Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

New Feature

titlei21 Cash Contract Management
Settlement sheet
Adjustments to settlements



Posting Transfer Order Receipts


Provide a SP to reject container from quality sample screen (training)
titlePurchasing AP
Improve importing performance
Change on how to pay vouchers via 'Pay Vouchers' and 'Pay Vouchers Detail' 
Add Recur button on PO screen 
HDTN-183190 - purchase order entry in i21 
Tax was not added to the AP Clearing account 


Time Approval - Supervisor should only see employees who have them setup as supervisor
No SS or Med Tax checked in preview of Form 941 Report despite with taxes
Time Off details not showing in paycheck
Rate Factor Earning becomes 0.00 when paycheck is posted
0.00 Time Entries confirmation message displayed successful processing
Taxes and Deduction does not autocalc when paycheck is generated from Process Pay Groups screen
Cannot create paycheck from Paycheck screen
object Object error message in creating payables
titlePurchasing AP
Federal Tax ID is shown as Street Address in 1099 report
Voucher - Storage Location not carried over to Voucher
Incorrect amount when payment was created directly from Voucher
Remove Print button on Pay Voucher screen
Cannot Recap AP Transactions in Batch Posting screen
Both Pay and Delete Pay buttons were enable on voucher screen
Issues when creating prepayment for contracts
Incorrect amount for other costs when Unit cost method is used
Cannot make partial payment via Pay Vouchers screen
Prompt message on unposting a committed voucher did not appear
Cannot post payment
Incorrect entries when voucher details were added via Add Payables
HDTN-183422 - Can't void a payment
Incorrect amount shows on Open Payables Detail for Debit Memo when voided.
Issues when creating voucher for difference
Cannot post voucher with other charges details from PO
Creating inventory voucher manually allows same line to be added over and over...
Creating voucher from IR different result than when manually building voucher and selecting ir
Changing PO status from Pending to Open is allowed
Bank Balance field is displaying 0.00 amount after posting payment
Amount Due of prepayment double up after voiding process
Incorrect amount when FX UOM is the same as Net Weight
eCheck payment type Payment info
Recap screen is empty when opened if payment is not yet saved prior to clicking Recap button
HDTN-183914 - BL-200580: Account Id change in the Voucher screen is not saving.
Save layout for grid is missing in cupping view
Sample qty uom is not mandatory field when sample qty is entered
Contract dropdown in Sample entry screen is taking lot of time to load
titleReport Manager
Not all default parameters are being retrieved
Memory Handling
combo list box is not auto-filtered
titleRisk Management
Unable to upgrade new database 16.1 to 16.2 or 16.3 using advance installer
Future options transaction - While creating future entry from the options screen the number is not showing in order.
SO Status did not return to its original value
Missing details on Payment Receipt report
Bank Account field goes blank when posting on Receive Payments screen
Receive Payments: Payment is showing positive amount on double click
SC not calculated when payment was made days after the due date
Manual tax exemption not carried over to Invoice from SO
Incorrect Source when software SO is processed to Invoice
Difficult to enter payments on receive payments and payments detail screen
HDTN-182143 - Remove Forgiven Service Charges from General Ledger closing period requirement
Error while posting invoice When Sales Order Item UOM is different from Sales Contract UOM
Customer Inquiry report/screen: incorrect Last Statement Date and Last Statement Amount
Quote Page of Quote Order is editable
Save message prompts on lost, won, expired quote
Add Contract Number combo column
Missing summation on SO, Invoice, and Receive Payments Detail search grid
SO and Invoice: Contract Number and Sequence not auto-populated
Ordered/Shipped not populated with the contract balance
Ordered by not defaulting
Error when duplicating quote template
Label hyperlink not accessible for processed SO and Quote
Incorrect Due Date on SO and Invoice
SO/Quote: License and Maintenance not updated when selecting Maintenance Type
SO/Invoice: customer name and customer number hyperlinks are not opening correct record
Incorrect Ship To on Invoice (from IS)
Incorrect software Price when Maintenance Type = Maintenance Only or SaaS
Rename Contract Sequence column
Error processing SO to Invoice
Cannot Blend when SO is newly opened
License invoice not posted
Issues when Maintenance Type = License/Maintenance
HDTN-172826 AR Conversion Project - Customer field blank in Invoice screen when customer inactive
HDTN-172826 AR Conversion Project - Customer Invoice not printing taxes in detail
HDTN-172826 - AR Conversion Project - Posting of credit memo has taken 10 minutes and still not complete
Item not properly displayed on Software transaction
SO shipped qty not updated when item has no Stock Unit and Unity Qty
Saving payment with missing required details deletes the record
Import and Post is posting previously imported billables
On Hand stock not updated during invoice posting
On Hand of FG (with recipe) updated during invoice posting
Console error when blending on SO
Error printing customer prepayment
Cost Currency in IR is blank for Freight Other Charges
Existing open Ticket screen was vanished after Saving
Fees does not compute in IR
titleTank Management
Sync Failures Preventing the entire days of records to update
Orders not getting Route number and route sequence.
Error on Unposting Transport load using Sales contract
Sending of Email in Transport Quote stock on 'Sending Email...'
Error when using a purchase contract on Transport Load that has units more than contracted quantity
No details shown on Report Viewer on printing Transport Quote
  • Price Notification not printing the proper current quote price
Editing Invoice Date will freeze the Transport Loads
Failed to Load resources on Transports module
No Receipt and Invoice detail shown on Transport load