures
HDTN-184143 - Customer Statement Report not adding correctly


distribution to inventory shipment to allow multiple distribution types.
Ticket Entry - Wrong net weight passed to Inventory Receipt
Item is not printing in Scale Ticket report
Internal Server error after selecting Direct In Ticket Type
Ticket Type for Direct Out is blank
Discount code didn't calculate if the shrink is "Gross Weight"
Scale passing wrong from location and to location incorrect location in IR
Cannot load out non-lotted item
titleSystem Manager
Unable to access menus
Invalid Company! on Fortbooks
No menus are displayed for Customer contact (with portal access)


titleTank Management
Origin AG DD to i21 TM conversion errors
Sales Tax is Not Being Calculated in Call Entry
Origin DD errors





HDTN-181360 - Freight Rate for loads delivered to APX Storage not pulling in
Special price not taking effect on transports
Distribution tax group is not taking customer's ship to location tax group
Distribution Detail> Multiple lines of fuel charges, instead of 1
Transport quotes> details tab fails to load
Error on importing when Record Marker on File Field Mapping has space
Unable to delete Transport Load with multiple Distribution Header
Freight Rate and Surcharge is not being filled in when Freight Only is checked
Transport Quote > Missing Logo
Transport Quote > Creates Multiple quotes for customers with multiple ship tos
Item setup on product search is not being imported
No error log on items which can't be imported
Failed to import Rack Prices
Some of the items from Import Rack Price screen > Rack Prices tab are not imported after posting
HDTN-181360 - Freight Rate for loads delivered to APX Storage not pulling in
Special price not taking effect on transports
Transport Quote > Missing Logo
Transport Quote > Creates Multiple quotes for customers with multiple ship tos




Children Display