Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titlei21 Warehouse
HDTN-179793 - Rounding on # of packs for super sacks - Provide option to select UOM in Handheld Lot move screen



titlei21 Inventory
Repost Utility
After running script in WM TE, Inventory qty is updated as 100 instead of 1000
titlei21 Purchasing AP
HDTN-180064 - Please get rid of the 2 unposted VOP Records
Agrowstar Open Payables Not Matching GL


titlei21 Card Fueling
'Loading' notification is continuously displayed in Report Viewer - Invoice
Invoice Transaction Time filter is missing
Customer Invoice > '1/1/0001' is displayed in Report Viewer when Invoice Date is blank
CF Report Viewer does not open; console error is displayed
Blank date on imported CF account displays as 01/01/1900
Add New Cards from Grid > Make them active
Error is displayed when importing Account (csv) containing only required values
Card for Own Use and Expense Item values are not imported
Net Price Calculation issues
MCP Sample 1 - Local Index Retail + Pricing
MCP Sample 4 > Gross Price on Cost + markup not correct
MCP Sample 5 > Ext Remote Price is not working
Capture Import/Recalculate Errors
Transactions > Margin Calculations
Transaction is not included on the report when it does not have vehicle no.
Origin Data Conversion Cleanup
CF Import > Multiple Sites & Site Validations
CF Import > Credit Cards
CF Import > Import Time
Transaction cannot be recalculated
Import Origin Base Setup: 'Successful' is misspelled in message box
Import Origin Base Setup: Count of failed imports is incorrect
Site group associated to Daily Index Prices can be deleted
Incorrect Margin calculation for unposted Local/Network transaction
Unable to recalculate and save a transaction
Pricing rows are not visible when Transaction screen is in default restore size
Advanced filter not working in Transaction search screen - Network column
Transaction screen freezes when an imported remote transaction is recalculated


titlei21 Report Manager
Printing the Inventory Lot lable, system is displayed time out error
From and To are not saving
endCallback is being triggered when next page was clicked
Multiple criteria shows on the criteria at the end of the report.
Error encountered when sending email from invoice screen
Console Error opening GLAccount Detail By Drill down
vyuGLAccountDetailReportParameter is queried after GL report Query
filter condition are not applied in reports
Missing Scroll Bar
Date filter in report viewer is not equal to the parameter.
Close button on report not working
Exporting of report in server side does not work
Invoice email not working
Simplified Report - Filter issue
Need to remove the extra // in the returned path on exporting a Report
titlei21 SalesRisk Management
HDTN-181183 - Incorrect Currency when invoice created from Transports
HDTN-181197 - Invoicing from Inventory Shipment Screen (16.1)
Transport invoice comment defaulting to company location comment
Error when viewing/posting invoice (from TR) with contract
titlei21 Scale
Scale weight won't return to zero
titlei21 Transports
HDTN-180566 Cannot click on Invoice Detail to launch details of Sales Invoice
Currency in uspTRLoadProcessToInvoice was hardcoded to the value of "1"
Must type something in comment field in distribution header for invoice transport comment to print
No Freight/Surcharge line on Invoice from Transport Load
Cannot post distribution detail with contract and freight/surcharge








































































Basis position report- weighted average of total column for forex is showing wrong and order of header captions is not in order
Position Detail - Purchase Priced Month does not update with Refresh
Coverage Report- When we select Risk view as Processor in the company configuration then the future required section is going on top
Customer position detail- purchase gross dollars is showing wrong
Customer position detail - Net Receivables and NR un- Paid Quantity column should display only when we select " Sales " as type. and in-house column should not show when sales type is selected
Customer positions details- Net Receivable and NR-Un Paid qty is showing wrong
Customer position inquiry-purchase basis delivery column is not showing even after creating the inventory receipts against the basis contract
customer position details- when we select by purchase type we need to consider only purchase collateral in total receipted column. now it is considering the sales - purchase qty. for sales only sales collateral
Collateral- While saving collateral after adjustment showing errror
Future options transaction- if there is no last trade entered for a given future month for that also some date is showing
M2M Entry- Filter is not happening in new screen
Review the title in Futures 360
import future option transaction instrument type and commodity is not populating
Brokerage account - Newly adding trader names are not showing
titlei21 Sales
Email Template: Customer list includes inactive customer
No Integration: import origin invoice menu is displayed
Remove total from Margin % on Sales Analysis, Add total margin %
Revision on the displayed message when sending of email failed
Company Preference to Company Configuration
Invoice- After generating invoice from the inventory shipment the contract number is not showing in the invoice and when we check the inventory shipment again we can see that the contract number changed with "POnumber"
HDTN-176323 - Unable to Post Sales Invoice
Incorrect Committed stock
Incorrect Shipped when IS/Invoice used different UOM
HDTN-178038 - Price is changing when modifying the invoice date in Sales Invoice
Sales Margin Percentage should be calculated using Sales Total and not Cost total
Batch Printing Print Criteria
Invoice: Filter out Recipe with lotted ingredient
Batch Printing: Detail tab not properly filtered by ''Exclude Email' option
Sales Order report: Record number stayed the same when moving thru report
Incorrect Net Weight
Invoice Issue regarding Price and Total: -
Loading Batch Printing Detail tab
Statement report is not printing the logo
Ordered qty updated when shipped qty is changed
Aging bucket amount between aging and statement report did not match
Invoice is automatically becomes edited even no modification occurs.
Sales Analysis
Adding Quote from CRM > Opprtunity screen for the 2nd time throws console error.
Recurring Transaction setup with Accrual - Accrual not carried over when transaction is processed
Selecting Item No on grid on Sales Order screen throws console error
The @NewInvoiceNumber output parameter of uspARDuplicateInvoice is no returning a value.
Hide tax details when tax total is 0
Remove duplicate confirmation message
Accrual Invoice with Tax not creating Recap and won't post
Items are displayed 2x on Pick Ticket report
Remove Full Screen and Insert Video button
Invoice Accrual GL's not correct
Contract No, Contract Sequence and Item No not properly filtered
Focused field when opening Quote Page screen
Issues when opening existing or new Quote Page
Remove DUP on comment
Internal Server Error When Sending Invoices via Email
Each template section is printing extra empty page
Incorrect Shipped qty during over shipment
texts are displayed vertically
Statement per customer not displayed on separate page
SO - Add button on Recipe window is not working.
Prepayment and Overpayment have interest and discount
Due Date is not computed/populated after selecting a customer
0 License and Maintenance Amount after assigning a Maintenance Type
Emailed report did not have a logo
Incorrect line Total computation
Sub Currency not working when invoice is from inventory shipment
Sales Invoices is showing taxes that are not part of the Item > Category > Tax Classes
HDTN-179491 - Gray out/Disable the Location and Ship to fields in Sales Invoice
0 line total after entering the discount
Invoice Type not updated when software is entered on the grid
Receive Payments discount Amount not computed when Date Paid is manually typed
Shipment -> HDTN-179769 - Sales Orders showing negative quantities shipped
HDTN-179893 - Sales Analysis is not showing proper cost
Rename Discount to Discount %
No Validation on Batch Printing when Transaction Date From > To date
Credit Memo report: Description layout is off
error Upgrading db from 15.4 to 16.2 - Procedure uspSOUpdateOrderShipmentStatus
PO not carried to Invoice
Committed stock of bundle components not updated
Blank Order UOM of Surcharge item
Disabled buttons on SO/Quote
Incorrect Ordered/Shipped qty when SO is processed to IS/Invoice
Invoice email not working
Invoice of unposted TR is editable and displayed on batch posting screen
Add expiration date on quote
Failed deployment of 16.1.0427.282 on New QC - i21Server
Error while deploying 16.2.0428.85 build in new QC server
customer with no payment activity and open invoice still included on report
Unable to distribute scale ticket due to uspSMGetItemTaxes error in uspICAddItemReceipt
Balance due did not tally with the aging total
Tax not computed when customer has no Partial tax exemption setup
Commission Plan, Commission Schedule, Batch Printing menu not loading records
Rename Provisional Invoice to Provisional
Expiration field editable on Won/Expired/Lost quote
Recurring is not checked when template is duplicated
Quoting numbering and subtotal
Comment of recurred SO/Invoice is appended with DUP:
Prepayment is showing its own CPP record on the report detail
Partial tax is not updated when qty is changed
HDTN-180416 - Ordered column is wrapping when invoice prints
Quote's Ship To not auto-populated when selecting customer
Base the expiration of Quote on Expiration field
Report detail not using the standard font/size
Partial tax not used when SO is processed to Invoice
Payment Receipt report showing unpaid invoices
Missing details on Payment Receipt report
Source and Type columns on Invoice search grid
Edit payment receipt message
Address field on Payment Receipt report is showing Ship To instead of Bill to address
Multi-select fields not showing all selected/saved value
Duplicate fields and incorrect default
Calculation Percentage/Amount not saved
Issues on duplicate commission plan
Duplicate progress bar when duplicating a commission schedule with missing required detail
Can delete commission plan used on commission schedule
Add 'Move Up' / 'Move Down' buttons on grid area
Issues when Commission Schedule Type = Individual
Commission Plan: Issues on GL Account field
Commission Schedule: Entity not duplicated
Payment Receipt report: Layout issues when report is more than 1 page
Cash did not update Committed when record is saved
No combobox button on SO/Quote Comments field
Blank Entered By when payment record is not yet posted
Cash/Cash Refund not displayed on Add Undeposited Payments screen
Error when printing Customer Statement report
Commission Plan | GL Account field filter
'Recalculate tax' message when opening a new invoice screen
Error printing Cash/Cash Refund/ and Debit Memo
Duplicate button disabled on Cash/Cash Refund
Update uspARProcessInvoices to include Load/Shipment
End date less than the Start date is allowed
Cannot add new Status Code when origin integration is enabled
Cannot open a commission plan record
Error on Invoice button of IS screen
SO with contract not deleted
SO stuck on saving the record after Unship
Decimal discrepancy on line total during duplicate
Items are not properly grouped by category
Batch Printing screen not showing records for email
Hide Contract Balance column but make it available on column options
Cutoff field label
Issues on Product Type organization on quote report
Column header not displayed on the succeeding pages of the quote report
Error message on Calculate Commission when Commission Schedule is left blank
Filter out recurring from activity
No summary commission report
Blank/blue invoice screen
Invoice always asking to save changes on close
Layout issue with BOL and Contract
Disable Quote checkbox button once record is already saved
Quote report not following the arrangement of the item on quote
Cannot post prepayment and overpayment
0 total, tax, subtotal on invoice
titlei21 Scale
Scale - {0} Ticket already exist! error message. Apply to Open Storage function missing.
Scale - Ticket Distribution
save by another user error pop up
UOM conversion not following standard
Unable to print Scale report if Type selected is Transport Out
No validation/checking on Item field once the Location has changed
manual distribution is not bringing in units correctly, stops process
User Portal is showing all Scale Tickets instead of being filtered to the Entity that is Signed in
Scale - Prevent Bin selection if associated with Sub Location until Sub Location is selected.
Phone number field accepts non-numeric char
Load Schedule Costs does not load in Scale Ticket
Delete button exists in Manual Distribution Ticket screen
scale ticket number updating on sales (purchase issues as well) load but no other information
Not able to distribute Load Out for a Spot Sale option.
direct loads do not work...
If Distribution = storage then on the receipt it should not be type "own" it should be type on store
scale ticket prints should not be a hard coded label, they should be based on the settings for uom
Newly created record does not stay in the screen after saving
Unable to check/uncheck the Allow PO Selection to Start Tickets checkbox control
Void button is disabled on created Scale Ticket that is not yet processed
swapping type pop up weights message
Associated Contract does not clear in Scale Ticket if Split is selected
Split distribution does not work on Spot Sale
DP is not on store but is on hand even though it creates a storage record.
Object Reference error displayed when distributing Direct In without selecting Load Schedule
Unable to put the cursor onto the Filter Record field
Unit Entry in Storage is wrong when distributing ticket
Error when distributing spot sale
Filtering Status in Scale Search screen is not working
Scale - Not distributing in QC
Contract for DP is not displaying from Contract Selection screen
Mismatch Storage Schedule
Contract Available Units is not updating when Voiding the Scale Ticket
Internal Server error when Gross weight is greater than Contract Available Units
Misaligned fields in Scale Ticket report
Console error when loading an existing Scale Ticket without Item selected
Greenbush requirement - IR/IS need cost uom passed from contract when creating from scale
Created Inventory Shipment from Scale is not automatically posted
split grid not loading data correctly on selection of split id
Contract Available Qty is updating even if it's not selected in Scale Ticket
Unable to distribute Offsite Scale Ticket after editing the Storage Type Name
Cannot add Header and Footer Text in 2nd row of Ticket Format
Phase Out Items without stocks are still displaying in Scale Ticket > Items field
Console error message when clicked on Ticket Format grid row
Scale weight won't return to zero
Inbound Load Schedule is not displaying in Load Schedule Selection lists
Blank Scale Ticket screen continuously pops up in new created db
Unable to distribute Scale Ticket with Freight where Item has no Each UOM
scale is doing ask if save again directly after distribute when nothing has been done
Freight Settlement field is blank after not Distributing the Ticket
No alert displayed for Overdue Scale Ticket when there is no Location Name selected
Overdue Scale Ticket does not load when clicked the notification link
No Inventory Receipt cost line displayed if there is no selected Hauler from Scale Ticket
Auto-populate fields for Transfer In tickets
Match Ticket Issue for Transfer In and Out
Contract Freight Cost is populated in the selected Load Schedule that has no Cost
grn-395 found framework issue with entry validation - update scale discounts table
Unable to print scale Ticket due to error message 'tblQMTicketDiscount'
The selected zip Code does not filled in the City, State and Country
Filter Grid is not working in Scale Station Setting Printing Tab
Fees field in Scale is enabled though the Default Fees Item field is blank in Scale Station Settings
Contract Sequence in Scale Ticket displays with separator
Scale discounts grid not functioning as it is required to work
Toolbar buttons are disabled
Unable to distribute Ticket with Lot Item
Not able to create a new Scale Station
Incorrect Inventory Receipt Type displayed for the Split Distribution
titlei21 Store
Checkout Issues
Failed build 16.2.0509.110
Store (setup) should not be allowed to save without the Location.
Add title in Store screen for the record no.
titlei21 Tank Management
Devices functional issues
Can't Filter in CS Tabs
Cancel Clock Reading Still Displays the Value on the Grid
Invoice Date Search For Future Date
Set Billing By as the default focus when screen is opened
End date less than the Start date is allowed
Event History Device Description is Removed
Incorrect Message When Value Already Exists
Auto New Screen When Search Has No Records
Incorrect Price and Total Values in Original Order Details
Special Price is Not Displaying Correctly
Budget Calculation Site Number Value
Close Print Budget Screen
Error When Opening Consumption Site in DB with Origin
Modify TaxCode field Digital Dispatch exported file to 8 characters
Modify TM Webconfig for RPT-935
Unable to Open Record in Search Customer Screen
HDTN-179515 - Printing Orders is taking a 1 minute to print one ticket
Error in console ( 52)
HDTN-179588 - Taking long for searches and saving
Error in updating customer database using Dacpac
HDTN-179770 - Tank Management Add New Work Order Tab are cutting off fields at the bottom of the screen
Error in vyuTMConsumptionSiteSearch During 16.1 Dev Upgrade
Time is Not Included in Generated Date
Serial Number Not Displaying in Lease Agreement Report
Error Upgrading DB with Origin Integration from 15.4, 16.1 to 16.2 - Procedure uspTMGetBudgetCalculationSite
Unable to Save New Degree Day Clock
Bulk Plant Location Name Not Displaying in Devices Search
Copy Customer Address and Map Link Button is Not Working
Julian Calendar Not Opening the Specific Calendar
Link Contract is Not Displaying in Contract Screen
Equipment Usage Analysis Issues
Least Cost Routing is Not Opening From Consumption Site
Customer Owned Devices Can be Linked on Lease
Least Cost Routing Button is Missing in Search Consumption Site
Generate Orders Screen Improvement Issues
Customers are Not Displaying in Search Customer screen
Search Events Screen Displays Top 100
Unable to Associate a Site
Error When Transferring Device Back to its Bulk Plant Location
Contracts With 0 Balance Displays When Creating Call Entry
Leases and Device Not Attached to Site is Filtered in Equipment Usage Analysis
Incorrect Sum in Sales and Profit Margin
Sales Date Range Displays All Records Regardless of Transaction Date
Date Fields is Not Filtering Dates
No Details is Being Loaded in Company Pref > Tank Management
Origin Order Details Total Displays 0 Amount
TM Search Screen is Not Filtering Values
titlei21 Test Framework
selectSearchRowByFilter is not working on multi-tab
checkMessageBox failing when there is no open window
CLONE - Process Not Catered in Select Search Row By Filter v16.1
checkGridData Data Type for Date
checkGridData failed on numeric field
checkControlData failing on moneynumber/numeric field
enterDummyRowData is just adding the numerical value on default value set on the field
EnterGridData not working on date field
checkData failed on xtype = uxtagfield
.selectSearchRowByFilter is selecting the top record instead of the record with exact subject
selectSearchRowByIndex is not working on multi-tab
.clickEllipsisButton is not working on multitab
clickButton is not working on multi-tab
selectComboRowByIndex and selectComboRowByIndex are not working on integrated search
Update filterGrid to work on multi-tab
Update other methods that might not work on multi-tab
enterData is not working on integrated search
titlei21 Transports
Jobber Rack Price is not calculating from the equation
Quote > When clicking new it loads Quote Screen twice
No list of Items is shown on the dropdown list of Rack Price
Collation issue
TR - Do not post if actual cost id is required. Showing up as wrong inventory value
Equation in Rack price is not auto-populating even equation exist on set-up
Confirm and Void button on Generate Tab
Items in Quotes is not taking the rack price.
HDTN-180566 Cannot click on Invoice Detail to launch details of Sales Invoice
HDTN-180579 Transport Load Search Grid > Total Freight is incorrect
HDTN-180567 Transport Load > Import Transaction from Logistics long delays
Entity screen is not launching
Cannot post Transport Load
HDTN-181360 - Freight Rate for loads delivered to APX Storage not pulling in
Transport Posting error - Invalid Object Name 'tblEntityLocation':
Transports building error in 16.2 RC
titlei21 Warehouse
Print button check box is not working in Handheld application
Collation issue
Scanner is not asking to scan the location when lot is available in multiple places
Invalid error while trying to release a pallet
Session is getting expired after some time
HDTN-181390 - Handheld accepting any item







