Versions Compared


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titleCard Fueling
Fees > Change GL Acct to create Sales Invoice with Item
Create view for Card with Customerid and Vehicle with CustomerId
Rename the “Recap” tab to “Post Preview” which better describes what it does
Company Config > Add Settings for Invoicing
CF Transaction Posting > Update Sales Invoice
Transaction Report Grid > Add CF Invoice # and CF Invoice Date to Posted Transaction Grid
Voyager > Add Sites during import of Transactions
Network > Add Site Tax Group Defaults
Network > Add Voyager Options
CF - Implement ToAggregateAsync versionCF Invoice > Create Debit Memo in AR
CF Invoice > Create Payment Records in AR
CF Invoice > Update Discounts on Summarized Debit Memo instead of Individual Sales Invoices


Canned Panel: iRely Store - Sales by Store
Dashboard panel layout - raise maximum of column width
Use drilldown column to pass parameter and fetch value from the query
Create a Dashboard Canned Panel for receipt/missing documentsDASH-1999DASH - Implement ToAggregateAsync version
titleEnergy Trac
Create XML - Exemptions
Create XML - Customer Comments
Create XML - Splits
Import Driver Files - Process SD Files to Sales Invoice
Import Driver Files - Process BH file to Sales Invoice
Import Driver Files - Process BD File to Sales Invoice
Energy Trac Tax Cross Reference Table
Add "Tax Code Setup" tab to "Export Setup" screen.
ET - Implement ToAggregateAsync version
Import Driver Files - Process RP to Payment


INv Count - Blank lines should not be posted
No option to save the notes in Inventory Adjustment screen
Inventory Transfer> Hyperlinks to Maintenance
HDTN-177980 - Include reason code for lot adjustment transactions
Storage Location -> Hide commodity & pack factor. Add Item drop down
Lot Details View - Add button 'Trace' for traceability of lot
Create new lot records in bags when moved by the whole bag.
Valuation report - Should include opening balance when run from a date forward
Receipt Search - Add hyperlink for Order & source numbers
Lot Details - Add 'History' button
HDTN-172826 - AR Conversion Project - Add Import Inventory Receipt button in Origin Conversions
Item Search- Pricing tab - Make unit qty max to data entered
Stock Details - Add Stock UOM column
Inventory Commodities - Remove Consolidation Factor
Category & Item - Costing method is required only for inventory types
Receipt - Add fields and Charges tab to Receipt search screen
Inventory Shipment search - Add Invoices tab
Commodity/Item/Receipt- Hide Grade field
Inventory valuation summary - add units
Inventory UOM - Conversion should allow up to 15 decimal places
Item Location search tab - Copy LocationCategory - Add duplicate button
Item -> Location - Insert and Add Multiple should copy the 'Default' uom into Sales UOM and Purchase UOM
Category - Rename Location tab to "Point of Sale"
Category - Hide UOM grid
Item - UOM - Remove Load UOM button. Load the uoms on selection of commodity
3689- While printing credit/debit notes selection/decision can be made to switch from supplier to producer
Provide duplicate button for storage location configuration
Enable custom tab for Item editor screen
Inventory UOM - Add 'Area' to uom conversion list of volume, Qty and wgt
User wants to generate Lot pattern based on physical production date
The Lot expiry date should be calculated based on Manufacturing Date
Though the Lot-tracking for item is setup as 'Serial Number', user should still be able to enter the desired LotID manually in the inventory receipts
IR/IS - Disable Unpost and Delete when created by Ticktet Management
3696- Rejection of containers (Purchase returns)
3697- Inventory receipt screen, remarks should remain enabled after posting
Enable custom tab for Inventory Receipt screen
Modification to item configuration - add default packing uom for origin
Capture Item owner in the lot level
Item -UOM grid - hide unwanted fields by default
Stored Procedure (SP) to update the inventory based on the feed from SAP
Stated Net Per Unit, Stated Total Net and Physical vs Stated column of Receipt screen are not calculated
New report - Add count number bar code in Inventory Count sheet report
Item Cost tab - Add new checkbox for basis contract
Rename the “Recap” tab to “Post Preview” which better describes what it does
Certification program, add a new field certification code. This will be a free text field
Commodity - Add Purchasing Group
SP to create goods receipt (IR) based on external feed from SAP
Include Owner name as one of the column in the owner association grid and also in the owner look up.
Item - type "other charge" , need a new dropdown next to M2M checkbox
Add dtmDateCreated column in the tblICInventoryReceipt & tblICInventoryShipment table
CLONE - Implement ToAggregateAsync version
Inventory Return - Rename Voucher Button and Message Box to Debit Memo
Receipt - Multi Currency changes - Add Forex Rate Type and Rate fields
Shipment - Multi Currency changes - Add Forex Rate Type and Rate fields
Shipment - Multi Currency changes - Include foreign debit and credit in Recap screen
Receipt - Multi Currency changes - Include foreign debit and credit in Recap screen
Add Contract Item No field in Contract Item Tab (Item - Setup - Contract Item)
Control decimal display for quantity fields
CLONE - Stored Procedure (SP) to update the inventory based on the feed from SAP
IR Details Tab - Totals Should Have Currency Signs
CLONE - Control decimal display for quantity fields
Cost Currency label
Voucher - Change of cost should not be booked to Auto-Variance account
Inventory Posting & Rebuild utility - remove Auto variance entry for avg costing method.
Receipt - Multi Currency changes - GL posting - Convert transaction amounts to functional currency
Receipt - Multi Currency changes - Other Charges tab
Receipt - Multi Currency changes - Costing and Valuation - Convert transaction amounts to functional currency for Costing and Valuation
Shipment - Multi Currency changes - Other Charges tab
Shipment - Multi Currency changes - GL posting - Convert transaction amounts to functional currency
Receipt - Multi Currency changes - Process Receipt to voucher should copy forex from IR
Multi Currency changes - Receipt - DB View for Revalue screen
Multi Currency changes - Receipt Other Charges - DB View for Revalue screen
Multi Currency changes - Shipment - DB View for Revalue screen
Multi Currency changes - Shipment Other Charges - DB View for Revalue screen
Multi Currency - Receipt should default the price for the vendor location and currency
Multi Currency - Shipment should default the price for the customer location and currency
Multi Currency - Add currency to Pricing, Pricing Level and Promotional Pricing tabs
Multi Currency - Receipt should default the Last Cost/Standard Cost for the item location and currency for Direct type
Rename the "Parent Lot No" caption to "Lot No" and "Lot No" caption to Pallet Id in the Inventory shipment's BOL report
Multi Currency - Receipt - Add currency to all search tabs
Multi Currency - Shipment - Add currency to all search tabs
Provide a configuration to auto populate lot details
Inventory -- Lot details - Add another column for product type
Provide a select all check box in IR screen
IR Add Order > add Forex Rate Type and Exchange Rate


titlePurchasing AP
Implement ToAggregateAsync version
Add a total to the pay vouchers detail screen
3681-Template for credit/debit notes prints
Provide email option in voucher screen . Should work like it works in contract screen
Rename the “Recap” tab to “Post Preview” which better describes what it does
Provide SP to create claims voucher from Weight Claims screen
Create a SP that can delete voucher
Add Tab and fields in Voucher screenAP-3250
HDTN-183905 - Account ID input in Purchasing voucher screen does not mask the hyphens like General Journal screen
Multi Currency changes - Add Rate type and revalue fields to the Detail of the AP Transaction
Multi Currency changes - Change the GL Posting routine to account for Multi currency
Multi Currency changes - Adjust the GL Recap to show multi currency accounts
Multi Currency changes - Vouchers - DB View for Revalue screen
CLONE - Receipt - Multi Currency changes - Cost Adjustment in voucher- Convert cost adjustment to functional currency
Multi Currency - Purchase Order should default the cost for the vendor location and currency
Multi Currency - Purchase Order should default the Last Cost/Standard Cost for the item location and currency
Multi Currency - Add currency to all search tabs
CLONE - Receipt - Multi Currency changes - Process Receipt to voucher should copy forex from IR
Multi Currency changes - Add Rate type, Rate, Currency fields to the Detail of the Purchase Order Transaction
Multi Currency changes - Add Payables to voucher should Copy forex, Forex Rate Type


Missing Details message while Import Origin Invoices
HDTN-149659 - AG-40 Pay out Credit Balance
Implement Tax Exemptions for Card Fueling Setup
Implement Starting Numbers: ‘Use Location’
CAB - Price level import/ price cost changes
HDTN-179143 - Convert AR/PO/SO/Inventory - Invoice Import failed because of missing terms code
Company Location Cleanup - Remove "Unused" GL Accounts
CLONE - Invoice - Include Item type 'Comment'
VFD - Warning Message when selling VFD Drug
Add location in invoice grid to help with daily reconciliation
Can delete default letter template
Sales Invoice > Need to Track Driver a Truck
Rename the “Recap” tab to “Post Preview” which better describes what it does
Add a button to launch the Receive payments screen from the Receive payment details screen
Add default payment method to Receive payments from the entity
Add GL Recap tab
Statement > Exclude CF Trans Source Type
Receive Payments > Exclude CF Trans source type
Dunning Letters > Exclude CF Trans Source Type
Calculate Service Charges > Exclude CF Trans Source Type
Sales Analysis Report Grid > Add Source Type Column
Add Post History Tab
Custom Statement for Versailles Feed Mills
Finish full Licensing Model
Add Fields to SO Grid
SI - Multi Currency changes - Add Rate Type and Rate fields
Receive Payment - Multi Currency changes - Add Rate Type and Rate fields
Suggest to use "Update" instead of "Delete" then "Insert" script on default letter format.
Multi Currency changes - Invoice - DB View for Revalue screen
HDTN-179143 - Convert AR/PO/SO/Inventory - Sales Invoice history failed because Salesperson missing
HDTN-179143 - Convert AR/PO/SO/Inventory - Foreign key error during import invoice Null Terms
AR conversion Project - Add results list when importing invoices and customer does not exist in i21
SI - Multi Currency changes - Convert transaction amounts to function currency for GL posting
Receive Payment - Multi Currency changes - Convert transaction amounts to function currency for GL postingReceive Payment - Multi Currency changes - Realize currency gain/loss
Receive Payment Details - Multi Currency changes - Convert transaction amounts to functional currency for GL posting
Receive Payment Details Multi Currency changes - Realize currency gain/lossMulti Currency - Invoice should default the price for the customer location and currency
Multi Currency - Invoice should consider the price for the item location and currency in price hierarchy
Multi Currency - Add currency to search tabs
Fill up the foreign columns in Recap tab for multicurrency transactions
add in un-distribute function to scaleAdd a Scale Entry tab to the Scale Ticket screen for rapid entry
Column arrangement in Inbound and Outbound Loads tab in Ticket Search screen
Discount Print on Half Sheet Scale Tickets
SC - Implement ToAggregateAsync version
Delete the Override Default Discount Schedule and Default Discount Location controls in Scale Station settings screen



titleCard Fueling
Tax is calculated using default setup when there is no site tax group setup during posting
titleCash Management
Bank Accounts - Cannot search bank account by bank account no, routing no
Banks - Cannot search bank account by routing no
Bank Account Register - Incorrect module displayed under system column
Bank Transfer - If reconciled, do not allow changes
Bank Account Register Not Loading-Performance Related
17.1 Dev build Failed
titleContract Management
Error building 17.1 ssdt project
Contract Print - Basis Price not printing on printed form consistantly
Contract item field displaying contract items from discontinued status: -
Contract sequence grid - Futures Market information not showing
Processing Contract to IR - Incorrect Gross and Net Values were passed to IR
Need Plan Report Issue
if the PO Create feed fails then any subsequent changes in the contract should go to SAP as Added only instead of Modified
Future month is not defaulting when market is selected
Contract Sequence - Inventory Item UOM is wrong: -
Approval process - Approver not able to approve contract
Hyperlink to campaign does not reference the appropriate opportunity
Handle date format with NULL values on export
Dashboard Panel does not load
titleEnergy Trac
Invoice number not using energy trac starting number prefix (Energy Trac Integration)
Export Filters have duplicate entries on screen and in export file.
titleEntity Management
Entity Screen doesn't work well with view only access
Customer prepayment hyperlink from entity screen is not working
Time Zone should not be mandatory
License doesn't have attachment
Phone number is not displaying on employee grid
warning message popping up twice when creating new employee using Template
Succeeding scripts is not applying in the script project
While switching tabs in Search Screen after first time, grid is not refreshing
Issues while approving the contract
Filters is not working
Home Screen - Does not Refresh window from minimized state
Lost focus when data selected from Grid > Dropdown
Search Screen - When adding filters from Web API, group by column and totals for other numbercolumns which are not defined in Web API are hidden
Custom Tab - Values for additional custom fields added are not saving in the database
When you create an email for a contract you are not able to view the attached pdf
CLONE - Handle date format with NULL values on export
Grid with horizontal scrollbar, columns will misalign with editors.
Relationship error message coming while saving contract
Approval process not working in contract screen
Combobox - value does not clear upon removing selection
General Journal - console error clicking on number field on a dummy row
General Journal - Unable to Export PDF
Grid is doing lazy load even if it is already loaded, this is happening on new records
Quantity Field - display is a whole number and not what the user entered
Submit for approval message is not showing.
Screen lock - Screen is being locked while doing certain operations.
Item Search - In the item grid when you try to filter the grid by commodity or manufacturer not blank, it doesn’t filter out the blank lines.
onceApproved is null and not triggering Amendment
User is blank for certain transaction.
Approval related issue
Reports wont generate on 17.1
titleGeneral Ledger
GL account hyperlink not working
When Trying to Open More than One Account in GL Account Detail, It Only Opens One Account
Error using Cross Reference to Import
Import cross reference
Performance imporvement pull category and group from the account search
Upon Tabbing out of the general ledger account search the application should select an account
Posting reversal GJ with foreign currency
17.1RC Publish Error
Account Group is being set to null when the import from Subledger is invoked.
Posting history not properly grouped
Show discount schedule similar to ticket instead of showing intDiscountSchduleId in Storage
Discount Grades having blank Location should not update any Location.
No help screens for Discount Codes
titleHelp Desk
Unable to add/create Jira tickets when using HTTPS protocol
Responses in Helpdesk Tickets are Saved As Garbage Text
Error while requesting getcrmkeywords
InstallFunction.exe is not marked for install
Migration SPs for Inventory Receipt were missing/not included in the Integration Project
Process - Status screen grid should have additional columns like contract/shipment number and actual message exchanged
Inbound Shipment feed from i21 to LSP - Missing Actual Ship Departure Date
Integration feed to LSPs - We should only send feed to LSPs associated with the Warehouse Vendor Ids
Inbound shipment delivery feed to SAP is missing volume tag for Tea
Stock feed - Quality inspection stock (INSME) and Blocked stock (SPEME) are not getting added to our stock total
Inbound delivery feed to LSPs - Forwarding agent segment is having vendor information
Print variance report is not excluding the matched quantity and variance is not displayed
Application is allowing to delete the posted Inventory count batch
Variance calculation is not proper in Inventory Count
Application should not allow to delete the Locked Inventory Count
Failed build 17.1.1228.23
Getting the error "Failed to process the lot number for PALLETCAP. It may have been used on a different sub-location or storage location" while staging a packing material
Order type - Purchase contract and source type "inbound delivery- Lot number is getting disabled
Purchase return - the price is incorrect
Improper field focus on opening inventory receipt screen
Inventory receipt - Replicating the lots is not copying the 'Stated Total Net' column contents
Grid, column names and the values dont match after hitting save
IR - Was able to create multiple duplicate vouchers and payments for one IR
CLONE - GL Account Field on Inventory CATEGORY Setup - Also the Field Does not Have an Account Format Mask
uspCTReceived sp is not called at the time of posting.
Transfer - In Transit Inbound does not show in Stock Status for Scale Transfer
Inventory return does not retain contract number from inventory screen
uspICAddItemReceipt - Validation issue for Cost UOM Id and Gross/Net UOM Id
uspICAdjustStockFromSAP Execution Error - The Adjust By Quantity is required
glrecaptab fires beforeshow infinitely.
Contract Items are not loading in Item->Setup->Contract Items Grid
Receipt - Transaction Currency is cleared on changing Vendor. Open POs and PCs does not show up
BOL does not show correct Ship From location
After doing a purchase return for one container, when user clicks on return on IR screen again, the returned container should not be listed in the inventory return screen
HDTN-194644 - Error 80002 severity 11 state 1
Inventory Receipt Console Error Upon Selecting an Item
Adjustment - UOM goes blank after selecting Sub Location
Implement In-Transit Costing on Stock Rebuild
Weight claim screen - Pending claims tab- franchise is not presented correctly
Weight claim- wrong data in voucher
Weight claim issues
Price and currency inconsistent
Shipping Instruction Feed Issue
Inbound shipment feed to LSP - staging table should have the warehouse vendor id
Load/ shipment schedule screen -Container type and number of container should populate from the sequence
Load Shipment - If Container No does not exist, Integration Request should not be allowed to make: -
Inbound delivery shipment feed - deleted containers are not getting recorded in the staging table
17.12.0223.242 Failed Deployment in QC Server RC 17.1
Inbound delivery shipment feed - sub location (L Plant) is not getting defaulted based on contract sequence
Yield view - Error message is displayed when trying to view yield for a work order
Process production - Required qty for packaging materials should always be a whole number, i.e., should be rounded off to the next higher number.
Yield view - Show quantity values up to 4 decimal places
Shift Activity - Error message displayed though From and To Date is valid.
FG Production - No data is loading in the screen
FG Production - Error message displayed when creating pallet
Release to Warehouse - Error message displayed in the console when releasing the pallet
Release to Warehouse - Thought the 'Print pallet slip' is checked, label is not displayed on releasing the pallet
FG Production - Data entered in 'Sch. comment' field is not being saved
Work Order - Invalid error message displayed while closing the work order
PP Produce - Validation message correction
Incorrect Line name is displayed in the validation message
WO editor - Incorrect qty is displayed in the Qty produced field.
WO Yield - WIP items is displayed in the Input section in the yield view screen
WO Consumption - When different UOM lot is consumed, when trying to reverse, error message is displayed
Transaction view - If an item is consumed by location, then the item is not displayed in the transaction view
Error message displayed while reversing consumption
WO Editor - Unable to close the work order after undoing the status from "Started" to "Released"
Incorrect value displayed in Weight per unit field when opening the PP produce screen.
Pallet Id is not starting with Category code
After moving partial qty of bond released lot becomes bond status
Actual yield is not correct for raw sugar sweeps
PP consume - Show qty upto 4 decimal places in process production consume and produce screen
WO management - Display Parent Lot ID and Special pallet ID as one of the columns in production tab
Shipping instruction is not showing in the pick list report
System shows incorrect weight in the inventory shipment staging screen
Bonded lot should not be listed under the lot selection in the consume screen
System is not allowing to consume rework item, it shows enough qty is not available
Incorrect yield percentage in the yield view
PP Produce - iGPS pallet field should be mandatory on below scenarios
Receive Life - Make item combo as optional
Work Order - Production Details Tab: Release All Button is missing
Placard Report: Adjust Size & Provide button to launch
Packing material is not moving to common staging area
System has to generate the task for full pallet qty for raw material staging instead of required qty
System is not picking the full Qty in the work order staging
Negative stock error while cycle count adjustment
System is not picking the correct iGPS pallet during the consumption
PP - Produce: No. of units should fill by default for all the items
System should not display wholesome image for all the report
System shows an error if line sample is not taking every 60 min
System should not allow to start a run if line sample fails
RMUsageByLot - Records should be grouped by LotID
Demand qty is not correct in the item plan report
WO Editor - Packaging item should be rounded off in the requied qty in recipe tab
Pallet label - Qty displayed in PP produce screen is different than what is displayed in pallet label
Data is not showing in the lot label for FG Item
Show decimal values upto 6 digits in process production screens
PP Produce - Incorrect production date is displayed
Cycle count - Though the prior work order is in NEW status, error message is displayed while starting the current cycle count
Work Order - Error while posting cycle count entries
Inventory view - Unable to update owner
When changing owner, System shows invalid message
WO - Quality Tab: After selecting a property, Line Chart is not loading
Inventory view - Owner name is not displaying in Lot details screen
iGPS Report issues
Month End reports - Records with incorrect palletids are displayed
Pallet Owner Report issues
iGPS pallet report issues
Production Report
titleMotor Fuel Tax
Script Error on FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_tblTFTaxCriteria_tblTFReportingComponent"
RC's Tax Criteria does not filter transactions correctly
SF-900 RC Preview Data .
Publish error : vyuTFGetTransaction - Invalid column 'ysnDeleted'
MF-360 RC Preview from TR new data was missing.
Console error after selecting a Customer in Issue Stock - Stock Details
Saving not working in Estate/Corporation with Console Error
Change Pay screen name to Equity Payment - Equity Details
Unable to delete Estate/Corporation entry - Estate/Corporation
Remove Fetch button - Process Dividend
Add space on Fiscal Year text - Adjustment Volume
Same refund data can be posted twice - Process Refund (Edge Case)
Fed Witholding % data not present in the Process Refund Screen
Less FWT data disappears after posting - Process Refund
Wrong data in the Fiscal Year Summary Tab - Process Refund
Debit and Credit amounts are not balanced - Process Refund
Unable to create Patronage Vouchers - Process Refund
Unable to Save Estate/Corporation
Unable to Post Issue Stock - Stock Details
Retired stock still displaying as open - Issue Stock
Category and Qty Available field should not be editable - Transfer Instruments (Volume Detail)
Fiscal Year and Category field should not be editable - Adjustment Volume
Patronage voucher can be deleted once voucher has been made (No user work around)
Change the text adjusted to transferred when transferring processed refund
titlePurchasing AP
Open CLearing & Open Clearing Detail reports not matching with AP Clearing account
Weight claim print not working
Footer is not recognized in the voucher prints
Issues with debit note print
Voucher created from Inventory return doesnt retain the contract reference
Knapp Oil Import Voucher Failed - Credit Card Rec records creating Payment records
CLONE - Vouchers Display List Showing Bank Account Encrypted
Error Processing 1099 E-File
CLONE - IR - Was able to create multiple duplicate vouchers and payments for one IR
Error while rebuilding SSDT
Weight claim print - :Landed weights is not computed correctly
Cost loaded in cost tab -contract , not able to process vouchers
When you process a transaction in a foreign currency the recap should reflect the rate in the debit and credit side of the transaction.
When you process a transaction in a foreign currency the GL transaction should reflect the functional currency
Sample Entry - Special character "&" in Sample Notes is throwing error message: -
Work Order value should fill for WIP Sample
Use Framework Date Time field in Sample Screens
Samples are not able to approve against Work Order.
Last Modified Column is not available in Test Result Grid
Pre-Shipment Sample is filling Sample Qty instead of Representing Qty
Use Framework Date Time field in Sample Screens
Result is not calculating when we enter number value in String Property
List Properties are not populating under Success / Failure Conditional Property
Template: Properties are not adding in the same order which is available in Test Screen
If min / max value is not available for numeric property, result should not display
Sample search screen is not showing all the samples
titleReport Manager
Number format was not applied in Footer Fields and percent sign was remove
titleRisk Management
Publish error on i21Database
Profit and Loss Feed - Staging table should have External ERP ID instead of iRely User Id
Single Grid manager filter is not working: -
Derivative Entry - Book and Sub-book removal is not saving: -
Invoice Print does not format number based on user format selected
Select All button selects all records rather than filtered records in Service Charge Invoice
Amount due should recalculate according to discount or interest in Receive Payment Detail
Allow to pass account on creating debit memo
Error on adding payment
Unable to update available discount upon debit memo/invoice creation
Allow to pass account on creating payment for payment method CF Invoice
Unable to process Inventory Shipment to Invoice from Shipment screen
Ability to drill down from invoice screen to CF transaction
Base Import - not using invoice numbers from import (Base Engineering Integration)
Use Warehouse as default location when importing from help desk billable hours
Error in deployment of scripts
Cannot post transaction
Tabbing from Item and Customer Combobox results to a console error
0 Totals for Balance Forward Statement
Apply credit message in invoice posting does not appear on first post click
Credits and prepayments are not showing in the tab to apply to invoice.
Unable to apply partial amount in prepayments and credits tab
Batch Printing > Letter > Show only valid letters to display in Letter combo box
Customer Aging Detail Report Issue
Prepaids not applying correctly to AR balances
Update warning message
Remove Hauler requirement for Transfer Out
Unable to create voucher from Direct Ship
Scale - Freight calculated is not considering UOM
Incorrect discount id pass from scale to storage
Half sheet scale ticket Issues
Cursor refocuses to Comments after entering Test weight
Half Sheet Ticket Print - Grade readings not printing decimals
titleSystem Manager
Error while saving print sign off in Company Locations - Logistics tab
Email screen is not opening properly
User roles, control permissions, click on add button- error message pops up
Error on Module Dropdown of an item setup
Batch post parameter using "select all" or when all record is selected
Load / Shipment Schedules is missing in Portal Menu.
Unable to send an email without username and password credentials.
titleTank Management
Site > Attach Device - Company Owned shows different customer.
Consumption Sites> Call Entry will not print