Versions Compared


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title Manufacturing
MFG-4449MCP: Not able to post transport load (TR-9739)
MFG-4459HDTN-266913 - Demand planning report is showing wrong list of contracts in Month column drill down
MFG-4461HDTN-267061 - User is not able to create demand summary view for NDKW in Zug
MFG-4480Invalid error in Existing Purchase
MFG-4481HDTN-268504 - demand planning report - existing purchase link is throwing error
MFG-4340Unable to un-post the cycle count adjustment


title Purchasing AP
AP-10182AP Account is out of balance
AP-10097[Summary Log] Incorrect bucket qty and contract balance after deletion of pricing
AP-10122HDTN-268929 - VPRE-719 unrestricted checkbox
AP-10128HDTN-269102 - Ed Staub: Not able to select Bank Account or Vendor on Pay Voucher Details screen
AP-9975HDTN-265722 - Need help with a problem on a combined grain re-settlement for Mary McAllister (see attachment)
AP-9926AP Voucher Entry Error
AP-10021[Voucher] - Allow opening of voucher with missing Ship To
AP-10022CLONE - Issues with VPRE-563
AP-10162 AP balance job failed
AP-9961Screen minimize changing selections when restored
AP-10066HDTN-267620 - Unable to Unpost Voucher
AP-9915Debit an Credit amounts not balanced
AP-9943Unable to unpost Pay Voucher
AP-9931HDTN-265017 - i21 Performance Issues - Purchasing/pay vouchers
AP-9957HDTN-265271 - i21 Performance Issues - Vendor ID not generated on Voucher
AR-14084Incomplete header of quote and invoice
AR-14100Unable to generate and process a recurring invoice
title Report Manager
RPT-1370Outbound Tax Report- Downloading Csv in txt format only.
RPT-1369CLONE - HDTN-267314 - Customer statements not generating


title Sales AR
AR-14216Posted Payment Aging Days Disappears
AR-14281[Jenkins Test] Sales (AR): ZEI_T436 - AR-11910 - [Invoice] - Error on post: Balance cannot be less than zero (UNSTABLE)
AR-14296[Jenkins Test] Sales (AR): ZEI_T345 - AR-11859 - Invoice: 'Balance cannot be more than quantity.' is displaying when posting invoice (FAILURE)
AR-14245Old paid CM still showing in aging
AR-14190HDTN-268716 - Extra NACHA File Payments in Receive Multiple Payment Screen if Filtered
AR-14242Sales Invoice - Item UOM Conversion is not happening correctly
AR-14225Pence Oil: Transactions not displaying on Open Item Statement returning no data to print
AR-14275Zero balance Statements printing blank
AR-14217Tax is disappeared when tab is pressed to move from Tax group field
AR-14244HDTN-269474 - When i21 is unresponsive do not allow posting of same transaction multiple times
AR-14161HDTN-268405 - Finance Charge was not calculated correctly
AR-14182LSM Commodities: Failed upgrade to 20.1.0107.1211
AR-14156[Jenkins Test] Sales (AR): ZEI_T216 - [Multiple Pricing] - Generated invoice has duplicate line items (UNSTABLE)
AR-14164[Jenkins] Sales (AR): MYO_T17 - HDTN-251969 ACH (FAILURE)
AR-14154HDTN-268270 - Invoices not showing up on the inventory valuation report
AR-14129Sales Invoice - Taxable Sale is zero but tax is computed
AR-13803The message 'Customer may exceed credit limit' is constantly displayed for customers with sufficient limit
AR-14098Not able to filter the statement based on the account status code.
AR-14017Customer statement is showing wrong balance forwards
AR-13981 User unable to see invoices in payment screen
AR-13924 When we converted customers from origin to i21 it is showing different name in i21.
AR-13937Tab on item grid within invoice is going to line of business, needs to go across the item row first.
AR-13943Transport Delivery Invoice Format blank
title Scale
SC-4459HDTN-269957 - Grade factors not driving to Canadian Scale Ticket
SC-4445HDTN-269654 - "ysnSent property on 'tblEMEntity" error on Ticket Entry
SC-4376[Jenkins Test] Ticket Management: ZEI_T4 - There's a validation message in Spot price eventhough no units assigned on Spot
SC-4341HDTN-265482 - Show Totals don't Export to PDF and xls
SC-4314HDTN-264342 - Ticket distribution error with prepay
SC-4371HDTN-266628 - MCP sites are down at the grain sites (possibly electron not letting us open a scale ticket)
SC-4359Unable to save record due to reference violation
SC-4355HDTN-266068 - TK# 57877
SC-4321HDTN-264612 - Scale ticket 53509 distribution error message
SC-4367CLONE - HDTN-258780 - Spotting less then a ton
SC-4350HDTN-265769 - Print button after posting Delivery Sheet
SC-4219CLONE - HDTN-262298 - Storage record doubled up for farmer
