Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titleCard Fueling
CF Invoice > Page formatting condense printing
titleContract Management
Contract History - Add Balance column
Bill Storage - There is no search screen to view Posted Bill Storage
[Settle Storage] - Add Entity No, to the Entity dropdown.
titleRisk Management
Position Report Fixes - Crush Label Change
Crush Detail - from Net Futures Position to Net Futures Position Net Hedge
Re-label Net Futures Position
Position by should default to Delivery Month
titleSales AR
HDTN-220706 - Add Description to Service Charge Lines
Invoices: Missing Location, where invoices are generated
Delivery Sheet Optimization
titleSystem Manager
FSA Requirments - Cash Requirements Summary Menu



titleCard Fueling
Import Trans > Vehicle Errors triggering excessively
Remote Sales tax wont calculate.


titleContract Management
Visibility to Basis Shipments
[Contract Print] - Remove extra commas from Grain contract print.
[Price Contract] - Create a configuration that will set the Price to the Contract Price on the invoice.


titleEnergy Trac Interface
CLONE - Driver ID not importing from Energy Trac 18.3


titleGL / Cash Management
[Check Pay To] - Multiple Lien Holder's do not fit on single line


FSA Requirments - Accrued Storage Report
[Settle Storage] - Allow application to a Cash contract


Stock Movement report require filters to show opening balance
Item - Enable Commodity field for Non Inventory and Service types
Inventory Receipt SP > Add Unit Retail
Item - Does not allow to change commodity for other charge types


titleMotor Fuel Tax
OR - Adjust 3 Gas Report Sch 5 RCs


titleRisk Management
Position Report - New Menu Report Item (Daily Position Report)
[Position Detail] - Link Issue within In-House Drilldown
[Position Detail] - Contract Number Column Doesn't Contain Any Data In Drilldown


titleSales AR
[Invoice] - Create a configuration that will set the Price to the Contract Price on the invoice.
POS - Prevent checkout if the transaction has both Return and Sale
Remote Sales tax wont calculate. - Clone


Position Detail - Warehouse Receipt is displaying incorrectly if the Delivery sheet is splitted and assigned to the same entity
[Manual Tickets] - Create a configuration that will set the Price to the Contract Price on the invoice.
Add split description in delivery sheet report
Scale windows service - minimize API calls


Handheld Scanner > Import Receipts/Counts Cleanup
Checkout > Invalid UPCs
Checkout > Import from Passport Cleanup


titleSystem Manager
[User] - Add User is Store Manager and/or Administrator User




titleCard Fueling
Card Fueling Reports > Summary By Site > Parameters entered > parameters not showing on report
CF> Site Summary Report
CF Invoice > Update AR Fees has wrong GL Account
CF > Invoice > Enter Parameters > Run > Invoice Detail shows No Data to Display
Missing Tax Amount on Imported Remote Transaction
CLONE - CF > Invoice > Enter Parameters > Run > Invoice Detail shows No Data to Display
Invoice > No invoice found doesn't show up.
Batch Recalculate > Doesn't update total tax in search grid


titleContract Management
Pricings are not displayed in the order they are entered
Contract- VEssel tab- Loading and destination port is not saving and printing in contract print some times


titleEnergy Trac Interface
[Import] - Cannot Import BH/BD Files in i21


title Entity Management
Vendor - Error loading customer record


titleGL / Cash Management
Chart Desc from segments not being used with Regenerate Names button
Bank Deposit - Undeposited Fund - Select all stucked
[Check Register] - Print
[Bank] Wrong error message upon saving duplicate Routing Number


FSA -Storage Report by Discount Factor
Conversion/Import - Ticket Management> Import Storage Records. Error Importing.
[Settlement Report] - Discounts are showing half and additional voucher lines are not reflected on the settlement summary.
[Settle Storage] - floating search screens are not loading
Voucher > created from Settle - incorrect entries for Tax and Cost Adjustment
Settle Storage - incorrect Unposting entries
[Maintain Storage] -Running Units in Customer Storage History panel is incorrect
Do not send the cost of receipt charge(VoucherDetailReceiptCharge)
FSA Contract Balance
Storage History pulls the wrong IR number


While sending contract create feed, feed status got updated for both created and modified records
Audit Log - Console Error on on loading the Tab
Process should send a mail for the feed which has sent from i21 and not received the acknowledgement


[Import Recipe from Origin] -- Button dimmed out
Conversion - IC -> Ag- > Opening Balance - Opening balance not imported.
Receipt - Charges not calculating for amount type
Conversion - IC -> Ag- > Opening Balance - Negative Stock Error
Inventory - Duplicate entries in IT table after data fix
Conversion - IC -> Ag LOB - > Import items. UPC code not being imported.
Inventory not balanced
Inventory Adjustments posted wrong
No details for Grits
Inventory Transfer Showing wrong available stock when storage units are not used - Clone
HDTN-221118 - Importing Inv counts did not assign a record number
[Sales Invoice] - Missing Costing Method
[Items] Unable to select Item Type


Wrong default quantity on generate load screen
Error Posting Shipment - Clone
Invoice won't save or post


Trying to un-start this WO and getting an error
Fix data for MFG - Cost adjustments to all rebuild from screen
Pallet cost is not updating properly after posting production cycle count


titleMotor Fuel Tax
Ensure the TR SPs fetch values from the right places
Unable to generate IL E File
[uspTFGetTransporterBulkInvoiceTax] Schedule 5 - Gasoline (to Own Bulk Plant) Location - Location Transaction doesn't show in Preview
OR Schedule 3 Gasoline is not showing record


titlePurchasing AP
stub check blank appears to have been changed by upgrade.
HDTN-220360 - Voucher for miraj Taj food
[Voucher] - Unable to select Tax Group
18.3 - [Origin Voucher] - Does not post units to GL
HDTN-220888 - AP Posting Error
HDTN-220972 - Cannot Post Vouchers
HDTN-221223 - System Down - Cannot create multiple Vouchers for Vendor
[Pay Vouchers] - Cannot create deposit
Fix starting number issue and constraint error upon posting in Pay Voucher
Voucher incorrect Tax
Error on SQL Script building 18.3RC
[Voucher] - Cannot create or open voucher (with console error)
[Pay Voucher Details] - Transaction is not loaded on grid
[Voucher] - Cannot save voucher
[Voucher] - Cannot partially post voucher (from IR)
[Voucher CheckOff] - County column is missing
Voucher entry - Can not add miscellaneous payables
[Pay Voucher Details] - Transaction not displayed if Yes is selected in "set to 0 the override discount" message


Test results wrong on COA


titleRisk Management
Mark to Market - Net PnL Calculation is going wrong
Mark to Market- Partially price contract Contract futures calculation is wrong. hence the Net pnl also showing wrong
Unable to get basis entry when passing location id
Sales in Transit is not correct
Starting number is resetting
DPI not loading data
Position Report - Error printing Position Report
Futures 360 - calculation errors
Position Report - In house is incorrect
DPI - Total In house does not match with DPR's In House
Risk Position Inquiry = Mandatory fields are not showing with * mark
[Position Detail] - Inventory Section Not Displaying
[DPR]Console error appears when opening DPR with a new commodity
[Position Report/Daily Position Report] Transactions are missing in Inventory Details in RC
[Coverage Inquiry] Visualization not working
[Coverage\Risk Inquiry] Commodities are not loading
[Future 360] Effective date doesn't take effect for the calculation of the initial margin
[DPI] Drill down to Invoice opens Inventory Shipment and leads to "Record No longer exist" - Direct Sales Invoice


titleSales AR
Receive Payment: Efficiency Changes
Invoice Selection Error
Unable to invoice Maintenance only type Software invoice
Customer Statement: Not calculating running balance correctly
CLONE - CF Invoice > Update AR Fees has wrong GL Account
POS - (Related to tax) generated invoices with amount due
POS: Return processed on the sale transaction calculated Tax incorrect
POS: customer set up with Special price not working
Bank Deposit: Customer Refund is showing in undeposted funds
CLONE - Missing Tax Amount on Imported Remote Transaction
Invoice Search screen Mail Sent column is not functioning
Receive Payment: unpost button disabled
RCV - Getting unrounded Payment which causes errors in posting
RCV - Unposting does not update the screen status
Character limitations
Receive Payment: Process payment is not calculating correctly
Receive Payment: Violation of UNIQUTE KEY constraint when generating ACH
Invoice- Unit cost currency is showing wrong in the Invoice details report.
Debit Memo - Cannot Post. Out of Balance
POS: Unable to process transaction with negative quantity
uspARPostPayment returning 0 posted result but successful.
Invoice: Tax of the generated Invoice from SO got doubled.
Make Payments - Unable to process partial credit card payment
[POS-Search] Unable to load old transaction details in the screen
[Scale-Distribute] Multiple line item is displayed on the generated invoice upon distribution of ticket with overage
Customer: Failed toLoad Resources


Delivery Sheet - Cannot open Delivery sheet grade
Ticket - Cannot distribute ticket
Split detail is missing and allowed to distribute the ticket
Scale Ticket - Unable to distribute Sale Basis Contract


Promotion Item List > Family/Class selections were combined
[Checkout] Unable to post Checkout
[Checkout] Creates Cash type for customer charges for Pump Items
[Checkout] Close the loading screen if the sales tax is empty
[Checkout] Error message is unclear in posting
[Register] Add the Pricebook mix match for passport
[Checkout] Error in saving automatic checkout
[Checkout] XML for pump total =0 but QTY shows 1
[Checkout] Console error in selecting store


titleTank Management
Consumption Site showing two sites with same number and only one showing in AG billing - CLONE