Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titlei21 Common Info
Make Approval's read-only tabs to use buffered store(s).

Add POS Login menu

titlei21 Credit Card Recon
CCR Screen > Clean Up tasks
titlei21 Framework
Provide facility to upload document to attachment tab programatically

Need to add drag/drop filter framework in the grid in Editor screen

New Feature


titlei21 Dashboard
Drill down to screen

Ability to resize panel height on dashboard

titlei21 Framework
Finalize Disconnected Model for any screen/module

VOIP Integration with i21


When you save a tab or search screen the sort order does not save

titlei21 Sales
Invoice - Cost of manufacturing should be available for invoicing
titlei21 Scales
Scale - Create a call to Contract SP that will create a DP Contract if the Vendor does not have one.



titlei21 Common Info
Ability to modify and track customer license
titlei21 Credit Card Recon
Batches Search Grid
titlei21 Dashboard
Add field to use for buffered grid indexing.
titlei21 Framework
Sunset AdvanceFilterGrid and use AdvanceSearchGrid instead


titlei21 Common Info
Customers Do not Have any User Rights

Clicking the Password expiration notification logs out the user


Cannot login users using the default security policy


Lock user account after xx invalid login attempts is not working


User is prevented to login even if business hours is not yet done

titlei21 Dashboard
Records on Pivot Panel can still be sorted even when sorting is not enabled
titlei21 Entity Management
List of duplicate entities disappear after clearing the filter
titlei21 Framework
New button click handler that doesn't pass searchTab information

Numeric field does not allow blank values

Grid with non buffered store cant filter date

Budget - move to next Amount field will show the cursor after 0

Advance search Gird does not filter date column correctly on non buffered store

Cannot move fields up or down when Custom Fields is built

High CPU on opening Entity Screen due to Custom Grid feature

Filter is not deleted on Add Screen/Control Permissions screen

Error when opening the quick filter tab on vendor floating search screen

Issue in Summation of Search grid

Console error appears when calendar icon is clicked twice

Unable to sync Invitees when calling a common function in Framework - iRely.Functions.addToCalendar(...

Date and time showing in Audit log is wrong when created manually using uspSMAuditLog

titlei21 General Ledger
Error due to dbo.fnGLGetBeginningBalanceAndUnitRE
titlei21 Help Desk
Special character or (') is saving into weird junk text

Error updating Source 01 via Patch Update

titlei21 Inventory
shipment - should not show lots with no stock

Inventory Receipt - Open Item Button Not Working


Inventory Receipt Purchase Contract - Other Charge Amount is Not Computing when Using Add Orders

titlei21 Logistics
Shipment Schedule - Generate Load hyper link is not working: -

Cannot generate Load Schedule from Contract- Object Reference error message displayed

titlei21 Motor Tax Fuel
16.2.0615.201 stuck at START TF Reporting Component - IN
titlei21 Payroll
Unable to post two checks GL Debits and Credits do not match
titlei21 Purchasing AP
Open Clearing and Open Clearing Detail reports - Open or Partial Vouchered IR are not shown on these reports

Voucher: Cannot open screen dblOldCost Error


Voucher: Missing Contract values on the dropdown

titlei21 Sales
Tax is always 0 on Tank Delivery invoice

Cannot save/post invoice


Cannot pay Debit Memo

titlei21 Scale
Discount Code is not displaying when Item is selected in Scale Ticket

DP Units are stored in Open Storage by default in manual distribution

titlei21 Tank Management
Incorrect Values in Daily Use and Estimated Budgets
titlei21 Transports
Quotes > Correct Calculation for Special Pricing with Origin Rack +
Import Logistics Load > Use Delivery Date as Distribution Header
Transport Quote report is not existing anymore
